Now I hear talk about nuclear weapons not being real, but used to instill fear and further a narrative. Similar to the new thinking about viruses not being real.


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The CIA always revisit the old classic of 'everything is a hoax' when trying to discredit anything that undercuts their narrative.

Apparently this time they forgot two nukes were used in WW2 against Japan, or the fact we have a ton of detonation footage. One wonders also how the nuclear plants work if super-critical nuclear reactions aren't a thing.

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I discussed, with my Wife, the idea that the Baltimore Bridge could have been a deliberate act . She said that was too far fetched and "nobody could be so callous to be 'bribed' or persuaded to commit such an impactful act". It's a sinister and evil world we now live in!

We then related to several other recent callous and inexplicable 'coincidences' that have occurred since the world seemingly went mad in 2020.

Millions are being killed by Experimental injections which we are told are VACCINES! This 'Depopulation Cull' is still running at full speed!

Strange coincidences like the multiple food production and storage facilities spontaneously catching fire. Damaged oil pipe lines under the oceans being destroyed. These acts all helps with the fictitious and manufactured INFLATION which is making us all poorer with each catastrophe. Like the numerous African politicians who want to oppose the World Health Organisation's (fictitious) Treaty, suddenly dying mysteriously? Like the recent assassination attempt of an eastern European Politician who wants to veto the WHO's Health Treaty.

Remember Adolf Schwab of the WEF stated "Let zem eat bugs, become cold, own nothing - zey vill be happy". Sounds like a Master Plan to me.

Even Boing executives that question their Safety ethos seem to 'mysteriously disappear'??? Probably unrelated but maybe part of the WEF's covering up exercise.

Nothing today is beyond belief. The New World Order (WEF) has no boundaries when it comes to getting their way.

Well, guess what, it's time to turn the tables. We're coming for you. Jail is too good for them that mean us no good! The REVOLOUTION is coming and it ain't gonna be pretty!

In the meantime, I'll continue to ask why deadly injections are still being peddled by super-wealthy companies that refuse LIABILITY! It's INSANE and must be reversed before they kill the rest of us.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Of course it was deliberate.

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Funny thing that. I don’t h save much to say to those that aren’t red-pilled these days. Perhaps a snarky response like: Yeah? How’s that Coincidence Theory working out for ya? And: Let’s not go off all half-clocked mistaking malfeasance for incompetence.

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My next T Shirt will read:


$10,000 PER LOAD

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1969 recollection in 1988.

Day Tapes:


"Anyhow, the new system would be brought in, if not by peaceful cooperation - everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty - then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. And everybody would be so fearful as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System.

He said something about 'this negotiated peace would be very convincing', as kind of in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realization that peace was better than war."


Dr. Lawrence Dunegan recalling Planned Parenthood Rockefeller insider Richard Day’s warnings/predictive programming.

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Very relevant excerpt.

The question I still ask myself is, are Russia (still?) party to the WEF?

"people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace"

I think their writings strongly underestimate how strongly people believe in national sovereignty, and are oblivious as to where such concepts originate from.

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Yeah...Russia pushed the whole Operation. And this war with Ukraine has been a bloodbath of unnecessary death as well. This is a tremendous Depopulation Agenda.




He said, as we listened to what he was about to present, he said, "Some of you will think I'm talking about Communism. Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!" At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize. In his introductory remarks he commented that he was free to speak at this time. He would not have been able to say what he was about to say, even a few years earlier. But he was free to speak at this time because now, and I'm quoting here, "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." That's the end of that quotation.

He went on to say that most people don't understand how governments operate and even people in high positions in governments, including our own, don't really understand how and where decisions are made. He went on to say that .. he went on to say that people who really influence decisions are names that for the most part would be familiar to most of us, but he would not use individuals' names or names of any specific organization. But. That, if he did, most of the people would be names that were recognized by most of his audience. He went on to say that they were not primarily people in public office, but people of prominence who were primarily known in their private occupations or private positions.

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first, US, Victoria Nuland, Lindsay Graham and John McCain were all in Ukraine to initiate a coup/ Maidan Massacre. Putin pushed back but did nothing.

