Today's magic word: DNA micro-chimerism.

Try punching that into your search.

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I did, and it's fascinating. Thanks.

Do you think it's relevant in this particular context?

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We already have "microchimerism" at work in our cells/DNA. Noone is exempt. How its mechanisms will interplay with the gene slurry clot shots remains to be discovered.

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Yes, we'll find out eventually. Suscribed to you Substack, looking forward to a good read.

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I had a short discussion with Jessica on the hypotheticals of that post. I think the main issue was proving the plasmids even carry either gene.

Something I didn't mention in this article, is an early doors opinion: if the SV40 promoter from plasmids gets integrated into the DNA, then hypothetically it makes cells more vulnerable to DNA manipulation. The other side of that door is 'also more vulnerable to cancer in general', hence all the turbo-cancers.

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Yes. Well remembered. And really, given what I've seen so far? Not that far off the mark. EXCEPT the marks (those injecting willy nilly) won't know and won't care what has happend. The rest (non injected are going to rage). Best to stick to your own kind, and if a guy is jabbed? NO SEX. If guy is like you and NON jabbed, he's in like Flynn.

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Of course it does. No thinking person believes otherwise......but again, no thinking person sits in front of CIA Network News, either.

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I'm currently translating this very article into French to re-publish it on my blog - one of many of yours that have already gone through this process.

I was also thinking of transcribing and translating this little snippet from Dr Marik (https://www.brighteon.com/4b9c1361-435b-43b0-98d8-809358b260c6) later when it hit me: if "shedding" occurs through semen during intercourse, does it not prove right your here hypothesis?

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Vaccine shedding is definitely a real phenomena, as many hospitals with immunocompromised patients will not allow you to visit if you have received a vaccine that contains either a weakened (attenuated) or live virus or bacterium, within the first few weeks of receipt of the shot.

And thank you for retranslating my work into other languages, let me know if you need assistance with anything!

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Thanks! I'm the one who offered assistance once but I can't seem to free up any time to do so, and I feel bad about it. Truth is, I'm already way over my head with my full-time job (which will mercifully turn part-time next year, when I turn sixty) plus my currently 469-posts-rich blog.

I'll be sure to call for help if I bump into anything I cannot translate, thanks.

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Don't worry, we're all swamped as the world falls apart!

The French translations are fine, thank you for doing good work!

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And thank you for doing the original good work. Here is the French version:


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Also, if you ever want the underlying thumbnail image *without* the English text, let me know and I'll happily share the base image without the text, then you can write your own French text on it as well.

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Thanks. I'm afraid it's a little beyond my present computer graphic skills but my son could help me with that. I'll let you know.

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If you want to host your French translated material on Substack and monetise it as well, I'd be more than happy for you to do so. Could even take the French name for The Daily Beagle if you'd like. So long as you clearly earmark it as not being affiliated (so I don't get into any unnecessary legal trouble).

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Well, thank you very much. I've never thought about that but I'll consider it - and I'm not going to monetise anything, I already have a dayjob that earns me more than enough. I'll try and find some time to write in (hopefully correct) English anyway here on Substack, as it will give me a chance to try out a new format and probably draw more readers than in French. My fellow Belgian Senta Depuydt, as interesting as her articles are, has almost zero followers here :-(

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Swamped is the best way to put it, indeed.

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Sperm transfection was done in the UDSSR in rabbits by a guy called Andrei Kouznetzov. He worked in my lab as a postdoc 15 years ago. Insersional mutagenesis directly through sperm is really, really old school tech. They experimented with electroporation though.

I don't know if he only published in russian and I don't have any contact to him any more, unfortunately.

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a friend had pfizer shot 3 times while pregnant, no food allergies in her first child, herself or husband. her infant began having serious food allergies quite early. gets skin reactions from her saliva, [kisses] hours after she has eaten eggs and from peanut residue on floor even after cleaning with soapy water. was wondering if it was possible that the baby's immune system could have been altered before birth by a shift to igg4. also wondering about permanent changes to my grandchildren and daughter's immune systems. they seem almost constantly ill now and were not prior to their pfizer shots. the children did not get covid until 6 weeks after their second shot. i, unfortunately got the j and j with many side effects, but so far i catch only a fraction of their illnesses despite sleeping next to my granddaughter. i am 71. if people did become immune compromised from the vaccine or disease that would provide a much larger breeding ground for all sorts of infections that could lead to an increase in virulence and mutation which would otherwise be stopped by a competent innate immune system

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"began having serious food allergies quite early"

You will want to speak with Geoff Pain PhD (https://geoffpain.substack.com/), as he often talks about the shots causing allergies. I don't recall the specifics of his work, but he does mention some of the shots contain egg protein, so having an allergic reaction to that is possible.

