There are 3 plasmid suppliers. https://drbine-substack-com.translate.goog/p/liste-der-biontech-zulieferer-work?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Pfizer, Chesterfield, Biomay from May 2021 and AGC Biologicy GmbH, Heidelberg from June 2021 3

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Thank you for the additional information. The main focus of this article was to prove the mRNA shots are gene modification, rather than name every plasmid supplier Pfizer has. AGC Biologics are the most vocal about it being "gene therapy".

Also, your second link has a typo Dr Bines, it says:


But it should say:


accinev -> vaccine

Good research, I'm not a fan of the list format myself.

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I normally write scientific dark satire. My main focus is on Ugurs book "the vaccine", which I dissected.

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I must admit I'm not familiar with that book.

Dark satire, a bit like a dystopian comedy?

'Welcome to DystopiaCorp, please have your anti-cancer tax money ready'

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You should really read it https://www.amazon.de/Vaccine-Inside-Conquer-Covid-19-Pandemic/dp/1250280362/

Very interesting what he has to say.

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Farmers spray hay fields with cow manure. E Coli is killed at temps 160°

Compost needs similar temps to be considered 'sterile'. Will we need to boil all water to render it safe to drink? Rivers, streams exposed to run-off from farming will carry this resistant

E Coli eventually making its way into everything, this has already begun.

Just tweeted your article and posted on multiple sites. This is not the time to sit back and wait for God to fix the mess we created. Imho

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I wanted to use the phrase "bacterial apocalypse", but I feel it is wrong to use religious terminology in anything that makes money, so I melted it down to "bacterial disaster". I would much rather call it an apocalypse because I think people would grasp I am not trying to use hyperbole, and the word "disaster" is a grand underselling.

"E Coli eventually making its way into everything, this has already begun."

Unfortunately you don't want to hear my "ideas" for "fixing" this; I know you're curious so I'll divulge either way.

Option 1 is eventually a set of humans will emerge, immune to the effects of this bacteria; this would mean allowing the disaster to run the course naturally. The erroneous assumption is assuming anything can become immune to this. If the spikes result in prion disease... nothing will.

Option 2; nuke everything. And I mean everything. Every major population centre with the people still in them. Rural folk are less likely to have gotten the shots. Those who did would be culled en-mass; and the radiation would hopefully mutate the bacteria's genome so badly that it stops possessing the ability to integrate spike protein manufacturing. This would mean the survivors have to deal with cancer and infertility.

The globalists made the stupidest mistake imaginable in their delusions of godhood and grandeur and damned nearly every single one of us to hell in the process.

I can only hope this article is wrong and has overlooked something, like a natural culling system for the bacteria, but without evidence, as younger people would say, "that's copium" (a belief based on a falsehood used to help one cope).

Even if we were to invent new antibiotics... the bacteria could gain resistance to that as well.

My concern isn't just humans, but animal species as well. Except the deer, the deer have a resistance to prion disease, apparently. Pretty much all animal species dead... I hope I am wrong.

Option 2 may already be on the table if my understanding of the events in Ukraine are correct. So... there's that disaster as well.

And the creepy part is... the world carries on like everything is normal.

Feels so dystopian.

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"After intraperitoneal injection of E. coli LPS, these mice displayed a time and dose dependent organ specific pattern of luciferase expression, showing that NF- k B dependent gene transcription is transiently activated in multiple organs by systemic LPS (lipopolysaccaride) administration" AJRCCM VOL 162, ISSUE 3. Pub med 10988136. June 29, 1999.

Interesting list of authors.

The LPS was an E. coli serotype.

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did you try contacting Keven through his Anandamide substack? Also related, aside from the bacterial dna, have you seen the empirical testing that shows the mRNA shots affects human liver cells' dna?


