Near To Zero: Sterilisation Viruses and "Malnutrition Vaccines" [Update]
Proving Depopulation Agenda, starring Peter 'Hookworm' Hotez, and featuring Bill 'Kill' Gates
Update: Asked to include two vital pieces of evidence, which for people who have already read this article can read here.
The Daily Beagle offered to discuss the depopulation agenda in a shared article with Toby Rogers. It likely would have been an interesting discussion. Toby declined on the grounds they were a sigma wolf.
The Daily Beagle must profess to not knowing what a ‘sigma wolf’ is or why animal analogies would prohibit discussions on depopulation agenda. Must be a full moon thing, but we digress, we’ll be covering the topic regardless.
Peter Hotez Divines A Coming Food Shortage
Perhaps in the petty fray of who can outbid whom on what debate between Joe Rogan, RFK Jr (another ConOp, in our view) and cheese-teeth grin wearing Peter ‘Tarbrush’ Hotez, something even more damning got lost.
Peter Hotez foresees, with absolute certainty, mass starvation is coming, and has offered, drumroll please…
Malnutrition vaccines! Given government double-speak, we imagine the vaccines gives you malnutrition. Published in September 2022, how the hell does Hotez know a “food catastrophe” is “imminent”? Unless, of course, it is planned, in order to depopulate the planet.
What exactly do these “malnutrition vaccines” supposedly consist of, anyway? You’d be forgiven if you thought the answer was “calories”, “proteins”, “vitamins” or even “electrolytes”. Haha, silly pleb, it is none of those beneficial things!
Instead it is yet another opportunity for Hotez to hock his hookworm shot for profits:
“Texas Children’s CVD” (Texas Children’s Center for Vaccine Development) is basically where Peter Hotez works! The sole-authorship “peer review” paper is nothing but a giant advertisement for his own organisation of which he directs:
And of course Hotez goes on to indirectly admit that the hookworm shot he’s ‘reviewing’ hocking is… his own:
He’s director of a “charity” of which he pays himself out of, in order to make shots he can shill for in his ‘scientific’ papers to sell, all whilst giving it the thin veneer of being a “charity”. That’s not a charity; that’s a business pretending to be a charity!
Still, how does the vaccine salesman know of an imminent food shortage? Who tipped him off?
And why are others working on…
Sterilising Adenoviruses
Can’t take credit for the find here, it was originally reported by Igor Chudov, however it seems everybody in alternate media have completely glossed over the serious ramifications of this.
Now, we hope Igor can forgive us for shamelessly stealing part of his screenshot, but the screenshot is so pertinent it bears showing again (given the public seem to be ignoring the huge ramifications):
As The Daily Beagle have previously proven, even from the horse’s mouth of Pfizer shills, the mRNA shots are gene modification (‘gene therapy’; nothing therapeutic about them), and as mentioned in the cancer article, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Janssen/Johnson&Johnson used genetically modified (GM) adenoviruses.
As Igor aptly and indirectly notes, replacing the words ‘cats’ and ‘dogs’ with us, the human race: suddenly you have a bioweapon being casually bantered about.
This doesn’t just sterilise — another aspect Igor may have accidentally missed — there’s also the implication it’d mutilate your children too.
It also works on mice, who have more similarities on the small scale to humans (SARS-CoV chimeric viruses are tested on “humanized mice”):
Remember when Pfizer didn’t publish any reproduction studies on female mice for their mRNA shot when it first came out? And who could forget the menstrual changes link?
Do you wonder why now?
Igor doesn’t have to speculate on the ‘what if’ it’s designed for humans, because the study basically comes straight out the door and says it upfront:
Notice how the animal contraception technology is based on prior “development and refinement” based on human use? I.E. they tested it on humans first, animals second. It distinctly reminds me of this joke cartoon:
Interestingly, the sterilisation study talks about the ‘anti-Müllerian hormone’ as being the target of it’s working mechanism.
An oddly specific peer-reviewed paper was released in response to the mRNA shots (to a question nobody at the time asked), absolutely insisting that the mRNA shots do not interfere with the ‘anti-Müllerian hormone’…
…which is hugely undermined by the fact that the study admits it:
Unethically had no unvaccinated control group for “ethical reasons” (presumes vaccine safety erroneously, rather than doubts it)
Only covered a 3 month period (which is wholly insufficient):
Is this why there are vaccine shills like ‘Viki’ Male going around screeching that the shots are ‘safe for pregnancy’ whilst ignoring all red flags and warning signs?
