Previously, we uncovered that Pfizer LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) ended up in the liver, causing the liver to produce fibrinogen (part of the blood clotting mechanism), and went on to discover that two LNPs — ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 — lasted in the blood plasma ~23 days and ~71 days respectively, with an unknown extensive duration of persistence of ALC-0315 in the liver.
It turns out LNPs aren’t done, as they possess a nasty trick up their sleeve…
LNPs Do More Than Just Deliver mRNA
As previously mentioned, we remarked that Acuitas Therapeutics patented the concept of LNPs (in general) back in 2017. It’s in this very patent the dark side of LNPs are revealed.
It turns out they can do a great many different nasty tricks, which is likely determined by which type of LNP is used.
Remember; the Pfizer shot uses two LNPs; if one is used to deliver the mRNA, what is the other one used for?
Here are the listed nasty tricks they can do [dejargon in square brackets]:
“in vitro and in vivo [in the body] delivery of mRNA and/or other oligonucleotides [RNA or DNA molecules]”
Used to aid “expression of protein encoded by mRNA” [read: it helps the mRNA enter your cells]
“upregulation of endogenous protein expression by delivering miRNA [micro RNA] inhibitors targeting one specific miRNA or a group of miRNA regulating one target mRNA or several mRNA” [So essentially they can payload the payload; miRNA can target the mRNA to implement changes. Think ‘updates’ or ‘malicious changes to Terms of Service’]
“down-regulating (e.g., silencing) the protein levels and/or mRNA levels of target genes” [read: LNPs can suppress parts of your genes. Say, genes regulating the immune system. Or dissent.]
“mRNA and plasmids for expression of transgenes” [read: yet more genetic editing of your body]
“inducing a pharmacological effect resulting from expression of a protein, e.g., increased production of red blood cells through the delivery of a suitable erythropoietin mRNA, or protection against infection through delivery of mRNA encoding for a suitable antigen or antibody. “ [read: the LNPs can payload mRNA encoding for specific proteins; such as spike proteins]
They can also deliver a wide variety, including “[…] mRNA, antisense oligonucleotide, plasmid DNA, microRNA (miRNA), miRNA inhibitors (antagomirs/antimirs), messenger-RNA-interfering complementary RNA (micRNA), DNA, multivalent RNA, dicer substrate RNA, complementary DNA (cDNA) […]”
What does this mean?
The LNPs And Unstable mRNA Are A Disastrous Duo
An expert once gave the analogy LNPs were like wrappers for mRNA which were simply discarded, but detailed research on how LNPs work finds this is extremely misleading. There’s no clean analogy for how LNPs work as it varies by type deployed.
The closest analogy are LNPs are more like crowbars for burglars. They break into the cell, allow the burglar (mRNA, cDNA, etc) entry, and depending on the type of crowbar, it might be used to beat up (‘silence’ or ‘suppress’) some genes there whilst the burglar (mRNA etc) gets to work.

This explains why Pfizer’s study remarks of vacuolation of hepatocytes (in very oversimplified terms ‘holes in liver cells’), which “were present for all BNT162b2 (V8)-dosed animals”. The LNPs had effectively crowbarred their way into the cells and caused damage.
Can Work Indepedently Or Part Of A Team
It seems to suggest that LNPs can gene suppress without the mRNA. The gene suppression is mainly to aid the mRNA, but there’s nothing to suggest it stops after the mRNA payload is delivered. Especially if the LNPs remain unchanged and aren’t metabolised, like we found in our earlier article.
This means, whilst the mRNA might alter genes, they’re not the only ones exerting a force genetically. There’s two variables at play here. This means it’s not as simple as one or the other.
If we couple this knowledge of LNPs being able to suppress genes, with the extended duration LNPs appear to exist in the blood plasma and liver for, and the general instability of mRNA, we can start to see why this would cause serious harms.
PEGylated LNPs ‘Bonus’ Round
On top of the gene suppression and other nasty tricks, we also have the LNP ALC-0159, the ‘PEGylated’ lipid (polyethylene glycol) which has its own set of nasty tricks.
To understand why, we need to quickly cover how the liver metabolises it. We learned in the earlier article that it has the metabolite ‘N,N-ditetradecylamine’.
For simplicity, this means from the chemical formulation (bear with us here!) of:
2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide)
We see the last half:
As basically breaking off and turning into:
Leaving behind, in very, very oversimplified terms, the “(polyethylene glycol)-2000”, or in more common terms, PEG-2000. That is to say, the hidden surprise of ALC-0159 is it breaks down into PEG-2000. It might seem ‘Captain Obvious’, but it is important to be explicit with the evidence so doubtmongers cannot throw you off the scent.
PEG The Weight
Before we continue, it’s worth noting the number after ‘PEG’ is the molecular weight, and not some numbered sequence or code. So PEG-2000 is heavier than, say, PEG-80, for example.
To non-chemists this might seem like a ‘so what?’, but the important takeaway is, unlike most coded chemical formulations (like ALC-0315), there aren’t 2000+ distinct formulations of some novel chemical combination; but approximately the same PEG, simply heavier or lighter. So a reaction to PEG-80 would also imply a reaction to PEG-2000, and vice versa.
This understanding is crucial when looking at the PEG studies, as you might think ‘but that’s a different numbered PEG’. They’re sufficient surrogates for our purposes.
PEG Studies
Inhaled (not even injected) PEG 3350 was found to increase neutrophil (a type of white blood cell) counts in males-only in a study on rats.