"“In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,” the researchers wrote in the study, published in Current Issues of Molecular Biology. “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after BNT162b2 exposure.”

source: :https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm

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I was not aware Kevin had a Substack, and have just sent him a message on his most recent article. He might reply; my original plan was for his expertise to explain to a dumbass like myself how the plasmids transfect genes, and then going off to do independent verification of the claims so I could explain to everybody else in layman's terms.

I often read Kevin's in-depth, technical work on Twitter, and I must profess the jargon overwhelms me, so I imagine others may experience similarly, so I wanted to ask questions and then distill it down.

Instead, now the cart (my theory) is before the horse (Kevin's expertise), it's likely going to turn into him punching holes in my theory in a critical follow up. I wasn't going to allow Pfizer the luxury of 'extra time' without a spotlight being shone on their corruption, even if that meant continuing on without Kevin's feedback.

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Dr Jessica Rose has written a couple of "explainer" articles on her Substack. She's great at distilling things down.

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All this needs to be exposed and I'm sure many who are jabbed and keep getting ill with chesty coughs that linger, even with antibiotics, or other body parts showing infections they've never experienced before are probably wondering what's happening to their bodies. I am hearing of them constantly in my circle of friends. I am concerned how the shock of knowing they may be resistant now to antibiotics will affect their psyche and put more stress on them causing more illness. I want to shout out but I know I will just get resistance as they believe the jabs saved them from imminant death.

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This is evil it seems on an unprecedented scale with the eugenicists saying like Jacques Attali unapologetically that they will create the fear and have the dumb and stupid call for to be saved and they will provide the cure that is the solution and those will willingly go to the slaughterhouse (pharmacies, shot clinics, hospitals) all on their own.

A culling that even philosopher-eugenicists in the early formation at Harvard Divinity School could hardly have dreamed, but they did and never bothered with any ethics or consent but for a "common good", whatever that was that suited them. Their warped idealism and corrupted foreign relations gave us Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Rwanda, and all the illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars since I was born.

I loath and despise them all.

" The planet is doing just fine, it's the people that are F'd."

- Some observant comedian

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Perhaps wondering if one will simply stroke out is enough to scare the wits out of anyone who accepted these shots and welcomed these shots of human sludge/biological material into their bodies. From the first time "transfection" was trotted out, I knew this was nothing I would accept as safe for me. After I read the SEC filings from 2019 for Biontec and Moderna, confirmation that these are gene altering products was had.

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I already knew no vaccine, even with the best intents, could work if the information on SARS-CoV-2 mutating as rapidly as it did was true. Any vaccine (working as intended) would always be one step behind the virus; an infinite and pointless cash cow.

Hoskins effect said any vaccine would make immune response worse by priming to older variants. We saw that. Anyone who advocated for the shots knowing this, knew they were harming the public.

But as soon as I saw it was using novel "mRNA"... the penny dropped. It was never about stopping the virus - if they were being honest they would have switched into antivirals and care packages - instead it was about genetic experimentation.

Either they didn't know if it was safe; which meant they were maliciously experimenting on the public without consent - or they knew it was unsafe, and that was the intention. Now, they don't need the entire world to 'maliciously experiment', because Pfizer & Co have done that for decades; they just waltz over to some illiterate part of Africa and exploit the impoverished.

So, the only conclusion is they wanted the harms. And they wanted the harms mass scale.

I'm confident the primary harms are infertility; anything else is secondary.

I just need to be able to distinctly prove it.

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Jul 16, 2023
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I'm with Yeadon on this.

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Perhaps this will “scare the wits” out of you - if it’s true.

I dimly remember reading somewhere recently that the coming generation of mRNA drugs need a

bioactive ‘hook’ (acronym PAM) to fully engage with the human body, but luckily for us that permanent bioactive hook has been seeded in the body by the mRNA vaccine shots.

My wish is to not to spread dis / mis / mal / information, but if any of that is remotely true, or even possible, did anybody you know give consent to becoming an easy feeder for future mRNA drugs (including vaccines), and if so was the possibility of long term adverse effects discussed?

