Safe&Effective: repeat repeat repeat☠️👍

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“ No objective evidence, no rational discourse, no capacity to accept differing friendly worldviews; you must conform and declare there are five lights or you will be abused, attacked, and then banned”

And so ? what do we do. Do we retreat from the world and hide, do we live a lie !

What do we do, because its not just trans its everything, covid, gaza, war, capitalism, everything

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If I had the free time, I would have created an alternative service. There are social media outlets - such as Gab - that permit free discourse. One would also minimise their digital footprint to prevent tyranny from discovering who they were - do what hunted writers of old used to do, make use of pseudonyms (or aliases), and cover tracks.

In person, the choice is down to you. In my case, I would quietly stand my ground. I don't ever express my beliefs or views in public; people often see it as instigation. Instead, if I see others who agree, I will quietly support them; this might be giving them useful information, helping them solve problems, warning them of dangers and historically donating money (when I had it to spare!).

If I see others who oppose, I will quietly withdraw my support from them and impede them, this might include not helping them when they're in distress, not warning them of incoming dangers, minimising any kind of financial conduct that benefits them (if possible! Some monopolies are almost unavoidable). Find legal technicalities and have those enforced.

For people on the fence, don't try to change their beliefs, but try to win them over as friends. As friends, they are more likely to side with you if you get attacked, and they're also more likely to reveal what they truly think, which will allow you to categorise above.

If I'm ever forced into a situation where I am to disclose publicly, I keep it short and to the point; only a person aggressively pursuing my viewpoint would reveal themselves as such, and they nearly always have to overextend themselves trying to oppress my views.

For a majority of people overextending to oppress my views makes them extremely uncomfortable; for the psychopaths and the hostile they're all too eager, but their eagerness to assault and attack will reveal their true character for all to see.

Do your best not to rise to their bait or their aggression.

If you ever need to express a viewpoint you're trying to sway people on, always frame it as an unassuming question. Do your best to word it in a way that's open-ended and non-hostile. Even if what they say in response is mind-screamingly wrong, give them an 'hmm' as if you're pondering it.

Try to frame the question around their existing beliefs. Lets say they really hate capitalism and they took the COVID-19 shot. I might ask an open air question of 'Why should we trust any products produced by capitalist pharmaceutical companies?'. What they tell you should reveal what their basis for believing is, which you can then reconsider in another question.

"its everything, covid, gaza, war, capitalism, everything"

Unfortunately my prior suggestions regarding that have fallen on deaf ears. There's not much a passive populace can do. Before 1776 there were the pointless peace petitions to King George, as it took a long time for the public to realise peace petitions don't work.

So now you have to have a survivor mindset. You're trapped in the passive populace of Nazi Germany or the passive populace of the 1940s Soviet Union. If you're really lucky, you might get a French resistance going, but that would still require things being physically sabotaged. ULEZ Blade runners were the closest and it seems the general public did not sponsor them thoroughly.

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Sage advice. In the face of the kind of frenetic mass behavioral programming we are seeing I find that cool logic and paying attention to who the audience is. Say for instance when dealing with the highly bipolar Red vs Blue in the extreme, I simply state that I am not “gang affiliated” and that I do not get the sense that the folks on Capitol Hill serve the interests of the people. As you suggested, it’s best to keep it short and tho the point. If one can point out logical fallacies or contradictions in a balanced manner so much the better. Example: Interesting that a segment of society would “NEVER take one of the Trump vaccines….” We know the rest of the story.

In the case of the USA most of the populace seems so astoundingly uninformed that they simply have no basis to make an assessment of anything but rather grudgingly force down whatever is being fed to them. The upside being that it’s possible offer bits of information here and there which can seem like huge revelations. Example: Unprovoked? It’s interesting that the US State Dept has staged 2 coups in just a decade in that nation…..or: Amazing that most vaccine take 7-10 years of testing…

It’s uphill work and not really my job. But whenever possible, the internet can er used to amplify the message in the face of what seem like overwhelming odds.

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I think if anything, the partisan rhetoric has become extreme, unhinged, and very polarising, by intention, I would imagine. Hype and words are the order of the day, whilst the most inane things are examined in excruciating detail. It's like watching a married couple bicker.

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Jeez, ya can't even threaten them that you'll chop their cock off... too late, ha ha, quoth... 🤔... It. 🥁

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Not surprised. Their mommies and daddies have made sure to raise them as self-centered, self-important little bullies who will take you down by any means possible to get their way.

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This phenomenon is Mattias Desmett's "Mass Formation" except that it is not a natural phenomenon. It is engineered mass mind control. It has been created by co-opting governments [our Canadian government is a notable example] and global media via corporate ownership and covert military Intelligence infiltration of banking and insurance corporations and funding bodies both private and governmental. The central executive body is the World Economic Forum offshoot the "Global Alliance for Responsible Media" (GARM). GARM is a forced association of 100+ major international corporations including all major advertising agencies. banks, newspapers, TV corporations, Disney, General Mills, IKEA, Proctor and Gamble, you-name-it. You will not get your movie greenlit if you don't conform to "standards" of DIE and Trans Ideology.

This is a global revolution to control the world. I believe the instigators are an oligarchy of dynastic wealth including the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The three-headed international secret Intelligence – CIA,MI6, Mossad – are their mercenary army. I think it's a direct descendant of the Nazi movement. The State of Israel is a leading force.

The global COVID/PHEIC/Lockdown operation was the hammer-drop that was intended to crack the entire global economic system and bring it to heel. The Pharma/Medical/Science corporate network with it's unquestioned penetration into every one of 192 WHO member nations was expected to achieve lightening success. It was a many pronged assault on the Modern Post Westphalia system of sovereign nation states. It was and is the culmination of the Nazi dream.

I get the impression that a certain high tide has been reached and the movement is drawing back, dismayed at its lack of success. There may be rumblings and grass roots opposition growing out of the primal desire of corporate bodies (including governments) to survive.

It looks like the Global Pandemic Treaty is not going to be a success.

Boeing, a GARM member, has just dumped its Diversity Office. They lost hiring control and quality control and the result has been disastrous and now I sense that there is a counter-movement within Boeing to take back control and sovereignty.

I am guardedly optimistic. The future will be in BRICS and Eurasia.

But there will be a long and bloody struggle ahead. These fascist fanatics are monomaniacal and pathologically hostile to human life, which in their Luciferian cult is "overpopulation", a cancer on the earth.

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A very well written, in-depth comment, thank you for sharing!

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Well written as usual.

The correct answer is and always will be "get well fucked". They're bullying you all because they see your politeness and mistake it for weakness.

I noticed during the mandates that not one single person said a damn thing to me about no mask, these same gutless cowards were the ones abusing old women.

I once had a friend explain his sadness that everyone should give everyone else the respect they're due as a fellow human being. His next sentence was "unfortunately fear gives the exact same manners". He was the most feared bouncer in Nth Queensland for years.

The reason they behave like animals is due to "our" compliance. They're attacking our children and should always be viewed as a threat and judged on their behaviours.

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1 more year to the very depths of Kali Yuga hell, before the survivors can crawl their way back slowly and carefully to enlightenment.

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If they kept after me, I'd just say, okay PROVE you're a trans. Like to see them prove what's in their head!

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Inarguably one of your best and most poignant commentaries ever. Really resonated with me. Outstanding.

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