Best political coverage I've seen. I live in one of the two worst countries in the world. The 2 are USA & i$rahell. We have no leaders that oppose i$rahell's aggression, why?

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Bought and sold.

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I'd like some ideas about how to get people to put aside their differences and realize the government is their enemy - preferably before it's too late. Their propaganda has been exceedingly effective and the topic is so complex it's hard to know where to start.

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Focus on areas you have in common rather than differences. If anyone tries to divide on a 'differences' area, you just say to put that to one side (regardless of how passionate you might feel) until after you've won as a group. Remember that some people can't ever be reconciled, and that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

If you must criticise, try to introduce even criticisms (so, in my case, I bring the same criticisms for both parties and make sure this isn't weighted to ragging too heavily on one side or another).

It is better to find commonality in suffering. Right now, I think the "two" sides of the public (purely divided by media on issues due to a lack of understanding and heavy divisionary work) have a lot of common ground.

Neither side (public) want overseas war, neither sponsor mass genocide, all want freedom to speak their views and protest peacefully, none want their governments beholden to hostile foreign interests, all want accountability, all want their views to be meaningfully represented, all are suppressed in media, all are bullied by police in one form or another, none want wasteful corrupt spending.

In-fact, perhaps at some point I could detail the common grounds "both sides" (I loathe to use that terminology; it boils down to differing ideas, not sides) have in regards to government. In-fact, the differences people have are vanishingly small and most are driven by extreme government ideologues, not naturally occurring grassroots movements.

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Hear, hear! A full(er) discussion of the common ground that people (in the West at least) have would be excellent. Something that could be shared with anyone who can still see reason is something that I would find most useful.

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Fucking horrifying and a 100% cluster fuck. "This is Hell/nor are we out of it".

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Since mid-2020, I've become increasingly more sceptical since first suspecting that Covid was man-enhanced to justify useless, pretend 'experimental' vaccines. Made for profit, not for man's wellbeing!

Many of us already know some of the 'DIRTY TRICKS' the medical and pharmaceutical companies use to hide the truth. To denigrate other proven drugs, the IVM tests and trials were done 'IN HOUSE', or by 'friendly' outside agencies. Many such tactics - like OVERDOSING humans and animals to deliberately obtain adverse, negative or even DEADLY results, was standard practice. This tactic applied to any alternative proven medicine that might reduce their ability to market the vastly expensive crap they sell as 'Medicine' or/and 'Vaccines'.

Pfizer, et al, made $$$Trillions by simply stating their unbelievable super speedy invention of a 'VACCINE' was "Safe & Effective". I've grown to disbelieve and suspect EVERYTHING emanating from Pfizer et al vax makers! They seem to be in it for PROFIT instead of human health and wellbeing!

They seem to have manipulated, exaggerated, falsified, hidden, and lied about tests, trials, and data that they have produced!

I now don't believe anything that comes out of the Medical Industry or it's supposed 'policing' authorities, even once trusted medical journals seem to have been corrupted by the enormous wealth created from dangerous injections and overpriced, sometimes deadly, ineffective medicines.

We PROUD Conspiracy Theorists were right to avoid the DEATHS SHOT and that Pfizer etc, knowingly used to kill our innocent children with unnecessary, deadly, uncontrollable mRNA 'Experimental' jabs.

Coronavirus was created to justify the enormous profits made from useless injected poisons they called 'Vaccines'.

No wonder Pfizer et al, desperately demand 'ZERO LIABILITY' to prevail while they continue to increase their enormous wealth.

'LIABILITY' would quickly bankrupt Pfizer and all other mercenary corrupt medicine companies!

LIABILITY would end needless Death by INJECTIONS! We could live in peace!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We were correct with yet another of our many Conspiracy Theories, but we will live longer without Pfizer and the other corrupt medicine makers.

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Or, politics as the "joy" of perpetually raw, weeping, and/or rotten wounds.

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