Dr Susan Oliver's Employer ACN Has Ties To Moderna
ACN's Boyer lab also tries to scrub evidence
Credit to VaccineMole, who compiled additional research revealing more of Susan Oliver’s conflicts of interest, which we’re documenting here for completeness, along with our own findings.
Susan Oliver works at the Boyer Lab, based at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), under Cyrille Boyer, who is the co-director of the Australian Centre for Nanomedicine (ACN), which can be confirmed in an archived copy as recent as June 2023.
Contradicting frequent lies by sycophantic troll accounts that she is “retired” in an attempt to deflect from financial conflicts of interest (COIs) when she attacks critics of the mRNA shots.
Susan Shills For Vaccines
Curiously, the lab mentions she only works on “fire retardant polymeric materials”, however, looking up Susan Oliver’s ORCID (a sort of ‘author publishing ID’), 0000-0002-3950-5423, we find she’s actually been attacking a paper relating to the mRNA shots (the paper is attempting to expose the harms):
It’s quite recent as well, showing activity between 15th November 2023 to 10th December 2023, further damaging the lies she is “retired”. Their attack response tries to discredit the paper exposing the harms of the shots, some examples:
The paper they’re attacking is attempting to expose vaccine harms, and Susan Oliver and her vaccine shill cohorts are clearly attempting to undermine said paper. Her pro-vaccine bias, then, is on full display here. Definitely not working on “fire retardants”.
You won’t find her association to Boyer lab on the heavily modified current page where her profile is conspiciously absent.
They’ve still attempted to scrub evidence of Susan’s financial conflicts of interests and ties with Boyer lab and ACN, despite her still being registered at the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine (which, remember, Cyrille Boyer is co-director of). Oops!
Boyer Lab Tries To Scrub Grants
Boyer lab also receive financial grants for researching ‘NanoMedicine’ (which implicitly includes LNPs — lipid nanoparticles), relating to everyone’s favourite c-word, cancer.
Again, you have to reference an archived copy from January 2023, as Boyer lab have attempted to scrub evidence of this as well: acn.unsw.edu.au/Grants now just redirects to unsw.edu.au/research/acn, which is a blank, no-grants mentioning page.
UNSW, which host ACN, also accepted financing from the Gates foundation, who are notoriously pro-vaccine.
ACN’s “nanomedicine” research also shares similaries to Moderna’s, in that they’re also targeting cancers. Moderna recently spoke about their mRNA ‘cancer shot’.

The Daily Beagle previously published evidence of the rapid onset cancers after mRNA shots, as well as evidence of the sharp increase in cancer cases post-shot rollout.
Something pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer are making huge bets on making profits with.
ACN, Head Of Boyer Lab, Work On COVID-19 Shots
Quelle surprise.
ACN worked on a paper that shilled the success of mRNA shots, titled “Role of drug delivery technologies in the success of COVID-19 vaccines: a perspective”
Tushar Kumeria (above) also contributed to a paper shilling ‘nanomaterials’ as the “new antimicrobial magic bullet”, which is a particularly bold and emotional claim:
Readers may remember The Daily Beagle presented evidence of the artificial cut backs in antibiotics supply by various organisations and governments. Essentially they’re artificially reducing supply in order to create artificial demand for yet more unwanted ‘nanomaterials’.
University of New South Wales (UNSW), where ACN are based, also received financing to work on RNA technologies, to the tune of $119 million, again, relating to cancer and, funnily enough, “autoimmune diseases”, something which vaccines are known to cause.
ACN Have Ties To Acuitas Therapeutics
On the paper “Role of drug delivery technologies in the success of COVID-19 vaccines: a perspective”, is collaborator Pieter Cullis:
In the Conflicts of Interests section of the paper, “P.C.” admits they’re co-founders for Acuitas Therapeutics and Moderna (also inadvertantly revealing Acuitas Therapeutics are in bed with Moderna).
The Daily Beagle previously covered Acuitas Therapeutics ties to the Canadian government via University of British Columbia (UBC).
ACN Have Ties To Moderna
Another thing to note from Susan Oliver’s employer, ACN, is in their paper “Role of drug delivery technologies in the success of COVID-19 vaccines: a perspective”, one of the collaborators is Robert Langer (who has a big vested interest to say the shots are successful):
Robert Langer’s work is financed by the Koch brothers and US federal grants. He’s also a member of MIT.
The Daily Beagle readers may find Robert Langer’s name to be vaguely familiar. His other alias is Bob Langer, and he helped establish Moderna, which The Daily Beagle previously covered.
The Guardian also reported on this…
…and he became a billionaire as a result of working with Moderna.
This would mean Australian Centre for Nanomedicine (ACN) have essentially collaborated with Moderna in the writing of this paper, thus Susan Oliver has a massive financial conflict of interest to shill in favour of mRNA shots, given ACN are her employers, and are in bed with Moderna.
No wonder she perpetually screams about ‘antivaxxers’.
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Can't stand Dr Susan Oliver, I mean the way she is on camera, is she for real? If feels very much like she's playing an obvious fraud so it becomes her viewers fault that they believe her lies. She reminds me of a Thunderbirds puppet with a permanent grin built into her face. How can anyone think she is anyway normal and yet there is very much an audience willing to believe in her damaging vaccine lies.
Brilliant work. It's appalling that UNSW received over $100m in research grants from the government and ACR who were heavily invested in forcing vaccine mandates on the population and Susan Oliver did not declare any of this. This is a serious conflict of interests.