Can't stand Dr Susan Oliver, I mean the way she is on camera, is she for real? If feels very much like she's playing an obvious fraud so it becomes her viewers fault that they believe her lies. She reminds me of a Thunderbirds puppet with a permanent grin built into her face. How can anyone think she is anyway normal and yet there is very much an audience willing to believe in her damaging vaccine lies.

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Can’t watch her. Like nails down a blackboard.

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I find her fucking hilarious, that condescending tone, the way she constantly comes up with absolute horeshit.

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Brilliant work. It's appalling that UNSW received over $100m in research grants from the government and ACR who were heavily invested in forcing vaccine mandates on the population and Susan Oliver did not declare any of this. This is a serious conflict of interests.

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Oliver did worse than fail to declare interests.

She proactively lied by insisting she was 'retired' - along with allowing her followers to parrot the claim she was 'retired' which she never corrected them on - even when she knew she was still actively working in paid, grant-financed research.

I would be curious if John Campbell covers this, given he's been disproportionately on the receiving end of her financially motivated attacks.

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I definitely saw her claim to be retired.

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If you ever see her claiming to be retired, can you send me the Twitter post my way so I can tack it into the article? I know she mentioned it off-handedly to one of her trolls before during an argument, but I doubt I could re-find the post (Twitter search is worse than useless).

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These days anyone with the common sense to question the safety or efficacy of any vaccines is an anti-vaxxer, which at this point is most people. Gone are the days when only those of us who want them all banned were actually anti-vaxxers...

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When they rebranded a "transfection" (mRNA induced protein expression which has been around in the lab scene for at least a couple of decades) as a "vaccine" which cannot by design elicit mucosal immunity for respiratory infections, then all bets were off. That's an egregious lie.

It's not hard to understand the simplistic, albeit idealistic concept behind vaccination, but the more you read about immunology, the more you learn how little we know about the complex interactions between cellular and adaptive immune responses and how much bollocks they have been professing about regular vaccines.

For instance, health officials pretend that the flu vaccine is great but doesn't always work because they might not get the right strain in a particular year. In reality, serum antibodies (elicited by intramuscular injection) play no role in a mucosal immune response to a flu virus in the first place because they don't cross the lung barrier. They can only help if a viral infection goes systemic (viremia). However, in a natural infection the mucosal immune layer effectively deals with the majority of the infection and any systemic spillover occurs later when either the virus has essentially stopped replicating. At this point the whole immune system has gone through a cascade of signaling events and has mustered many layers of immune responses (including serum antibodies) to deal with that possibility anyway. The risk of a dangerous and rapid viremia occurs in those with weak mucosal immunity (or those not promptly treated). However, most of those folks are likely immunosenescent and won't respond very well to vaccination anyway. Basically, the vaccinations are worthless. Early treatment to prevent bacterial infections, provide respiratory support and calm inflammatory responses is the best we can do..

"Anti-vaxxer" is such a low-information response to people who have very serious concerns and complex questions about the quality of evidence, demonstrable real-world mechanisms and the proof of both safety and efficacy of intramuscular vaccination to prevent a wide variety of infections. The sheer number of lies about covid, has alerted many of us to the foundational bullshit that has been foisted upon the public for years.

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Sooner or later we need to give some thought to pronouncing shills such as Susan Oliver as War Criminals, considering the likelihood of the Deagle predictions being fulfilled. The thing is, the sheer scale of complicity in these mass murders means that Nuremberg-style trials are no longer practicable and, in fact, the cost of looking after jab orphans alone mitigates against any contemplation of expensive war crime trials. I suggest we commence consideration of state-sanctioned justice squads after, of course, the state actually consists of The People. We don't want no lynch mobs in our territory.

To those aghast at such a notion, I suggest you glance at the maths and get your head around the logistics of perpetrator justice. We are talking thousands of doctors, nurses, bureaucrats, editors and journalists, politicians, police and army personnel, scientists, laboratory workers, and so on.

Yeah... grasp the nettle.

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What happens Tony, if the perpetrators outnumber the innocent?

This problem is so extensive, I'm starting to think the decent folks are few in number.

What are the practicalities of enforcement in this scenario?

I think a long, serious discussion on what to do is much needed, factoring in how much has now been uncovered.

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On top of so many that have promoted / forced this onto others, most of the victims as usual just want it to be over and given the choice will simply look the other way.

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If they can, like us, realize it's not going to be "over" until the Globbies are put down, perhaps they will, like us, begin to resist.

