Behind The Scenes & Memes | Fiery Edition
Argh, everything is on fire! War! Angry Farmers! Possible Cures! Death!
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I just barely managed to get the treatment modality article out this week after metaphorically stubbing my toe on everything. I wrangled in emails, DMs, open-ended discussions on Twitter, large piles of studies and poking random bypassers who had interesting information, trying to find novel treatment proposals.
Meanwhile the globalist arsonists set fire to even more stuff and I cannot keep up. By intention, I’d imagine. A bunch of warnings and predictions written came true, and more are likely to by the hour.
Behind The Scenes Info-Dump
As a result, I am going to rapid fire info-dump everything I’m seeing behind the scenes. It is unlikely I will find time to cover it all in a conventional article.
The UK has formed a “security agreement” with Ukraine, which Russia interprets as British troops being put on the ground. This backs up The Daily Beagle’s warning of British troops being put into Ukraine back in October 2023.
And before I can even publish this article, Germany has declared they plan to set up approximately ten thousand German troops for an attack. Original lead, Disclose TV.
They estimate something will happen in Feb 2024 (translated from German into English via plugin):
Which is the same date that Google published would contain a “Sensitive Event”, which was rush reported in a paying subscribers predictions article.
There’s also the Sweden war warning we noted, also reported by BILD.
And there’s more…
Noted in the war predictions article, I warned US and UK were planning to strike Yemen. They have now gone ahead and done so, expanding the war in the middle-east.
The Pentagon Skynet warning has happened, as OpenAI revoked their ‘no military usage’ Terms of Service.
It turns out aersolised mRNA with LNPs is a thing. I mean, not surprising if you read the end of the ‘vaccine manufacturers are behind the outbreaks’ article (an article with a mere 11 likes).
The US government is trying to outlaw revolution by banning militias, something that is Constitutionally protected.
Volcanic eruption is destroying an Icelandic town.
Multiple countries’ farmers have joined a massive blockade against Germany as the public have finally had it with globalist bullshit.
Zelensky’s Ukrainian thugs have murdered American journalist Gonzalo Lira. The reported injuries of Pneumothorax due to broken ribs means he was beaten to death.
Texas has deployed National Guard to block the Federal government over border dispute.
Taiwan elects a new President who also does not like China, squashing rumours that Taiwan would be “peacefully let go by the globalists”. China, of course, aren’t happy.
The Iran Observer has basically declared Iran have an intention to expand the front of the Gaza war (read: Iran is going to get involved after the bombing of Yemen).
And finally, as covered by Aussie17, Dr Fukushima has mentioned about reading thousands of papers that show harms with the shots. Paying subscribers will recall the difficulties I had back in Feb 2023 where I reached out to Dr Fukushima to refer on a list showing over 800 studies indicating harms (now over 960).
Your paying subscriptions made this happen! Go team!
A spontaneous poll. Given the severity of what is going on…
Memes I Made Earlier
As per usual, feel free to steal.
Wild Meme Encounters
Stay safe, dear reader, in whichever fallout shelter you opt to occupy!
Before I vote, I need to know if making the article public would endanger you in any way- would you be more likely to get censored? Are paying subscriber articles more discrete? If it puts you or your Substack at any risk, then don't do it. If it's all the same either way, then making it a public post will not only alert more people, but also gain you more subscribers.
There are a LOT of pointers to mid-Feb. for dire predictions, even more than the ones you've included. Something wicked this way comes.
Oh that last meme!