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See Jessica Rose's latest substack... she talks about PAM

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GATTACA is here.

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Taa, JP...for those of us who remain lamentably GATTACA oblivious... '8/10

We now have discrimination down to a science.

hitchcockthelegend 13 March 2013

...It's the near future and eugenics dominate a society where children are either "valids" (reproductive through eugenics) or "in-valids" (naturally birthed with inherent genetic flaws). One such "in-valid" is Vincent Anton Freeman (Hawke), who plots an intricate scheme to assume a "valid" person's identification so as to reach his dreams of being an astronaut.

There is no gene for fate.

Biopunk future meets tech-noir in this thought provoking and intelligent piece of sci-fi. There is a decent argument to suggest that Gattaca is more style over character substance, especially given that visually Niccol's movie is stunning. It's a near future world of genetic engineering where although discrimination is illegal, perfection rules the day and the "in-valids" are passed over for high grade employment. Identity, inferiority and bigotry are fused together to offer up moral quandaries and ethical conundrums, all set to an oppressive tech-noir backdrop painted by Idziak's deft choice of colour filters. There's a striking difference between the look of the Gattaca corporation compared to the rest of the outside world, this helps to keep the thematics at work rich and potent.'


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Predictive programming?

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I've seen mention of "GATTACA" before, however as I'm a Citizen Journalist rather than a geneticist, I don't profess to understand what it means; I would however like to know, if you feel like enlightening me? No pressure if you don't.

All I can do is shine a light dimly using my handcrank torch of truth.

[Edit: Apparently my error was assuming all caps of known amino acid letters was a genetic sequence. I see that it is a movie title.]

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It is both! GATTACA is a genetic sequence from the movie of the same name. It is a fascinating dystopian film where humanity is discriminated on genetic grounds. "Pure-bloods" (invalids in the movie) are a downtrodden slave class, whereas genetically-engineered children (valids) have a whole new world of possibilities open to them, like migrating to another planet in the solar system.

Year: 1997.

We were so close to the same system of genetic discrimination: those who took the bioweapon shots had a world open to them, but the pure-bloods were reduced to a downtrodden and despised untermenschen.

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I'm not so sure those who took the bioweapon have a 'world open to them'.

Their injury and death rate speaks volumes.

One guy told me he took the jab to stay on his university course, another said he took it to keep his job.

I remarked to both 'how can you keep it, if you're suffering from health effects?'

You can't work if you're disabled.

Your degree is worthless to you if you're dead.

'Better to stay alive', I said, 'and be able to find a new job, than to take the shot and can't'.

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Just like in GATTACA, it, too, was a lie (SPOILER: the protagonist makes his journey to space on his own merits rather than genetic tokenism).

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Interesting article: ZyCoV-D becomes world’s first plasmid DNA vaccine for COVID-19 https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/160968/zycov-d-becomes-worlds-first-plasmid-dna-vaccine-for-covid-19/

What if it always was the plasmid and not the modRNA?

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I always thought mRNA was a trojan horse for direct human gene editing.

There is so much public resistance to gene modification, that they have to 'slip it in via stealth'.

Question I want to know is, what genes are they modifying, and why?

My suspicion is it is something to do with the next generation's fertility.

Like those GM mosquitoes.

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Hust think about this ole Scholl insertional mutagenesis experiment https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23928056/

This will either activate oncogene or destroy tumor suppressor genes. It's a big, classical insertions mutagenesis experiment.

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Anything relating to fertility?

I am pretty confident the gene modifier affects the next generation and renders them infertile, but I currently cannot prove this hunch.

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To many things that might be a problem to fertility like hormones, weak mitochondria,... It seems it goes into the eggs. Arnde Burkhard had a sample of a misscarriage full of spike. Check his presentations.

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What if it was all of it?