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Most people will behave as Dag (below) has suggested, which is why mankind has suffered tyranny and genocide again and again. But for the first time in history we now know the dynastic nature of intercontinental tyranny and, what's more, we now know their names. And they are legion in their support numbers. So, as you imply, the sheer numbers of evil people are a daunting prospect for eradication. But fail to eradicate and we will walk this bloodstained road again and again.

Ironically, Hollywood has hinted at our solution. We are all familiar with the western scenario of the beseiged townsfolk paying a hired gun to rid them of tyranny. In contemporary context this means hiring mercenaries. There are still some wealthy good folks and they are beginning to realise their wealth will not protect them. We need to round them up and formulate a payment system and develop a strategic schedule of oppression relief.

As I have been observing the global elite for sixty years now, I have had the time to hypothetically replicate their strategy in all its twists and turns, which has enabled me to prioritise the target strikes. These are not, as one might think, the Schwarbs, Gates, and Faucis of this world. These are targets to divert our attention, should we rebel. For the life of me, I cannot imagine why it did not occur to people that this parade of blatant evil doers was a tad too obvious, as hats on sticks and brightly painted bulls-eyes. The actual elite are way too clever to be that exposed.

By now we should have realised that the primary weapon of the NWO takeover has been the media. Information and mind control has created scamdemic credibility and that has been the main source of intimidation, especially TV. Even though we know the primary evil-doers and planners are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and immediate allies, they can wait. It is their guns we need to spike. And the biggest gun of all is their global media manager, Rupert Murdoch, annointed for this task in 1973 by none other than David Rockefeller. Take out Murdoch, then all his special force of editors, and half the battle is won, We can then discuss who is next.

As for our paucity of numbers, that has always been part of the bluff. 60% of people are sheep and they will do nothing to help us but, of critical significance, they will also not hinder us or help the enemy. At the first shot they will line up in front of their TVs and turn up the volume.

The remaining 40% will cheer us on and some will step forward. That is all it takes to run a revolution: 15%. We need to be mindful that the term 'minority' has been associated with the word 'helpless' for sixty years now as part of the response behaviour priming. Also part of the priming has been the key propaganda term "peaceful non-violent protest". This was propagated by the City of London and the CIA, and validated by the assassination of their conduits and, just in case we forget, amplified by Hollywood with epic movies. It all looks so obvious in restrospect.

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NO WAY the perps outnumber the innocent, unless their plan to cull us down to 300,000 actually works... We outnumber them by BILLIONS, but "we" are mostly unable to be fully awake and educated to the predicament. I think that is changing... WE should be "out there" in our communities, posing pertinent questions, kindly, and with compassion. Confrontation, not. That's my take, anyway.

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My basis for the reasoning is the fact over half of the US doctors took pharma bribes (as was admitted back in 2015), however if you look at vaccine payment incentives, all of them were pushing all sorts of shots. I would say it was more like 98% were complicit - active in pushing shots. Plus all the support workers, behind-the-scenes logistics folks, managers and so on.

Then we have the flu shot mandates at so many locations outside of this.

To put this scale in context, the NHS is the UK's 5th largest employer:


I only know *three* (former) NHS doctors publicly opposed: Dr Cartland (no longer NHS), Dr Malik (no longer registered under GMC, he quit 'voluntarily'), and Dr Aseem. Dr Wakefield was stripped of his licence a long time ago.

If you tack in my limited experience with the NHS, you could stretch that to five employees. 5. Out of 1.6 million.

The publicly majority supported the mandates and shot uptake in the opener. The injured have 'switched sides', but only because they're injured. Not because they necessarily had an 'attack of conscience'; they only feel bad because of the consequences that happened to themselves.

The Australia figures are horrifying. At most, 1.2mil adults out of 25mil refused the shots.

There's also a third category that the majority of these people will fall into: apathetic or indifferent.

I think the number of perps outnumber the number of those opposed. The apathetic outnumber both sides. Apathetic are the flotsam, floating where-ever the tide takes them. If we truly had numbers... we wouldn't still be talking about this.

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I don't doubt you, or what you're saying. I'm not saying I have definitive solutions, or some kind of "action plan," or whatever. I feel stumped and like all this talking about things is wasting our time... Time that is being used by the Enemy to further enthrall us... I always think of the Star Trek episode with the Thralls, ha ha...

What difference does this make, though, if people are going to be apathetic?

