I cannot vote for any of these people. I will vote if I can write in a candidate who is not a Zionist and does not stand for child murder. He is still convinced about climate scam, but I am sure once he sees the evidence he will realize his mistake there.

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For the Zionists to bring their god back to rule on the surface, step A is to kill everyone who is not them. They must follow god's law. He's the one who told them to kill everyone else. That's what the Noahide laws are for. To allow Zionists to murder everyone who is not them.

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I'm noticing a theme amongst religions that boil down to 'kill everybody that isn't in your religion'.

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It does seem that way, doesn't it?

The same with every other clique out there.

Don't be an Anchovy

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Perhaps I should rephrase, and say 'there does seem to be a theme of murderous psychopaths excusing their psychopathy under the thinly veiled pretense of pretending to be religious'.

Cult of Vaccine et al.

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Except for the text selective Christian, who chooses to select the non- violent bibble dribble sections, who is prepared to turn the other cheek indefinitely until he or she is raptured to death by some other more practical observer of their text, or some other belief junkies text, or mindless meat puppet whore of the death cult. ( You know... The compliant followers of the NWO " consensus" science religion, or one of the soon to be quite hungry " We The People" morons just taking their food.

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I don't really hold much of an objection for non-violent followers.

The problem is when people forgive the mass murderers, and then help the mass murderers kill the innocent.

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if you read the complete bible (preferable the unaltered Jewish passages) who can still go to church?

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who likes pretzels, must know that the pretzel hole is always more expensive and sells the best.

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