
Please forgive any numerical errors (such as '0.0001' for micrograms to milligrams when it should say '0.001'). I have been staring at far too many numbers, calculations, and products across the board using every calculation under the sun, and odds are there will be numerical mistakes somewhere given it is extremely easy to misplace a floating point or miscount the number of zeroes.

Any such errors are unintentional; please do point out any numerical mistakes you see, either here or in the spreadsheet for rectification. The data and references for said data are provided in the spreadsheet and you should be able to verify most, if not all calculations.

In reality, any critiques aimed at accuracy should be pointed to the so-called "health regulators" who are in bed with the pharmaceutical companies should be providing a comprehensive, easy to access, variable standardised list of fully transparent, complete list of ingredients in one centralised place for review.

It should not require a Substack journalism outlet to compile and do manual calculations for accumulative doses for what is essentially a serious topic relating to health. The Daily Beagle has done their best to publish accurate datasets but the sheer quantity of resources should show it is a mammoth task.

Hopefully this makes it easier for others for future reference.

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I have issued a correction and a re-write due to significant error; it is not 19 times as toxic, but twice as toxic for mercury due to the miscalculation in conversion between micrograms and milligrams for mercury; not that twice as toxic is any more comforting (and that calculation is for single dose; two doses would be four times as toxic).

The other calculations should hopefully be unaffected as each section was re-done manually to avoid these sorts of cascading calculation errors. There goes my reputation!

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Nice stuff. Sodium hydroxide is used to make biodiesel from animal oil. Polysorbate 80 is a toxin. Babies must love it.

Seriously, I put 20 years into studying vaccines and concluded that none work and all cause injury, even if this is not immediately noticed by the victim or parents. Vaxx scheds commenced in 1934, the same year autism was first identified, and autism has expanded in direct proportion to widened vaccine schedules. MMR is the prime suspect, concluded as such by the Italian Court and, of course, by Andrew Wakefield, but Hep B is also very dangerous. Hell, they all are.

Conversely, until 1975, all NZ and Australian public service new entrants in social fields, were required to sit Public Health exams, in which we learned how disease mitgation commenced with 1880s London and Paris sewerage schemes, then drinking water resevoirs (note the French word we inherited), then public hygiene education, slum removal, improved nutrition through freezer holds and improved transport, urban renewal, flea eradication (vacuum cleaners), penicillin and antibiotics, and personal hygiene. Vaccinations did not rate a mention.

Now we are told vaccines saved millions of lives. This is a mantra and is entirely unconnected to statistics or observable fact.

Restrospective graphed stats also show no connection to vaccines. Moreover, at age 80, I recall that tonsil and adenoid infections emerged first post-vaccine schedule, as did chronic ear infections. These caused overuse of antibiotices, which destroyed gut flora, which was then colonised by harmful bacteria, which produced brain-damaging toxins, exacerbated by aluminium and mercury. plus of the vax chemicals.

The evidence also tells me that asthma is caused by vaccines. Asthma was virtually unknown to most people prior to 1970. I encountered my first case of asthma in 1973, a fatal episode as it happened. I wondered at the time why I had never heard of such illnesses before, other then in vague clinical reports.

Now I suspect most ill-health to be caused by vaccines, medication, medical intervention, chronic malnutrition, and food toxicity.

The cure? Kill all perpetrators.

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As always, great job, Underdog. Maybe we should make sure ALL of our 'favorite' Frontline Doctor's, who are uber pro-vax except for C-19, read this?

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I would encourage they read both this *and* the ingredients sheet provided with each shot.

Any medical practitioner reading:

Not every shot has these specific toxic chemicals in, although the majority will do, and the quantities wildly vary. Pharmaceutical companies will often change the formulations, amounts, and either rename, or swap chemicals (the swapped chemicals may behave in the same way even if they're a "new" chemical).

If the chemical does NOT have a safety profile or toxicity profile performed, it should be assumed toxic unless otherwise proven. If a chemical is listed and you're unfamiliar, you should determine the blood toxicity levels for that chemical before you advise anybody to take the jab.

Perform allergy test screenings with each chemical in the shot (usually pinprick or skin tests) and make sure they're not allergic before hand to any of the chemicals. If they're allergic, do not proceed. Even if they're not getting a shot, you may wish to perform a comprehensive pinprick allergy test involving common shot ingredients anyway so the patient is aware of any allergies they may experience; it will also serve as key evidence for the patient in filing for medical exemptions if they're found to have any allergies.