HOW can we bring them out of their apathy?

I see one fairly clear avenue... Show them that something is slowly KILLING THEM. Nobody talks (well, okay, some of us DO, but while vaccines are clearly a problem, and a BIG one, they are not CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY KILLING PEOPLE-- something that's been going on for nearly 200 years, and people are not putting it together...) about the GIANT elephant in the room: EMF's. Cell phones. More clearly, cell phone TOWERS, 5G, etc.

Will people understand THIS? Probably not...

But do we NEED "everybody" to understand? Maybe we only need a smallish percentage?

I am just trying to rattle that cage... Complacency is not one of my virtues, as I said...

This dog is a CAGE RATTLER, and I think you are, too. I like your posts, or I wooden be here. ;)

I think maybe ACTION is more the thing, and what is going on in Texas is more the thing, and not just by one or two "resisters" but bigger GROUPS of us... And how do we organize when we are spread out all over not just one country, but lots of countries...

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Perhaps we need a vaccine to protect us from modern medicine and call it The Truth.

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Great job!

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Great work. Never saw that connection before.


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If this woman is at UNSW, we could ask someone like Prof Gigi Foster to approach her? There are plenty of academics who are awake now, this woman can’t get away with her blatant lies for much longer.

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I think an FOIA might be the more professional route to take, particularly towards career involvement. Whilst the Prof could 'doorstep', I think that might be crossing a social boundary, and without them recording the incident, may not prove as fruitful. I wouldn't want the Prof to take a risk with someone who is known to tell lies.

Official paperwork verifying Oliver works there would be sufficient to expose the lie. Then it would be a case of an ethics referral to an appropriate board (we'll get to see if the ethics board is ethical or not; not likely but worth exposing). Misleading on financial conflicts of interest when in the process of 'informing the public' is clearly an ethics violation if there ever was one.

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I like your style. I’ve sent a preliminary email. Will post something if it leads to anything worth reporting.

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I can't help but feel that most of what's going on on Substack is a kind of repetitive preaching to the choir. Seems like nearly everyone who reads Substack pages is either a Truthie type, or a spy/agitator.

I wonder how many of the people on this site have Smart Phones?

I wonder how many of us are doing anything in our real-life communities?

I wonder what good it does to continue to pat each other on the back for pointing out how evil the Evil Ones are? Who are we trying to educate? Or are we simply trying to feel good and validated for thinking what we do?

I don't mean to be a "complainer" but... I guess I shouldn't expect too much? Or should I be barking this all over everywhere? For me, time is running out, perhaps... My folks, thanks to my idiotic, greedy siblings, are now in the hands of the State, and I suspect that they are not long for this world, since we now have a New and Improved Vaccine Schedule hovering over them...

I am forced to evolve, or suffer... Aren't we all? But it's right in my face, like a rabid squirrel.

So saith the Dog.

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This article has been referred onto Senator Rennick.

You may also be aware of my prior work in spearheading the lawsuit against the OSHA vaccine mandate (pre-Substack).

When Ladapo talks about mRNA shots infecting sperm and eggs, he's referring to the original work compiled on The Daily Beagle (literally, first outlet to do a technical deep dive on the subject).

AG Paxton's fraud lawsuit against Pfizer also seems to have taken notes from the RICO article.

Sam Bankman-Fried, supposedly 'immune to prosecution' was also highlighted by The Daily Beagle - before he suddenly got prosecuted. My prior work (pre-Substack) also helped to take down Jeffrey Epstein, and indirectly, Ghislane Maxwell.

Did discuss hypothetical treatment modalities for LNPs (https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/discussion-hypothetical-treatment).

I am pretty sure Putin recently quoted excerpts from article on the history between Ukraine and Russia (https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/the-history-between-ukraine-and-russia; it's a three-part series, hence why he was so long-winded).

Consider this Substack formal, in-depth evidence and compilation.

When I first started, criticism of the shots on Twitter was almost non-existent. Now I see even big names criticising them. I like to think it is working.

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Sorry, I donut know about your previous work, I'm new to your page.

I commend you!!!!!!

I'm certainly not suggesting that you STOP doing ... this. It probably sounds like that, but noooo.

I am frustrated, donut take what I'm saying personally, but I feel frustration on many levels, and one of them is my own family is at war with itself...

I guess I am just trying to leap the fence in the backyard and RUN AMOK, because I want to BITE something. My teef yearn for bootox, but not YOURS, necessarily. ;)

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