Second,They stood up 46+ bioweapons labs in Ukraine and the money laundering operations commenced with Biden as the point man and his crack added son as the bag man.

I'm speculating the labs were a red line and Putin said get that shit out of my back yard and don't you dare bring Ukraine into NATO or else and Nuland et al said fuck off, so Putin invaded and if you review his troop movements I think you'll find he stopped along certain points and those points correspond to lab locations.

Then the pipeline was blown up.

Then the food plants spontaneously combusted.

Then the Ohio train

Then balloon fiasco

Then Lahaina

Then the Moscow massacre.

Then the Delaware bridge.

I'm ad-libbing here so don't hold me to the order of these events.

I really don't see Putin as our enemy. I see China as the enemy directing events such that they drive us, the US to war with Russia with the plan to mop up both in the end after we beat the shit out of each other and are both weakened to the point we can defend ourselves.

I agree with you that ultimately We as a people must refuse to fight these Banksters wars. It's the only way to stop this but I don't think people are sophisticated enough to understand they're being played for fools. Just pawns in a deadly serious game. I know because I once played that game and went to war in Iraq thinking I was doing my patriotic duty. I see differently now.

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The Owners are very good at creating "enemies" for niche markets.

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That's my speculation. Putin was WEF and most likely atill is.

If so a deal was done and they're ensuring there cannot be any intergenerational resistance. Half a million breeding/fighting age men killed, the country will be gutted of young men and probably soon women.

Also all the weatern nation's stockpiles of arms are depleted.....

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There cant be tit-for-tat. Otherwise more attention to who crosses the border would occur.

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I'm pretty sure they can safely conclude it isn't Russian migrants swarming over our borders.

The other aspect is, according to the "anonymous source", Russia are just hiring criminals already in the country to do the work for them (the Crocus hall shooters were also hired by "Ukrainians" so that door swings both ways). Something tells me they're not conversing in Afrikaans.

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Manufactured hoaxes to continually rob our treasuries for corporations and to bring on the great reset changes they want.

They will use censorship and the media to continually sway the 65% that believe everything they are told.

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When you’ve seen the view from 40,000 ft it’s always fun to dive down a little closer. Every little detail you see here and there just makes the picture more clear and reinforces the perspective. There was never a pandemic and the jabs were/are slow kill (sometimes fast) bioweapons. The ONLY way to cover up the crime and millions of deaths is a big war, imho. Our global owners are going to do anything in their power to get it.

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I am only able to "Like" the first and last comments (of the original 5 when I arrived on this page.) Interesting. 🤨🤔

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Substack, at one point, wouldn't even let me into my dashboard to write anything.

I had to file two support requests - the first being delegated to an inaccessible support page.

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Well, that's handy!

It's now Friday and it's still only allowing "Like" for original comments, NONE for any replies. It's maddening!

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Another annoyingly interesting thing is that when I try to go to a Response in Notifications, it simply sends me to the top of the article so that if I actually wanted to respond directly to the comment I’d have to winnow through the entire set of threads. Little Help?

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Yes, this annoys the hell out of me! 🤬

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You got me, man. I've never been able to reply, it's always returned it.

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The funny thing is on this particular thread. The function is actually working, but 85% of the time and never does.

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It's now Friday, and it's STill NOT working! 😡🤬😡🤬

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I go to my comment, by clicking "comment," the reply shows up below it, and then you can reply to the comment you were notified about.

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The only way I have been able to get back to the comment consistently is by using the email alert and following it back to the web-based version of Substack rather than the application

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I rarely do anything with the app.

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Looks like tit for tat going on with Russia right now, but the NWO is not ready to settle in the Ukraine: They want this war to go on. Sadly the puppet gov'ts in the West will comply. Just as sadly, I believe Putin is also part of the NWO, but that is probably why we haven't been hit with an EMP nuke from space already. Neither the USA or the EU is ready for conventional war with Russia, but because the Ukrainians have already spent most of their available manpower, the other nations of NATO are going to be tapped in this conflict. These wars (both in Israel and Ukraine) will go on as long as the NWO wants them too.