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Has anyone here read the Pfizer docs forced released to the public by a judge rather than keeping in the dark for 75 years, as requested by Pfizer and the FDA and their attorneys?

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The documents have been published in batches, however it is a huge volume of documents. You can find the documents published here:


A handful of documents were covered by The Daily Beagle here:


and here:


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My article on Biomay. You will have to use google translate, is suppose https://drbine.substack.com/p/woher-stammt-biontechs-linearisiertes

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My browser has a built-in page translation tool, after Google kept trying to censor my research.

Thank you for your contributions!

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mNRA molds into the Patient DNA and the Continuous Injection of Boosters literally turns the Patient into a Covid-19 Spike baby Factory infecting people around you and producing new Variants. Fully vaccinated and boosted individuals now fill the Hospitals and all virologists I’ve talked to pretty much stated that never trust something that requires constant boosters that are ineffective and don’t stop the Spread and Also vaccinations REQUIRE SIGNED AUTHORIZATION, NO Medical Professional can give you a Flu Vaccination without signed consent yet Not required on a experimental vaccine. If people are gullible enough to blindly trust what the government says about boosters and won’t listen to reason Deserves all that comes y to them STOP BEING SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRAT RULE AND STOP BEING SHEEP TO BIG PHARMA SCARE TATICS.

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I don’t think you’re going to get any interaction with Kevin McKernan now, especially after inferring he refused to respond to you publicly. You’re now persona non grata in his book.

The errors in your article are myriad, but I will focus on this two areas which is so rife with error as to be laughable.

“Meaning the genetically modified plasmids containing the DNA used in the manufacture of mRNA, are likely to get integrated into antibiotic resistant E. Coli, or if the genetically modified E. Coli are already present in the shot (more than likely given the bacterial endotoxins hinting at their presence), then they are more than likely to pick up antibiotic resistance.”

The first thing is the plasmids themselves used in the manufacturing process have a neomycin/kanamycin resistant gene manufactured into them. So it’s not some heat seeking missile looking for gut bacteria that is already antibiotic resistant. The plasmid IS the antibiotic resistance factor, which could if these plasmids made it to the gut and transfected E. coli there, confer antibiotic resistance to them. How much of your gut bacteria would be transformed to be antibiotic resistant is questionable and may or may not be an issue until you were exposed to an aminoglycoside antibiotic treatment. In that case, if aminoglycoside antibiotics killed off a significant portion of your normal gut flora, then any resistant bacteria would have a chance to dominate the colony.

When a topic is this deep and complex it is best not to try to put these things into laymen’s terms when you, yourself don’t have full grasp of it and admittedly wanted to reach out for guidance, but had none. Right there you should have stopped. To be able to translate this requires having expert knowledge to break it down to the level where laymen can understand the mechanics and process without confusion.

There is a reason why people like McKernan have difficulty breaking this down into common language is because the scientific terms used to describe genetics and biological processes at the level of plasmids, genes and PCR require definitions that are paragraphs or longer. If you string a few of these terms together, it would require pages of explanation for just a few words. Genetics is much more complex than general medicine or entry level college microbiology. It’s a steeeeeeeep learning curve that takes people with pretty decent medical and biology knowledge some serious effort to understand it well. It’s that specialized.

This is a space where 99.9% of the population needs to spend their time reading as much as they can and attempting to ask pertinent questions when they think they might have come to understanding something, but need clarification. That is generally how the learning process is supposed to work, instead of writing a book report that would get a “C” grade in junior high school and presenting it to the public as though it’s accurate information. That is essentially what you have done here and most of your audience will not have any of idea of how many mistakes and fallacies are in your article.

That being said, one more glaring point of error, THERE IS NO PROOF of plasmid DNA integration into the human genome. We need that to be proven by PCR pathology. It hasn’t been yet. We don’t even have proof of plasmid DNA transfection of gut bacteria either, although I believe that Sabine Hazan, the gastroenterologist researcher is likely looking hard at that and will use PCR to do it. If she finds it, she will publish. Your title alone is a travesty. It’s as bad a Joseph Mercola’s titled article claiming McKernan had found “Green Monkey DNA” in the vaccines. A claim that was so far from the truth of the matter, that whichever of his ghost writer’s did that should have been whipped behind the woodshed for it.

