Queen Elizabeth died of multiple myeloma. Sarah Ferguson’s breast cancer was a recurrence. Both multiple myeloma and recurrent breast cancer have been associated with the jabs.

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Note, it was later reported the Queen died of bone CANCER.

You do know that Kate Middleton married in 2011, and her proper title is Catherine the Princess of Wales?

It is very likely that the royal family took the Astra Zeneca shot:

"The Duke of Cambridge has previously voiced his support for the Oxford University AstraZeneca vaccine. When news of the vaccine’s efficacy was released, Prince William hopped on a video call with the researchers to congratulate them on their achievement. "

William & Catherine also put out a video urging people to get jabbed:


AZ was so problematic it was pulled from the market. there were three times as many adverse reactions per dose reported than for Pfizer and over twice as many per dose than for Moderna.

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Apr 5Liked by The Underdog

Safe&Effective is not looking so hot anymore.

Perhaps a rebrand: Novel& Defective.

Only £100 a shot at a Boots near you and given that's it's currently recommended for 75s and over, what gives? 💉💉💉💉💉££££££££££🚀☠️

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Apr 5Liked by The Underdog

If anyone should have lived to be over 100, it would have been Elizabeth II - one of the strongest, both physically and mentally in the country...

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Apr 5Liked by The Underdog

Congresscritters too. The ultimate irony, for royals of merry England to be the subject of their own experiments. It points to how far those with actual power are separated from those that represent them on the face. The real cabal will kill anybody, for fun and to make or save money.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

China/USA/Canada have been in cahoots for years.

They pretend they are enemies when in reality behind the scenes they are doing what’s best for China. They just pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes on us with Covid…..

In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.

Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..


They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!

We have already been exposed to the coronavirus/MERS variants that have circled the globe. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!

Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..


Look at the beginning of this old stack talking about it. ….


We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.

Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔

All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!

Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.

Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:

-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots

-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired

-got rid of Trump

-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.

-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.

Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing to make them legally accountable.

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Apr 6Liked by The Underdog

If NWO is coming and a "One World Government", together with the dissolution of nation states; how can you keep the system of monarchy?.

Whether ill, dying or the families being humiliated / laughed at / mocked ... you can see the other attack everyday in the MSM to turn the people against them... Harry and Megan is a prime example, another Pr.. Andrew and on and on.... not happening just in the UK either !.

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Hopefully the pope goes next... his immune system is failing

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One further thing… I will and must share the latest Scamdemic debunk just released with you all, it is unbelievable and I commend you all to follow the link below, cut and paste it and be blown away by the FDR Scholz Government reveal, by accident in a Court Discovery reveal… someone didn’t go through the documents being* discovered and now the entire Hlobal Scam has been exposed… feel free to share it far and wide….

[Credits and Acknowledgement] Global Research, Paul Schreyer and Multipolar magazine, Professor Homburg

Introductory Note

What is significant is that the German Health authorities based on official data have now been obliged under Freedom of Information to reveal the devastating nature and impacts of the Covid lockdowns imposed on 190 countries, starting March 11, 2020.

Most of the independent studies including those conducted by Global Research have been the object of censorship.

Of Significance,  the official documents of the Germany’s Ministry of Health are consistent with the independent reports published in the course of more than 4 years pertaining to the COVID-19 lockdowns, the mandatory wearing of the face mask, and the experimental mRNA vaccines.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, April 4, 2024


Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.  

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s Covid lies and it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

More and more people all over the world are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths hell bent on destruction and domination.

Germany is no different. The German population suffered some of the most brutal lockdowns and vaccine mandates in all of Europe and now the people are rising up and demanding accountability.

Step forward Paul Schreyer and Multipolar magazine who launched a Freedom of Information request and then launched a lawsuit against the German government when they tried every trick in the book to keep the secret documents under lock and key.

As Professor Steven Homburg explains, the results are stunning, and represent total vindication for everyone who dared to question the narrative of lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

The secret government documents – all 2,000 pages of them – reveal that we were right about nearly everything and the so-called “pandemic” was all fraud.

These facts are damning and prove the official narrative about Covid, pushed by world governments and mainstream media, is completely bogus.

Which makes the tyranny we experienced during the so-called pandemic even harder to swallow, as Professor Homburg explains.

The data also reveals that Sweden, which was the only European country free of masks and lockdowns, performed much better than Germany. Which raises the question, what were the tyrannical lockdowns and mandates really about?

Professor Homburg has the answer – and as it turns out, we were right all along.

Breaking down vaccine hesitancy through brutal lockdowns was always the goal of the global elite. Unfortunately, for those who did not see through the psy-op at the time, the health consequences are dire. Serious questions must be asked.

Unfortunately for the vaxxed, the bad news doesn’t end there. Japanese researchers have linked Covid vaccines to hundreds of diseases.

While a new study out of the US has found that those who have been vaccinated and boosted can expect to meet their maker far sooner than they would have expected.

A disturbing new study has revealed that people who have been “fully vaccinated” with Covid mRNA injections can expect to lose a staggering 25 years from their life expectancy.