Infertility Conga Line
In 1989 a paper was written calling for “anti-fertility vaccines”, where they had conducted experiments in India, quoting:
And they verbatim state they experimented on people with prostate cancers:
If you’re a Daily Beagle reader and that line about cancers in the prostate sounds oddly recently familiar… it is. We mentioned the sharp jump in prostate cancers in the vaccine cover-up cancer article:
And as we know, LNPs [lipid nanoparticles] end up in the prostate:
Notice how that list includes the parts of the body relating to fertility: ovaries, testes, prostate, and hormonal control systems like pituitary gland and thyroid? Is the picture becoming clearer?
If it isn’t, perhaps these may help convince you. Another paper, in 1994, was bluntly titled “A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women.”, which interestingly reveals that “tetanus and diphtheria toxoids” are “carriers” for the sterilisation shot:
This is particularly damning, because a Catholic charity found tetanus shots given in Africa also contained anti-hCG (hCG; human chorionic gonadotropin; a fertility hormone found in women), a sterilisation agent, spearheaded by none other than the WHO:
But perhaps the connection between tetanus toxoids and anti-hCG infertility-causing shots doesn’t suffice, somehow?
Another, in 1997, conducted experiments with anti-hCG, titled “Anti-hCG vaccines are in clinical trials”, remarking that ‘birth control vaccines’ were at the ‘forefront’ of their development:
In 2010 another paper was published, calling for the use of the immune system to attack fertility. The title? “Vaccines for immunological control of fertility”.
Guess what it espoused propaganda-wise as justification mass sterilisation? That’s right, global warming/climate change propaganda nonsense:
The Daily Beagle has already proven why ‘global warming’ (climate change) is a scam.
Many of you are already familiar with the phrase “you are the carbon they want to reduce”.
From the paper, does the equation…
population × affluence × technology (IPAT) model
…seem oddly familiar to you? It should. It won’t shock you when you know where it is from…
It’s from the TedX talk by Bill Gates where he talks about effectively murdering the population to meet the globalists’ mass murder targets: “pretty much one of these numbers is going to have to get near to zero”.
No prizes for guessing he’s talking about the population, given that is the point where he says the line (the P is highlighted):
The diagram from the quted “Vaccines for immunological control of fertility”, of course, mentions the LNP-riddled pituitary gland as a possible target route for sterilisation (along with the ‘gonads’ or genitalia; AKA testes [male], AKA ovaries [female]):
The mRNA poison shot, of course, targets these areas and more.
The Daily Beagle was hoping for a discussion with Toby, given his sharp insights on many topics and criticisms of the Uniparty, however the water may have been soured by criticisms directed at Robert F Kennedy Jr whom The Daily Beagle has little reason to trust (article from 2017):
How many lives do the sterilisation shots save, Kennedy?
Anti-Müllerian Hormone Connects To Ovarian Reserve
Originally covered by Dr Syed, and brought to my attention by Jikkyleaks, the Ovarian Reserve is how many eggs a woman has left in her ovaries, and is impacted by the Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH):
Quoting from Dr Syed’s article:
[…] if your AMH is high you have a good deal of reserve and if it’s low you have little reserve and menopause may occur in the next few years.
Dr Syed goes on to note although the papers screech everything is fine and hunky dory, looking at the data shows otherwise:
What we really need to know is - how many women reported long or absent cycles, or a more than 10% decrease in AMH, and what happened to those women after 6 months?
Well the authors asked exactly this question and found 51/129 (40%) of the study group dropped their AMH by more than 10%.
But surely there’s no way to prove the COVID-19 shots caused the issues, right?
Cue an unlikely source to the rescue… ‘Viki’ Male?!
Yes, the same ‘Viki Male’ of mRNA vaccine manufacturer Imperial College infamy, inadvertently posts evidence of ovarian failure occurring… after 2020, as Jikkyleak aptly points out:
The graph from ‘Viki’ is noticably damning. They try to speculate “perhaps” it is an increase in diagnoses, but this is a circular argument fallacy; of course there will be an increase in diagnosis, if there’s an increase in harms.
‘Viki’ tries to claim there’s “no big jump in 2022”, ignoring the massive one starting with the shot rollout in 2021:
Here’s the graph showing the jump in Ovarian Failure post-2020 (notice the shots have not reduced it, so if you opt to blame COVID-19 you’d need to justify why the shots don’t work):
The data is reportedly from this NHS source. Anti-fertility, it’s got what globalists crave.
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Ah, the giants of the earth are busy tending to their flocks -- whether the flocks want it or not. Good thing human lifespan is finite in all cases, as it provides for cessation of salient cases of idiocy and associated hubris.
Well, at least an Idiocracy like future is being prevented.