McKernan has made assays available so that if researchers are so inclined to start looking for possible DNA integration in patients, that the tools are already available to run the PCR tests. That’s the last hurdle to get this hypothesis across the finish line. Integration and its genetic alterations proven to be causing disease states.

I would really hate for this to be someone’s first encounter with this topic and read what is essentially word salad with no real citations of McKernan’s work.

You really should consider deleting this article. Lucky for you McKernan won’t be engaging with you, because you’d get a tongue lashing for besmirching his reputation, by whining that he wouldn’t pay any attention to you. As though you aren’t just one of a dozen people a week making requests to him for interviews and answers and it being on a holiday weekend, when most people just want to relax and forget about this stuff for a few days. It’s not as though he doesn’t have a busy lab with more than a couple dozen employees under him, all of whom are engaged in work in a completely different area of research. His work on this topic is voluntary, out of pocket and done on his own time and that of others he works with volunteering to do it. No one’s getting paid.

You should apologize profusely for your behavior and as a show of good faith, delete the article. It’s embarrassing.

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Whew, a very lengthy and aggressive comment. I stick by my observation of the facts.

"I don’t think you’re going to get any interaction with Kevin McKernan now, especially after inferring he refused to respond to you publicly. You’re now persona non grata in his book."

If McKernan doesn't respond to people, and I highlight he doesn't respond to people, he cannot get angry over a simple observation of the facts. If he doesn't want to appear that way... then don't act that way.

"You’re now persona non grata in his book"

For simply stating he did not reply?

"Right there you should have stopped"

And what, trust the experts? The ones that don't answer any questions? The ones that turn hostile to inquisitiveness? The ones that declare me 'persona non grata' for highlighting they don't reply? It seems like you're more concerned about appearances rather than actions. I'm not here to pander. I'm here to try to find the truth.

"It’s that specialized. "

I agree.

"That being said, one more glaring point of error, THERE IS NO PROOF of plasmid DNA integration into the human genome."

There's evidence of plasmid DNA integration into mouse genome. It's near to the end of the article. I suspect you did not read that part.

"You really should consider deleting this article"

Because I hurt your ego? Your tone is very unprofessional, and your response about lack of evidence of plasmid DNA genome integration is not true, because it's presented in the article you obviously did not read.

"by whining"

Pointing out he does not respond is not 'whining'. I point out when ONS does not respond. I point out when CDC does not respond.

Lets put the boot on the other foot, shall we? Let us say I published this. You'd complain in public I hadn't bothered to contact McKernan. So I'm putting out there I put in quite a lot of effort. You talk selfishly about McKernan's time, but don't consider *anyone else's*. My schedule is busy too, this does not revolve around McKernan.

"It’s not as though he doesn’t have a busy lab with more than a couple dozen employees under him"

And yet recently he's happily had two people on-site to walk them manually through qPCR. No time for questions on DNA integration, time for hands-on show-and-tell with famous people, got it.

"ou should apologize profusely for your behavior and as a show of good faith, delete the article."

What part of it? Highlighting the truth?

What statement have I made that is in error?

Why ask for a deletion? To hide the evidence? Why not ask for a correction?

"No one’s getting paid."

I never made any accusations of payment nor grifting. Irrelevant.

"It’s embarrassing."

Your rebuttal leaves much to be desired. Come back when you've got specific subsections you disagree with, and contrary evidence, and we'll talk.

Can't believe McKernan sent a lackey to attack me because he's too haughty to respond.

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I was correct. He cut you off for making buffoon of yourself.

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Actually, he cut me off because I wasn't popular enough.

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