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"These wars (both in Israel and Ukraine) will go on as long as the NWO wants them too."

I must politely disagree. There's one aspect missing from this: it relies on the active cooperation of the public. Given the UK polling figures, the general public do not sponsor the idea of being drafted and sent into a war.

And before you appeal to the left-right division tactics of duo-politics, I must point out they've managed to piss off both divided groups. The left are extremely upset about the warmongering in Palestine, and the right are extremely upset about being oppressed and having their money stolen and shipped overseas.

If there's no manpower fighting force, what exactly are they going to do? Who will replace the Ukrainians?

I don't think China has a recruitment problem...

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Sage: Traveling from Philippines today so I finally had a chance to listen to Ivor Cummins episode featuring Eddie Hobbs fleshing out your research. Im slow to pick up bit it certainly makes me seeth.

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US 155 mm artillery shells cost nine times more than what they cost the Russians, so American taxpayers better start tightening their belts. Somehow, I don't think there will be much Ukraine to arm by the time the shells are ready to deliver.

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Luvvit, Steve!

I might follow suit except mine will be untainted but won't be as potent 'cos I'm nearly 80 y/o. So, a bucket of mine will take a while and be subject to a substantial discount!

'Depopulation' is behind the planned Scamdemic. Surely Long Covid is simply another VAX INJURY? Most Vax believers can now, at best, anticipate a shortened Life Expectancy! A fact which can only be proven to be attributable to the DEADLY JAB, after several decades have elapsed with 'excess early deaths' AND 'vastly increased INFIRTILITY'!

Un-vaxxed Mick - I'll live longer than those who believed in the Covid and SAFE & EFFECTIVE 'Vax'.

(Pfizer's, Moderna's, et al,) 'Golden Goose' makes Pfizer even more wealthy with every extra sucker accepting the CULL, while the makers bask in ZERO LIABILITY for continuing their crimes against humanity.

Un-vaxxed Mick - I'll live longer!

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Sage, don't forget the Ohio train derailment and the open air "controlled" burn of forever chemicals, or the balloon fiasco followed by specific items (not colored blue) in Lahaina being fried from space... I've seen this exactly as you right from the beginning.

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Due to the barrage of e-mails, I´m trying to unsubscribe to this substack, but it doesn´t seem possible. So I guess SAGE is some kind of operator.

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Sage.. one of the more interesting pieces of inflammatory garbage I could find:

(https://www.dw.com/en/germany-debates-reintroducing-military-conscription/a-64601831#:~:text=%22Currently%20the%20Defense%20Ministry%20has%20no%20plans%20to,have%20different%20structures%20and%20a%20different%20operational%20reality. )

