Oct 9, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Today's magic word: DNA micro-chimerism.

Try punching that into your search.

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Of course it does. No thinking person believes otherwise......but again, no thinking person sits in front of CIA Network News, either.

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I'm currently translating this very article into French to re-publish it on my blog - one of many of yours that have already gone through this process.

I was also thinking of transcribing and translating this little snippet from Dr Marik (https://www.brighteon.com/4b9c1361-435b-43b0-98d8-809358b260c6) later when it hit me: if "shedding" occurs through semen during intercourse, does it not prove right your here hypothesis?

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by The Underdog

a friend had pfizer shot 3 times while pregnant, no food allergies in her first child, herself or husband. her infant began having serious food allergies quite early. gets skin reactions from her saliva, [kisses] hours after she has eaten eggs and from peanut residue on floor even after cleaning with soapy water. was wondering if it was possible that the baby's immune system could have been altered before birth by a shift to igg4. also wondering about permanent changes to my grandchildren and daughter's immune systems. they seem almost constantly ill now and were not prior to their pfizer shots. the children did not get covid until 6 weeks after their second shot. i, unfortunately got the j and j with many side effects, but so far i catch only a fraction of their illnesses despite sleeping next to my granddaughter. i am 71. if people did become immune compromised from the vaccine or disease that would provide a much larger breeding ground for all sorts of infections that could lead to an increase in virulence and mutation which would otherwise be stopped by a competent innate immune system

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Sperm transfection was done in the UDSSR in rabbits by a guy called Andrei Kouznetzov. He worked in my lab as a postdoc 15 years ago. Insersional mutagenesis directly through sperm is really, really old school tech. They experimented with electroporation though.

I don't know if he only published in russian and I don't have any contact to him any more, unfortunately.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by The Underdog

I had a beagle, once. His name was Milo.

You can't hear one baying and not remember.

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The DNA contamination in the Pfizer chemical concoction was a possibility that was in the EMA's original PAR written in late-2020 (this was the report sued to approve and issue the EUAs) along with the differences in the final product between the 2 processes:


Didn't anyone except me read this report back then?

Add DNA contamination to something that reasonably easily changes DNA in the person it is injected into does not seem like a really good idea.

I was reading about these DNA changes due to mRNA transcription back in 2021:


It was also mentioned in the SENEFF report from early 2021:


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How do you think evolution happens?

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