"Exposure-related effects included: a 50% increase in the neutrophil count (males only) at 1008 mg/m3"
Another study tied PEGylated LNP to Basophil (white cell) reactivity, titled “Basophil reactivity to BNT162b2 is mediated by PEGylated lipid nanoparticles in patients with PEG allergy”. In this study they note that the PEG by itself wasn’t sufficient, but the PEG in context of the Pfizer shot was:
The BNT162b2 vaccine, but not PEG alone, induced dose-dependent activation of all patients' basophils ex vivo
They go on to remark that PEGylated LNPs, and not PEG, seems to be the trigger:
Similar basophil activation could be induced by PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin, suggesting that PEGylated lipids within nanoparticles, but not PEG in its native state, are able to efficiently induce degranulation.
Another study, for the Moderna shot, found it induced anti-PEG antibodies:
mRNA-1273 [Moderna] but not BNT162b2 [Pfizer] induces antibodies against polyethylene glycol (PEG) contained in mRNA-based vaccine formulations
It also found the molecular weight of the PEG was irrelevant, with antibodies against high and low molecular weight PEG:
[…] found that the reactivity of such antibodies correlated well with antibody levels against high and low molecular weight PEG […]
Another study found a number of the American population had anti-PEG antibodies, and went on to suggest that PEGylated LNPs produce different reactions to just PEG:
[…] approximately one-third of those who experienced anaphylaxis after vaccination had previous history of allergic or anaphylactic reactions suggests that anti-PEG antibodies formed after exposure to PEGylated compounds may play a role […]
They quoted this research on the antibodies prevalence:
[…] recent research on plasma samples from hospitals or service companies based in the United States found that 65–76% of the general population had anti-PEG antibodies […]
However another piece gave a much lower prevalence for anti-PEG antibodies, mentioning only 4 to 9% of antibodies were specifically produced to combat PEG:
[…] 23–24% of individuals positive for either immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgG able to recognize PEG, but among these only 4–9% had antibodies with a confirmed specificity for PEG (titres ≥80)[…]
According to ThermoFisher Scientific safety datasheet, PEG-2000 is “advised against” for food, drug, biocidal and pesticidal use, and says it “Should not be released into the environment.”
What do all these studies mean?
Essentially they mean PEG and PEGylated lipids have some sort of nasty interaction event with the body’s immune system, either causing abnormal increases (neutrophil in males), or triggering undesireable immune reactions (Basophil and antibody reactivity), and is not advised for food, drug, biocidal or pesticidal usage.
LNPs Do Not Work Alone
Whilst it is easy to try to suggest LNPs are the sole blame, medical injuries often have multiple variables, especially in complex, untested, poorly researched mechanistic interactions. Already we’re seeing several, including PEG, gene silencing and cell entry.
The unstable mRNA does play a huge part, however we recognise despite doing a video on the topic, we recognise further depth is required as it is a technical subject.
The Daily Beagle intends to expose the unstable mRNA aspect with evidence from the EMA leak documents in another article to expand upon this mechanistic investigation, however we will have to cover the preceding parts before we reach this point.
Many ‘leaders’, self-proclaimed experts and outlets have severely dropped the ball on this, many avoiding the uncomfortable subject, either out of fear, or a refusal to criticise mRNA technologies. We won’t.
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Great summary of how we hope it's panning out! We must not drop our guard and think we've won or it's all over - FAR FROM IT - It's only just beginning! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight as dirty as they do!
Fauci's modified Covid was bad, hot on it's heels came a dodgy 'vaccine' invented far too quickly to not have been in preparation for years - even though it was useless and frequently endangered human life!
Then came the mysterious campaign to hide, denigrate, or rubbish IVERMECTIN, Hydroxychloroquine etc, in order for Pfizer & others to qualify for an Emergency Use Authorisation. All pre-planned meticulously between Big Pharma, the FDA and many other Government agencies.
Finally, the truth is even reluctantly revealed during a BBC News interview! The BBC is now obsolete and irrelevant! Pfuck the BBC!
We, the occupants of this planet, now formally declare the World Health Organisation, corrupt, obsolete and irrelevant. No to any further WHO authority being given to this now corrupt organisation. We have spoken!
Since Bill Gates became the biggest benefactor (Influencer), the WHO he has become compromised and lost all integrity and morality that existed in the previously honest and humanitarian organisation.
The WHO is now the front for Gates' vax marketing priorities.
The WHO now want authority to declare (fictitious) new epidemics and Pandemics (Scamdemics) to justify still more dangerous injections that have no guarantee to ensure Human Safety. WHO want the authority to 'MANDATE' masks, lock-downs (House Arrest), DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS and other dangerous and draconian Controls.
The WHO is now CORRUPT and must be ignored and urgently terminated!
Why has the world recently adopted new words and expressions like 'MYOCARDITIS', 'Gain of Function' or 'SADS' ('Sudden Early death Syndrome') and 'Died suddenly' are now everyday Media expressions in the lives of those of us trying to understand what has happened to the planet since March 2020.
The word 'VACCINE' has had it's dictionary meaning modified TWICE in just 10 years. It was a 'cure' but has been downgraded to a (supposed) 'protection' that simply doesn't work but, in reality, can seriously injure or KILL it's recipients.
Those that choose to accept the current narrative and accept, without question, the 'pretend' Covid Scamdemic and the "wonderful miracle SAFE & EFFECTIVE mRNA CURE" (= DEADLY Covid Vax) that was invented at the dubious "speed of Science", are now suffering the consequences of their gullibility, their unquestioning trust in Government and the Pharmaceutical Industry.
'LIABILITY' must be the first part of our return to sanity and freedom. With LIABILITY comes accountability and compensation which would quickly cause the worse offenders rendered unviable through Financial litigation (justifiable compensation claims) and the likes of Pfizer will be BANKRUPT!
No to the WHO!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.