I am dual Citizen of Germany and America.. yes.. it can be done, I was born there to a German mother (RIP) my dad was Army. I read this article w/ a keep eye on the "PARTY AFFILIATIONS" and it is outrageous that you are posting Germany wants to have an involuntary Draft or Conscription, but while we are at it let's take a look at WHO WOULD BE FOR SUCH AN OUTRAGEOUS suggestion: OH.. yeah.. and I will QUOTE for you "This debate about compulsory military service comes up every now and then, but it doesn't have much to do with current reality," says lawmaker Wolfgang Hellmich. Just like Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, he is with the center-left Social Democrats (SPD). "It would mean billions would have to be invested in the introduction or re-establishment of structures that are all gone," LEST WE SKIP PAST THE PART OF THE SPD OR SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS... which is called CENTER LEFT ... EXCUSE me.. but that The SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY is LEFT WING and borderline COMMUNIST.. so it makes sense to me why they would want a Draft or Conscription. Angela Merkel was a frickin COMMUNIST and she is considered Center Right!.. so before you start writing about WAR.. YOU BETTER KNOW YOUR HISTORY Sage. My Uncle, who died in 2014 lived in Berlin, where my cousin lives and not only was as far as I was a concerned and we would have good "DEBATES" about both German and American Politics in my book he was a COMMUNIST and an athiest and actually was brainwashed in the German Youth for Boys. He died at age 87. Germany is a very LEFT Wing Socialist Country. In fact.. if you know your history and I do: the NATIONAL SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY or as it is called National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP is called right winged NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. IT was .. was a FASCIST LEFT WING PARTY. I know because I heard about it all my life. My Uncle Fritz died.. RIP was an ACTUAL COMMUNIST. Talk about NEWSPEAK. And the UNITED STATES is getting really good at it: NEWSFLASH: why is this coming up now? OH YEAH. NATO Forces... let's see.. War coming.. we need more Conscripts.. and then let's not forget to mention and I KNOW this for a fact, that over a million and I don't want find that now UKRAINIANS were moved into POLAND AND GERMANY. Fortunately, many women and children were also moved there. My cousin lives in Berlin and SHE TOLD ME SO. You don't have to be so dramatic... WAR HAS BEEN AT OUR DOORSTEP SINCE VIET NAM BEGAN and will always be at our doorstep. I know that you write in jest sometimes and right now I have a lot on my mind.. I will tell you this.. aside from the fact that Germany had an agreement with the UNITED STATES to NOT establish a standing military because of the OCCUPATION of GERMANY until the WALL CAME DOWN. I went to BERLIN and saw it with my own eyes and saw the BRANDON BURG GATE WITH MY OWN EYES. Germany was split in half and Berlin its Capital was under the auspices of the Russians, English and the U.S and Berlin is located in EAST GERMANY. The Russians imported Turkish and Islamic labor and then old Angela Merkel, former Commie.. OPENED THE DOORS WIDE open... I wold post the article about the GERMAN WOMEN BEING RAPED BY THE ISLAMICS but I will spare you that right now. Yes. you got me pissed off..and I think I will write my own version about Germany on my own site another day. THINK IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH POWER, MONEY or a HELLUVA LOT OF BULLSHIT. ! Have a nice day. :) Isabell

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"The war is no longer on the doorstep we are already right in the midst of it."

I think we agree, and have different ways of perceiving it. If your views are the poison shots are part of the war - that war began a long time ago, easily back in 2001 with the PATRIOT act (or 1978 with the NCVIA, depending on your viewpoint, maybe even earlier?).

My title refers to the NATO-Russia hot war specifically. It was certainly on Russia's doorstep for a while (easily as early as 2014), but Russia have finally brought the war "home", to all of us, in the West (rather than merely containing it to Ukraine). It is now at our doorstep. Even the globalists' doorsteps, depending on your interpretation.

It's now no longer a case of 'when will we see active fighting', but 'how long until they officially announce what we already know?'.

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"Recruitment remains down and conscription would be a monumental breach of faith and trust"

In relation to conscription, it already has legs in quite a few countries (it is clear they are trying to trojan horse it, and then go 'surprise!'):


If you eyeball this subsection, it gives a bullet point list that summarises their obvious line of thinking in regards to war:


The why could be for multiple reasons , but I think it is best summarised as:

They want you dead.

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Nick! 100% agree with you on the fear campaign. Regarding nuclear war, I think it’s part of the propaganda. You may like this article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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I shared that will take a look done for the day

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I agree that the bluster coming from the usual suspects these days does not have much to back it up.

As with many things these days, I’ll entertain notions that were recently considered far out there.

Nukes being not what they are purported to be in the present day is one of them.

As far as the ongoing destruction of old (and new) Europe goes, conscripting the youth is part and parcel. Getting them to do the thing to the other guys, who are likely to be far better armed and prepared is another matter.

As I offer up from time to time: Metal Talks and BullShit Walks.

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ABSOLUTELY.. what a pile of shit.. never heard such crap since I read the WASHINGTON POST .. for free while standing in line.

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"I do not believe that we have nuclear capability"

We literally have footage of nuclear explosions... and two flattened Japanese cities as evidence.

To me this sounds like denial. Even if your first CIA-laden excuse is to reach for 'but they just used a large pile of explosives to create the effect'... they can still create it.

Next you'll be denying explosives are a thing.

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I agree it smacks of a narrative to be used for general social engineering purposes.

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