It's really interesting, I recall Vernon Coleman commenting on the use of autism as an umbrella term which brain damaged children are bundled into. Is autism real within that? I'm sure there are many different takes and I think we are so far adrift here in this world that people haven't been taught to even see properly. It's an astonishing statement but I'm not kidding.

If you happen to be neurodiverse in the autism area, there's a technique you can use. Choose a visual anchor point, be it a chair, table etc, fixate on it then allow yourself to become aware of your surroundings whilst still using the anchor point. Watch how the surroundings move much more smoothly and that you are no longer drawn into/reframing your vision onto other specific points to the extent your visual field is now much wider and you can see objects better in the context of one another. You can then learn to switch your anchor point. So end result- far less blocky visual cognition!! I call this technique neutral positioning. There's extensions to this such as "two brains" and there's other things you can do.

I'm sure this will help someone so I thought I'd spill the beans on this.

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"Is autism real within that?"

For a society that has been conditioned for several decades to see brain damage reframed as 'autism', the idea of the concept of autism itself not being potentially 'real', per se, will seem borderline offensive. But the goal here is to get a far more precise diagnosis of actual underlying cause.

The injuries the children experience are very real, to make absolutely clear. I genuinely believe there are cognition issues occurring as a result of injury. I don't see it as parents being dishonest, and I suspect most medical practitioners are 'going along with the flow'. That said, calling physical brain damage 'autism' is a bit like calling a broken leg 'calf syndrome'; it glosses over any sort of deeper investigation and negates treatment.

If people want to call it that, it is up to them, but recognising it as physical brain damage helps put in place steps to recovery; it stops being a nebulous concept and becomes a treatable disease. I'm also very concerned people see the term 'autism' as a trendy thing to throw about in the form of self-diagnosis; teachers also attempting to issue it as a diagnosis for unruly school behaviour is also quite inappropriate.

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Understood. I'll add that if one cannot define the problem one cannot define the solution. So many are still calling injuries from vaccines and medical drugs as "side effects", as if some blow up doll is being exploded in the corner somewhere in our name to take the damage and that the negative effects are always secondary to the benefits. The discourse is awful and will struggle to direct a solution.

Anyway, I revealed a couple of things and maybe someday, this will be on a substack or be more expansive with the rest of my work.

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"Side effects" has always sounded like an attempt to downplay the injuries, where they find even the more accurate term *adverse events* too uncomfortable, as if they had a panel of PR experts using various Orwellian terms in front of an ad hoc selection of members of the public, where they voted on which ones sounded more desirable to them.

This is a regular trick of harmful procedures:

- Removing genitalia and breasts becomes 'gender affirming care'

- Killing unborn children becomes 'abortion' (or more nauseatingly, 'healthcare')

- Shots that cripple you for life have 'side effects'

- Being trapped on a lifetime of drugs because they refuse to find and treat a cause becomes 'symptom management'

- Murdering the disabled, the poor and the elderly because they refuse to invest in appropriate treatments becomes 'euthanasia' (lit. 'good death') and is also disgustingly described as 'healthcare' (how is killing someone caring for their health?)

- Murder becomes 'end-of-life', which became 'Liverpool *Care* Pathway', which now becomes 'palliative care'

- You're not allowed to self-administer drugs because it's a danger and require a prescription, but the state can drop as many drugs as they need to bump you off ala Midazolam

- The dying are not allowed to conduct experimental drug trials in-case they accidentally die (during the start of the pandemic I proposed 'right-to-try' legislation where those who have been found to be dying could volunteer to try whatever drug or treatment they'd like; or be offered untested, experimental drugs: consent still required; I mean they're dying, shouldn't we be doing everything we can to save them, not offering them euthanasia? This was rejected in both the UK and the US)

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Agreed on terminology. We should at least use Autistic Spectrum Disorder as it's more accurate. Or just call it vax poisoning.

Important note about omega 3. We need a little ala from nuts, but not all omega 3 is the same.


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Thank you for the note on the differences between Omega-3. This wasn't intended as a deep dive on Omega-3 (or Omega-6 ratios), but simply to show treatments for traumatic brain injury happen to overlap with treatments for 'autism'.

Whichever terminology people wish to use, is entirely up to them, so long as they recognise it all means the same thing - physical damage to the brain.

(I will also admit to glossing over other causes of brain injury by the shots, such as auto-immunity disorders and cytokine storm events, but I'm hoping folks will infer this is generalised.)

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very informative!

I wonder if some of these remedies may also help people who were affected by the COVID "vaccines," which are causing all kinds of deleterious neurological effects... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/brain-killer-the-ugly-truth-of-the?r=8ypo0

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Me as someone on said spectrum: *gently sips tea*

(Or a J2O or other soft drink because I don't personally do caffeine really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

"Joycap, you are aware he's probably going to make an article about how caffeine was never originally associated with tea, right?"

...Yeah, probably.

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You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but can I ask if you take any sort of Omega-3 supplementation?

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Admittedly I’ll have to check. Not really paid attention to that kind of thing.

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With our anatomy having or 1 or 2 of the major organs and exponentially increasing 'scientific knowledge' about how they work, the official medical cartel has UNLIMITED amount of possible 'disease conditions' many with false, duplicate or misleading names... In todays poisoned world maybe all diseases have a multiple co-factors, frequently difficult to untangle. When you talk autism, I'd direct the audience towards parents who have those children and SEE the symptoms, in many cases a total loos of human interaction capabilities like voice, speech, smile, eye contact, and of course incapability of taking care of oneself, etc., etc. Aluminum and glyphosate would be the no 1+2 contributors, alone because of a CLEAR connection between autism AND vaccination (the old NORMAL style). Two documentaries 'VAXXED' and VAXXEDII show the entire scene behind this condition. Also the most memorable contribution, in my opinion to treating autism was Dr. J.J.Bradstreet, the one who was healing children, including his own son, with GcMAF and few more items, and while doing this, his facility was raided by FDA and few days later he was shot. His talks are luckily still on YT:


but when you go directly:


the full length is no more there....

