Well-researched and clearly conveyed. And bloody scary! We are living in nightmare times.

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I believe it was 2020 I heard a Russian professor speaking in an interview about mRNA being in the biological weapons treaty between the US and Russia that was signed in the 1970s, and his concern was how mRNA poisons were allowed to be distributed to populations when it violated the treaty. And was unlawful. I also recall that the treaty wasn’t ratified by the Senate. I could be wrong on that.

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Let me know if you find a reference for it.

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Sorry most important first! Thank you for this message about Dr. Leder!!!! Didn't know about his death, so liked tis post and added it to my post on the list of dead scientists from the 1st Nov 2022....All the wiki-leaks are extremely important, and the facts about Mod-E-RNA, which stands for MODIFIED mRNA... The 'E' might be the worst section, I'll leave out for now. So thank you for this post. BUT something else needs to be said, namely:

And now the bad news for the author... this is actually the most tragic news of all, how many MD's, 'health experts', writers, scientists, not to speak abut the simple non-educated people, know anything about mRNA, namely NOTHING!!!! mRNA is GENETIC MATERIAL, ALMOST LIKE DNA, is involved in every single production of every protein, neurotransmitter, enzyme, energy molecule, etc. etc., from the moment of conception to the very last breath!!! To say :

"It is no secret that mRNA is unstable and thus unsafe" is a complete LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!! It is like saying: 'your heart is unsafe'!!!!

Sorry Underdog, you need to learn A LOT!

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