Researchers analyzed data from the CDC, Cleveland Clinic Data, and insurance company risk assessment data and uncovered a disturbing trend of plummeting life expediencies among those who had multiple doses of mRNA.

Unfortunately for the vaxxed, the news gets even worse. The chronic damage to health caused by each dose of mRNA does not lessen over time, as previously believed.

In reality, the negative health effects appear to continue indefinitely.

According to the researchers, CDC All-Cause Mortality data reveals that each jab increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in 2021.

This means that people who have had 5 doses – that’s two doses and three boosters – were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than they were in 2021.

Correlating with the German information, the study also confirmed that people who are not vaccinated were no more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.

These numbers are damning. But anybody paying attention can see that something is very wrong with the vaccinated. They are dropping like flies with heart problems and turbo cancer all over the world.

Professional athletes are supposed to be among the healthiest people on the planet but in the past few years thousands have collapsed with sudden and inexplicable heart conditions.

Fully vaccinated professional athletes are continuing to drop like flies, with four professional soccer players have collapsed suddenly, clutching their hearts, in the last week alone.


ex Global Research … Received 06.04.2024 NZPST FILED and Coded “AQUA”

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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If the people running this shit show want to depopulate, then they’re following a Darwinian model.

Quite simply, if you comply , you die

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Top reporting, makes one wonder if the conspiracy for the installation of one singular global titular head is indeed true, so many deaths amongst Royals, those we supposed to bow to, the so called elites, only unlike most of the political class, the politicians elected and appointed, favoured with choice of dose.

The doses we know from many well researched reports were all numbered from 1 - 3 (1;2;3) all of the vials numbered and bar coded, which in turn denoted saline - benign, placebo, and full MRNa Vaccine options, how bad if instead of going to “Spec Savers” the orderly ordered to fetch the dose batches, because dollars to donuts, getting the batch to administer would not be done by a registered Nurse or Doctor administering the poison, for such a task, fetching, carrying, stocking, that would be beneath them, instead orderlies and nurse aides would dutifully be sent to collect and have available for administering of the vaccine by the Nurses, Doctors involved, the boxes/batches of vials administered including ensuring the Ward/Clinics Refrigerators are constantly stocked.

Add to the above the likely lack of disclosure to all medical personnel of the “Number Codes” or BarCodes that we know were affixed each vial, batch and box of Vaccine and one can readily see how this train-wreck and oversight could occur, resulting the Royals, the Hoi Poloi and other members of “Society” you know the ones, they’re referred to as elites, being given the vaccine from the wrong batch, receiving their “jab” from the very batches meant for the likes of you and yours, your loved ones, colleagues and friends, if you were jabbed, either that or as I opine above, at the beginning of this comment, it is likely that they have been bitten in the ass by sheer numbers and the same occurrences Joe Public is exposed to whenever going through the public health system, the quintessential system being underfunded, under resourced, overwhelmed by the scale of the event such that fetching and stocking the refrigerators for the Clinics and Wards administering the poison was deputised to orderlies and nurse aides, junior staff, the most junior, further, that no one senior or in the know, who had been told the meaning behind the barcodes and numbers used, that these seniors and persons in the know simply did not bother checking the vials administered to these Elites, likely, only a handful of hospital staff were likely told of the reality and actual meaning of the numbering on the batches… say they were not aware royals were coming in, or were on leave, sick even.. with covid, they could hardly call in and say, oh by the way, make sure vial or batch numbered such and such or that has barcode such and such is NOT GIVEN OUR ELITES.

I’ve read many a report, from learned and well qualified authors and clinicians, scientists and those able through educational qualifications to comment as they have, to write the reports they have about the barcodes, numbered vials, batch I.D and it is sobering reading and reinforces for me why I didn’t proceed with putting that junk in my body, despite the pressure, the psycho capture, and just really bad behaviour that manifested at that time, like, as if any of us who stood firm will ever forget.

Many of the reports read, some with photographic images detailing and showing clearly the batches, they are well written reports detailing the batches contents tested from left over vials collected at site then tested as required to be and subsequently reported on, which is how this numbering I.D for batches came to be outed and reported upon in detail…. In short it reinforces the entire scam, test we were being asked to submit unto without informed consent, consent being manufactured via propaganda, peer pressure and a fear mongering campaign undertaken.