In my ignorant (and ill advised) estimation, it is likely said egg protein crossed the placenta into the baby, which has now primed it with an egg protein allergen. Geoff hasn't made reference to peanuts (as far as I'm aware, I could be wrong!), but it could be a generalised form of allergy. The PEG in the mRNA shots is also an allergen (see: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/i/96475328/pegylated-lnps-bonus-round).

From an allergy standpoint I have two articles on the topic. The first is Charles Richet's work which details why you only get a reaction typically on the second shot:


And the second is highlighting the increase in anti-allergy medications being prescribed:


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thanks so much for the info

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To June 2022 Pfizer reported cases in PSUR

Feeding disorder 868

Food allergy 301

Food intolerance 156

Lactose intolerance 42

Dairy intolerance 12

Feeding intolerance 7

Fructose intolerance 3

Carbohydrate intolerance 4

Breast milk substitute intolerance 1

Food aversion 110

Food refusal 50 (child ?)

Milk allergy 15

Galactose intolerance 1

Glucose tolerance impaired 36

Gluten sensitivity 35

Oral allergy syndrome 15

Adverse food reaction 13

Reaction to food additive 2

Allergy test positive 6

Histamine intolerance 85

Need to look at VAERS text

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Pfizer VAERS Cases

1946298 Israel developed Peanut and other allergies after the Jab.

Number of Jab Anaphylaxis victims had pre-existing Peanut allergy.

Interesting paper on TLR target and Heat Killed E. coli > Endotoxin

"Peanut pulsed DCs induced the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 as well as IL-17 and IFN-γ from primed T cells. Adding HKE to CPE-pulsed DCs resulted in a significant decrease in Th2 cytokine production, associated with an increase in IFN-γ and profound attenuation of T cell proliferation. These effects were linked to HKE-induced, TLR-dependent changes in DC reactivity to CPE, especially the production of polarizing cytokines such as IL-12."


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I wrote an article about insertional mutagenesis a few days ago and about antisense oligos https://drbine-substack-com.translate.goog/p/integriert-die-plorre-nun-oder-nicht?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

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The DNA contamination in the Pfizer chemical concoction was a possibility that was in the EMA's original PAR written in late-2020 (this was the report sued to approve and issue the EUAs) along with the differences in the final product between the 2 processes:


Didn't anyone except me read this report back then?

Add DNA contamination to something that reasonably easily changes DNA in the person it is injected into does not seem like a really good idea.

I was reading about these DNA changes due to mRNA transcription back in 2021:


It was also mentioned in the SENEFF report from early 2021:


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What you've linked there is the RNA contamination (not DNA, per this article). The EMA leak documents show mRNA instability and The Daily Beagle covered the mRNA instability quite a while back.

It isn't the same as DNA, and plasmid DNA (as discussed here) was not mentioned in the EMA reports besides a side note buried in an 'acceptability criterion' which was also previously discussed here.

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Thanks for that, I'm learning lots on DNA, mRNA etc etc in the last few years and still omre to learn.

What I have seen nowhere is an analysis of the PARs that were used for issuing the EUAs, especially the Pfizer one where there were so many unaddressed or unrectified manufacturing QA/QC issues including DNA contamination, differences in the final product between Process 1 and Process 2 and so on and which the regulators were aware of in Dec 2020 (ALL regulators used this EMA PAR for their own "assessments" - look at them and see amount of copy and paste in them from this document) and which has just been "discovered" in the vials as if it was a surprise.

If the EMA's PAR had been read the experts now talking about the DNA contamination in the Pfizer chemical concoction would not be surprised a sit was openly stated in it that this was/would happen.

How about the knowledgable people at The Beagle who know a lot more about it than me look at what these experts are now saying about the DNA contaminated vials and look at what the EMA said in Dec 2020 and give a comparison of the 2 lots of information - I think that would be a very interesting article.

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Coverage on the mRNA instability was given here:


Arguably not as high quality as this article, and I recognised people still didn't 'get' the ramifications.

A follow-up was done, but also to no avail:


Then another on endotoxins:


Then finally the EMA's admittance on plasmids via 'acceptability criteria':


But none of these articles 'hit home'.

I think this article finally broke the ice where people can grasp the ramifications. I still don't think people comprehend the severity of it all. This isn't just the next generation, but all generations; the entire human race has been compromised.

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How do you think evolution happens?

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Not via forced injection.

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