Body weight and amount of blood is another key factor. An adult at 250kg with 5 litres of blood has more body weight and blood than a 15 month baby with 13.8kg with just under 1 litre of blood.

What is tolerable to an adult may not be tolerable to a baby. Postponement is very strongly advised. Spacing is strongly advised.

It is recommended to decline shots unless there is a very strong reason for getting them (for example, several of the shots are *sexual disease* shots, such as HepB; most babies will not be exposed to sexual diseases unless there is something seriously wrong involving child abuse or the mother is carrying the disease).

In theory these chemicals could be filtered out or replaced, but given the pharmaceutical companies have already demonstrated a malicious intent to harms by trying to cover up the quantities and ingredients, they ought to be treated with a deep suspicion.

You should decline to administer a shot if you believe any pertinent data is withheld until you have gotten receipt of the required data.

Richer medical health professionals may wish to take a spare vial and have it sent off to a lab to have the chemical composition analysed and keep the chemical analysis on record for future reference, given ingredients may not be fully disclosed on information sheets or labelling. Teams may also opt to, and ought to, share such data with other medical health professionals for their considerations.

Parents ought to be educated on the pitfalls and issues presented here where-in possible so they may not be misled by dishonest service providers.

Medical professionals may make use of this article in any form (including commercial, for-profit or private) excluding for use defending pharmaceutical interests or datamining with an eye towards defending pharmaceutical interests). The article is presented as-is and we STRONGLY encourage independent validation of our calculations and figures before use in a professional setting, given risk of human error in our calculations.

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Big Pharma injections called VACCINES cause Autism to increase exponentially. Every jab increases the likelihood of Autism. In the 1960s Autism was apparent in around 1 in 5000 - now it's around 1 in 100.

This new mRNA injected crap has many added surprise elements, like myocarditis, blood clots,etc.

Sudden Death following 'Covid Vax' is not uncommon and sportsmen/women/are dropping like flies during high energy activities. Amazingly, everyone pretends to be puzzled about this DEADLY phenomenon. Are you kidding me?

Big Pharma are working in unison with The World Economic Forum (The New World Order) to DEPOPULATE the Planet and, for the Vax survivors and Vax abstainers, to remove our liberties and our freedoms - leaving us as Slaves to those that want to control everything.

It's just as well we, the people, decided on November the 30th 2023, that the CORRUPT World Health Organisation is now redundant, obsolete and therefor terminated from all opinions, decisions and interference of international health matters.

The World Health Organisation no longer exists .

We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Thank you for taking the time to do this! I’m appalled that they continue to get away with this!

Just one number to correct that I noticed:

“...baby’ would need to weigh a whopping 250 kilograms (5 lb and 2.49 oz), more than four times that of a typical adult!...”

250kg equals approximately 550pounds, I believe.

Blessings to you, Underdog 🤍🙏🏼

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Good catch on typo.

It should say "39 stone, 5 lb and 2.49 oz". I will correct.

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Would you mind translating “stones” into pounds? That’s a conversion I don’t know 😆

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So 39 stones + 5 pounds is about 551 pounds. Apologies, stones is a British Imperial term

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Multiply stones by 14.

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This is the kind of research that ought to result in the conferral of a PhD...

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I'll settle for the saving of children's lives.

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Very informative 🙏

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Endotoxin Lipid A, Pfizer's preferred "Adjuvant" is far more toxic than Sarin or Novichok nerve agents.

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Mentioning any of this gets you labeled a quack. Credentialism gets rolled out real fast when you question a "medical professional" never mind that most medical professionals take a couple BS biochem classes and that's ALL of their qualifications.

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I don't anticipate it will be easy. Already ZeroHedge are peddling the Edward Jenner routine in response (https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/untold-stories-about-smallpox-vaccines), because as we know, Edward Jenner was famous for using aluminium to cure smallpox (sarc).

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Thanks for this meticulous piece of work. I’d recommend following Dr Chris Exley for his lifetime’s work on aluminium.


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Maybe work such as this won’t make pointing to ever increasing chronic health problems in kids correlated to ever increasing vaccines so controversial. Great work.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Glad to hear it. Please do double-check/verify my numbers and calculations before referencing and if wrong, apply corrections (and notify myself as well!). Given the sprawl of data, it is very easy for me to have made mistakes (the data/calculations were not peer-reviewed as this is a news article and I am my own blind spot).

All good data and corrections greatly appreciated!

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