It is scandalous, but underscores I think the conspiracy to install a single titular head that we are supposed to give obeisance unto, part of the 2030 one world government agenda, good grief, even I was sceptical until hearing about what’s arranged around the April 98/09 Eclipse in North America

(U.S) an eclipse that disects 8 towns cities called Nineveh, is occurring 6 years, 6 months, 6 days, 6 hours, 6 Mins and yep 6 seconds since the last U.S eclipse, a double 666, then throw in the same day the large Hadron Collider Experiment planned to be conducted for the same time in Europe, apparently because conditions are such that for those behind it, conditions are the best they’ve ever been for decades in terms of our atmospheric conditions enabling changes to occur, what the changes are, I have no idea, I’m repeating what’s doing the rounds on the intra web, many better qualified than I saying it’s to do with dimensions, portals, who am I to argue or comment, it’s not my ballywick and above my pay grade, lastly NASA are launching 3 Rockets contemporaneously which has a numerological significance as well, when you add it all up, join these dots something is off, it has a stench and smell about it I find questionable and worthy of being looked at into further, much more closely… but not being a conspiracist I must say, it doesn’t seem to add up, and does seem rather odd… time as they say will tell, perhaps some of you might be far better acquainted than I and better able to comment and shed truth upon the above.. it would certainly be welcomed, mind you I’d need a lot of convincing to buy into any conspiracy type argument, albeit, I will acknowledge and give credit where it’s deserved and definitely earned, to most who were maligned, derided, denigrated post the Vaccine roll out regarding the Scamdemic, of which I can say I was a part, we’ve been proven correct on and for so much of what we were said to be spreading conspiracies about… at first a trickle, turning as we who were so treated by late 2023 into a flood and now a tsunami heads toward us with an avalanche of details, facts, inquiries at Government Levels, Court Cases censoring Regulatory bodies like the FDA, CDC, research projects completed confirming for example that Pharma omitted to mention salient facts ( Fact and detail proven beyond doubt sans studies completed) to regulatory agencies and bodies that approved use of vaccines, the result of which is Pharma losing* their Liability Protections they negotiated as part of the vaccine rollout in jurisdictions, then from governments in Australia Aust (Senate member initiating a full inquiry into the excess deaths mortality rates resulting vaccines), U.S ( Numerous Senate Hearings held at the highest level into injury and mortality resulting vaccines), U.K (Andrew Bridgen M.P in the Commons calling for death penalty Bill Gates, yep Gates was named, the Politicians, Media, Pharma any and all who enabled, covered up, the murder and injuries caused to Britons resulting taking the vaccines), Slovakia (newly elected Premier, Robert Fico launching a full mortality enquiry resulting Vaccines), Thailand (Because of the Coma the Family member is in a inquiry into possible link vaccines and her condition, albeit with what’s happening to that family whether or not they have the zest to complete it is another matter, read the background and the corruption of the Thai Health Authorities who approved use, it’s truly revealing and shows how Pharma won’t stop at anything to protect theirs patch)

In short, yes, perhaps there is a bigger agenda at play, feels that way, as if we are living in some sort of Twilight Zone, everything that’s going on at breakneck pace, what Iv’e referenced and touched upon herein, what’s been reported by the Beagle and others, the War and Evil in Gaza, Embassies being bombed, scant regard international law, conventions and norms, the taking out of Health, Food, News staff, their places of work, their equipment and indeed entire families in Gaza, all for obvious reasons, to achieve Genocide, the patent evil of the Zionists invoking Biblical Amalek to justify this evil and genocide in Gaza, they’re nefarious activity and proclivity for violence, death, injury, destruction, doing so when we know, just as they undoubtedly do, that God divorced and walked away from the children of Jacob, the people of Judea, because of their incessant sin, inequity, backsliding, their hard headedness, in short their overt Evil, seems ever since, certathe many millennia that have passed through the present, not much has changed with these people, reinforcing Gods decision… for context as required read about the men of Nineveh in the Holy Bible King James Version (Ref:The First Book of Moses, The Book of Genesis) also Ref The Books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Isaiah regarding God divorcing Israel, save a small remnant his “elect “ as he refers them, as well as if you are concerned, what we are to be exposed to in the latter days, the end times.. and if truly concerned about the times we are living the penultimate book, The Book of St John The Divine.. The Book of Revelations, all will aside from being a great read, a top gist account of a time long past, a book I find fascinating, for some, it will open your eyes, maybe your spirit, your soul as well being awakened…. I wouldn’t say for anyone so awakened a bad thing, nope quite the opposite.. but each to their own… strange times we are in, so much happening, many will and are heeding the call, recognising the signs, all noted, written in texts written millennia ago, who would have thought New York would experience an earthquake event, might not mean anything, but for many aware and cognisant, just another occurrence to take note of, what I will say is if your inclined, sitting on the fence, unsure, hearken to the message and the word, after-all that is why it was written and given us.. best always .. Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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"People Who Start to Show Symptoms Will Pass Away Within 24 HOURS," Says Top Virologist. "We Will Have to Build a Completely New World." https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/people-who-start-to-show-symptoms

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"In truth, many monarchies are simply figureheads with no real sense of power, and thus globalists have no reason to give them a special anything."

Not true of the House of Windsor aka the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

They are the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta.

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Main stream media are reporting the stories, I don’t believe the Royals took the 💉. They sit above the people and would not participate in a clinical trial🤔

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Something you might point out about handy cotton wool for post vaccine bleeding.

There should not be bleeding in a IM shot, otherwise you have an IV shot and the instructions were for IM. Tren Cough demonstrates why IV of IM drugs is generally a bad idea and in the case of covid jab probably much worse due to rapid distribution of large bolus before LNP is denatured giving access to many more tissues in larger dose.

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