Whilst you’ve been distracted with the monster that are the mRNA shots, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recently quietly approved the use of what’s known as RNAi (RNA interference) pesticides.
This technology, which makes use of dsRNA (double-stranded RNA), will be sprayed over your food, and has not been safety tested in humans, and involves switching off genes. Can it potentially switch off genes in humans? Yes.
Pharmaceutical money taking and partnering Cancer Research UK [1,2,3,4, more] gleefully wrote about how ‘RNAi’ could hypothetically (with no actual evidence) ‘treat cancer’ as early as 2003, meaning they knew the technology applies to humans.
Simplified video overview of the topic of RNAi:
Off-Target Effects
One of the quietly admitted harms of RNAi is it can have “off-target effects”, a fancy way of saying it can affect things that weren’t originally targeted. So it might alter a different gene… or a different species.
The noted harms comes from… OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).
OECD are a non-medical, non-scientific body purely focused on making money via economics, and were quoted by the EPA, hidden behind obfuscating name Working Party on Pesticides Ad Hoc Expert Group on RNAi-based Pesticides. Try saying that three times fast.
OECD downplayed the risks of off-target effects for siRNAs (small interfering RNA). siRNA is yet another method for RNA interference (RNAi), with OECD only noting the risks on a single slide (number 12, above).
Note the telling line: “Some sequences trigger immune reactions in higher animals”.
Higher animals — a term classically associated with mRNA and the vaccine industry — means anything smarter than an insect, I.E. humans. Immune reactions are the classic auto-immune adverse reactions we’ve seen in the mRNA shots.

Funny how RNAi auto-immune disorders (page 8) gets associated with a vaccine industry term “higher animals”.
Like the mRNA in the shots, dsRNA are unstable (slides 16, 18). Translation: will most likely target the wrong, degraded genetic sequence.
So they might claim to target a Colorado potato beetle’s RNA for a vital protein… and end up hitting the human genome for fertility instead. Oops. Our bad. You’re permanently sterile, here’s $17k in compensation.
They Wouldn’t Dare Spray Us Illegally, Would They?
Back in 2012 (in the URL), the Statesman wrote about how the US government were spraying pesticides over the external jurisdiction of Columbia. That’s right, a completely different country of which they hold no authority over.
What pesticide is “Dave” spraying?
Glyphosate, known by brand name Round-Up manufactured by Bayer. A product both the US and Columbian government lied about being safe (weird sense of déjà vu).
Some might remember Bayer paid out a hefty amount of money over cancer-causing glyphosate. ‘Isn’t hazardous’, huh?
The US government even historically sprayed their own troops in herbicide ‘Agent Orange’, also known to cause cancer (note location: Hilo, Hawai’i, not Vietnam). So would governments spray you in a harmful pesticide substance? Absolutely yes.
Partners With mRNA
One of the other curiosities of the dsRNA (double-stranded; ‘two RNAs’) approach for RNAi, is it impacts mRNA (messenger RNA), specifically interfering with how it works in protein production. Not that mRNA needed more interference.
Similarly occurs with miRNA (micro RNA), emphasis added:
The second pathway is the silencing of endogenous messenger RNAs by miRNAs. These miRNAs negatively regulate gene expression by base pairing to specific mRNAs, resulting in either RNA cleavage or arrest of protein translation
The mRNA shots also contain dsRNA (on top of all that DNA contamination).
For example, the EMA (Europeans Medicines Agency) wrote that the Moderna shot should “provide details of the control strategy for dsRNA” (which, ultimately, Moderna didn’t do).
It also has possible implications with myocarditis:
DoorlessCarp — who often writes extremely technical, in-depth analysis articles covering topics relating to medicine, and is absolutely worth subscribing to — mentioned dsRNA in their article ““Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?” - Further reading (Part II)”, where they highlighted a paper suggesting dsRNA found in the mRNA shots may have implications with myocarditis.
Viral Connections
Oh, and to top it off, dsRNA is associated with viral infections (I.E. on weight of probability it is a bad thing):
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is associated with most viral infections — it either constitutes the viral genome (in the case of dsRNA viruses) or is generated in host cells during viral replication.
— Cellular origins of dsRNA, their recognition and consequences
Just in-case the possibility of messing with (SARS-CoV-2 spike) proteins wasn’t a big enough give away this is hostile.
In-fact, the RNAi gene silencing is so strongly associated with viral infections, and the immune system against them, that one of the ways it was discovered was via viral infection of plants.
And you can bet the US government was all over this like a rash! DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested $65 million in gene editing technologies back in 2017…
…and in the same year, the EPA’s first approval of RNAi pesticides to Bayer.
And a surprising contender joined in with zero relevance — USGS (US Geological Survey) — with a demented bent for using RNAi against Zebra Mussels. So basically contaminating every major US waterway in existence. They really don’t want you to escape this form.
But this RNAi doesn’t just come in pesticide form. It gets worse, dear reader. (Yippee, you cry).
Plants Have Been Engineered To Produce Gene Silencing Materials Too
This is why the public cannot simply sit idle in their homes and hope this will ‘pass them by’, because the assault on the public is relentless, the attack will come from all angles. Even their food will be poisoned (their tap water already is).
This isn’t even speculation. They’ve already been patented (MON 87411; originally under Monsanto, owned by Bayer who bought out Monsanto), and it comes complete with slides, too!
The slides come from the scarily and fittingly named “Environmental dissipation of dsRNA in soil, aquatic systems and plants” by Pamela Bachman, working for Bayer.
It talks about dsRNA… (used to silence genes via RNAi) contaminating the environment. It brushes it under the carpet the same way Pfizer did their harms.
The cross contamination risks of GMOs cross-breeding with naturally grown plants, and then producing dsRNA, and thus gene modifying RNAi, is huge!
And naturally, they want to patent whatever the genetic end result is. Because they care for starving children in Africa, or something.
Throwback: Poison Vaccines In Your Vegetables
It is worth remembering they wanted to poison the food supply with mRNA gene modification.
It’s the same evidenced topic the low quality journalism outlet USA Today tried to ‘debunk’…
...by quoting themselves, a Tweet, the Rolling Stone magazine and an article that contradicted their claim — forcing them to write the misleading line…
…partly false (which is another way of saying it’s true). Even their summary is a contradiction where it goes ‘it’s partly false but they are indeed doing it!’.
So it isn’t false then. ‘Partly false’, the escape hatch of the failed ‘fact-checker’ who can’t admit they’re wrong.
USA Today’s misleading claim rests on them inventing an imaginary hair split where, unable to deny there’s genetic alteration of plants to poison you with mRNA going on, they claim it isn’t specific to COVID-19. No-one said it was.
Doesn’t their partly false ‘fact-check’ make you feel worlds safer, dear reader?
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What could go wrong? Didn’t they guarantee the spike would stay in the deltoid and be gone in 24-48 hours?
they will end up poisoning all life on earth. Mother earth, time to wake up, get a couple earth quakes where these quacks are !