It is a CRIME, linking that condition to VACCINES, one again, the old style. WIth covid injections children are straight dying!!

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Autism has grown incredibly since the 1960, when it was perhaps 3 or 4 per 1000. Since vaccines have grown in frequency due to makers pretending they can now 'cure' several more diseases, the volume of Autism has correspondingly multiplied. It's the useless but DEADLY injections that cause Autism!

Long Covid = Long term Covid injection injuries. Another new word for our post 2020 dictionaries = 'CoVax' - the impact of useless unsafe and ineffective injections they pretended were 'vaccines'.

Pfizer or Moderna - Choose your POISON! Russian Roulette if you got jabbed! Unbelievably some still do.

The authorities, Governments, Big Pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, all hid the useless but DEADLY nature of the dangerous injections but the public were stupid enough to believe the total bull-shi* and still got jabbed. Those that got jabbed and survived will eventually learn the truth when their Life Expectancy is cut short. Too late for them to realise what the long term data proves!

Interestingly, the only believable politician on the edge of the US political race is RFK (Jr). The rest pretend Covid was a natural phenomena and the useless but DEADLY poisonous jabs are necessary. They pretend the medical profession is not evil, mercenary and CRIMINAL!

Pfizer's & Moderna's (et al,) deadly injections, which they still pretend are 'vaccines', for Covid and the upcoming Bird Flu injections), must be stopped until they make their deadly poisons truly "Safe and Effective".

'Safe & Effective' = a decades old lie, since the useless Swine Flu jab killed over 50 service personnel back in the 1970's. Blatant and obvious lies = FOR PROFIT! They used 'NO LIABILITY' as blackmail.

'NO LIABILITY' is routinely assumed by the makers of these depopulating 'medicines'. No other product is sold with this unbelievable condition of use ('Acceptance'?) It's INSANE!

90% of "vax injuries" and "Vax related deaths" never get reported and the deliberate falsification of 'cause of death' by 'the authorities' is used to promote further depopulation by injection and to hide the poisonous Vax being the most likely cause of much of the Long Covid mayhem?

Those scientists certainly did a great job with their Gain of Function maximisation of the impact of the, previously almost harmless CoronaVirus and the upcoming Bird Flu, using their bio-weapon laboratory experimentation. Let's see if they can achieve number one status with their next useless GoF-modified Bird Flu virus experimentation. The next ("Safe & Effective") useless but deadly Bird Flu mRNA injection, which they've probably already prepared as stage 2 of the WEF's New World Order Cull of humanity. Translated 'Safe and Effective' means = HIGHLY PROFITABLE, useless, dangerous and life threatening!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention. Vax Injuries and vax-related DEATHS. Insanity now rules in the medical world.

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Long Covid = Long term Covid injection injuries. Another new word for our post 2020 dictionaries = 'CoVax' - the impact of useless unsafe and ineffective injections they pretend are 'vaccines'.

Pfizer or Moderna - Choose your POISON! Russian Roulette if you got jabbed! Unbelievably some still do.

The authorities, Governments, Big Pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, all hid the useless but DEADLY nature of the dangerous injections, the public were stupid enough to believe the total bull-shi* and got jabbed. Those still getting jabbed and will eventually learn the truth when their Life Expectancy proves to have been compromised by these deadly injections. Unfortunately, they will know no different but the long term data will prove it!

Interestingly, the only honest politician on the edge of the US political race is RFK (Jr). The rest pretend Covid was a natural phenomena and the useless but poisonous jabs are necessary. They pretend the medical profession is not evil, mercenary and CRIMINAL!

Pfizer's & Moderna's (et al,) deadly injections, which they still pretend are 'vaccines', for Covid and the upcoming Bird Flu injections), must be stopped until they make their deadly poisons truly "Safe and Effective".

'Safe & Effective' = a decades old lie, since the useless Swine Flu jab killed over 50 service personnel back in the 1970's. Blatant and obvious lies = FOR PROFIT! They used 'NO LIABILITY' as blackmail.

'NO LIABILITY' is routinely assumed by the makers of these depopulating 'medicines'. No other product is sold with this unbelievable condition of use ('Acceptance'?) It's INSANE!

90% of "vax injuries" and "Vax related deaths" never get reported and the deliberate falsification of 'cause of death' by 'the authorities' is used to promote further depopulation by injection and to hide the poisonous Vax being the most likely cause of much of the Long Covid mayhem?

Those scientists certainly did a great job with their Gain of Function maximisation of the impact of the, previously almost harmless CoronaVirus and the upcoming Bird Flu, using their bio-weapon laboratory experimentation. Let's see if they can achieve number one status with their next useless GoF-modified Bird Flu virus experimentation. The next ("Safe & Effective") useless but deadly Bird Flu mRNA injection, which they've probably already prepared as stage 2 of the WEF's New World Order Cull of humanity. Translated 'Safe and Effective' means = HIGHLY PROFITABLE, useless, dangerous and life threatening!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention. Vax Injuries and vax-related DEATHS. Insanity now rules in the medical world.

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Your observations encapsulate much of what is wrong with the so called medical establishment or healthcare industry. This little "trick" employed with "autism" is nothing new, it is a pattern of behavior they use all the time.

What ordinary person question any of it? Only very few.

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