"you must wear a face"

lol sounds like every politician ever

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Jul 26Liked by The Underdog

These pictures really illustrate where we are at globally and its not a nice place.

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Jeez -- Kennedy is starting to look more and more like the lesser of the many political weevil-brains on offer in the US. Got any contrasting pictures on him?

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Jul 26Liked by The Underdog

RFK was made to kiss the ring in the mideast after pointing out the .... oh maybe I shouldn't.

They're all scum including Gabbard. No, you don't get to outlaw energy based on a lie. Bitch.

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Jul 26Liked by The Underdog

All of them are serving a shit sandwich; your only choices are the condiments.

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"All of them are serving a shit sandwich; your only choices are the condiments."

This is a great analogy, I'm going to have to steal it!

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The unexpected can occur -- see Librarian of Celaeno's post of today, for example: https://librarianofcelaeno.substack.com/p/garfield-arthur-and-sand

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Jul 26Liked by The Underdog

Except there was no spook state in that time. The spook state took out Kennedy and Nixon. The spooks likely had a hand in Reagan's assassination attempt to install their man, Bush. Trump's recent event has all the hallmarks of another spook state attempt.

I don't stay in a "black-pilled mindset" but it's hard to stay positive with the ripples of history being what they are. Realizing that if elections really mattered, we would not be allowed to vote is a bitter pill to swallow. RFK, Jr is surrounded by spookies. There's the former CIA niece that is part of his campaign. His running mate was the former wife of Sergei Brin of Google. Google was funded in part by In-Q-Tel, a CIA front corporation. Always follow the money.

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People who've studied how monarchies unfold will know family relations are almost never like the 'good men' they enjoy.

A prime example is Henry 7th versus Henry 8th. 7th was fiscally responsible and managed to bring the UK out of debt, whilst also winning wars, trade disputes and defeating nobles.

Henry 8th - his direct son - not only wasted all that money on his gluttony (the infamous turkey leg that history has been retroactively revised to no long have), but he also broke apart the Catholic Church as he was a adultery-laden woman-beheading divorcer, created an English civil war over religion and allowed political snakes to persecute a great many of his own people simply because they were Catholic.

Most families I find only ever have what I call 'one green sheep' (one sheep who is either morally pious or 'above board').

It's worth remembering though JFK was not a saint behind the scenes. He was a prolific womaniser and it would not surprise me if they had blackmail material on him. He was shot after proposing breaking up intel agencies like the CIA, however Mossad's fingerprints are all over that shit - Oswald was shot by renamed "Jack Ruby" (real Jewish name: Jacob Leon Rubenstein) - and he was in turn bumped off by poison shot (his "flu shot" contained cancer causing cells as part of the CIA's SV40 research - yes, that old nasty trick again).

Notice the US gov have gone to great lengths to deny the possibility of cancer cells being transferable and infectious, despite admitting SV40 (a virus) does exactly this in animals. Even the animal research has been downplayed.

Now eyeball the back history of Albert Bourla, an animal veterinarian and suddenly the SV40 promoter sequences in the mRNA shots start to make a shit ton of sense...

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