Might be worth citing this manuscript too, from 2012.

Kühl U, Schultheiss HP: Myocarditis—early biopsy allows for tailored regenerative treatment. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109(20): 361–8.

DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0361


Quote: "Acute myocarditis mostly does not sufficiently respond to symptomatic medication for heart failure, and mortality is high in spite of treatment. The long-term disease course de pends on the pathogen, the extent and type of inflammation, and the initial injury to the myo - cardium. Focal borderline myocarditis often undergoes spontaneous clinical healing if no serious heart failure

developed initially. The early mortality of fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis requiring intensive care is in excess of 40% in the first 4 weeks (7). Untreated giant cell and eosinophilic myocarditis also have an extremely poor prognosis, with 4 year survival rates of less than 20% (8). Granulomatous necrotizing myo - carditis is lethal if overlooked and untreated. Nonfulminant active myocarditis has a mortality rate of 25% to 56% within 3 to 10 years, owing to progressive heart failure and sudden cardiac death, especially if symptomatic heart failure manifests early on (9–11, e1). In addition to impaired left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) function, virus persistence, chronic inflammation, and cardiodepressive autoantibodies are independent predictors of a poor prognosis (9, 12, 13)."

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You do great work! Your experience is very similar to this:

We always hear it getting drilled into us to trust "the science". But why should we, when the elites running the NGOs, the politicians, and even the scientists themselves do not? How do we know this? Because they keep moving the goalposts and changing "the science" of this charade pandemic. So far they've have altered the definitions of:

Herd Immunity: now only includes those vaccinated—They removed ‘natural immunity’ altogether

Vaccine: no longer grants immunity from disease. Now merely gives ‘protection’.

Pandemic: no longer requires mass sickness and death. Disease merely needs to be widespread.

In January of 2020 - just as COVID was reaching the national stage - France inexplicably labeled HCQ a poisonous substance and banned it. Up until that point in France, HCQ had been an over the counter drug - as easy to get as Tylenol in America - for many years:

Ivermectin is vouched for by a large number of doctors with first hand experience to be both safe and extraordinarily effective in treating COVID-19. It is also very cheap.

Meanwhile, the entire edifice of authority from the media, to the pharmaceutical industry, to the government, to the NGOs, want to kill and bury Ivermectin as deep as possible under mountains of propaganda as a verifiable effective therapeutic. And they are willing to destroy the reputations and livelihoods of anyone who gets in their way to achieve that.

This despite the fact that it's been on the WHO's Essential Medicines List for decades.

If there is a treatment for a disease the FDA cannot grant an EUA for a competing treatment, in COVID's case, the vaccine. Put on your detective shoes, think critically about this for a minute, and follow the money.

References to all of the above here: https://tritorch.com/memoryhole

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I think what is most incredulous for me is they would censor a medical book (where medical accuracy is vital) just to 'win' a debate against a publication as small as myself (1.7k followers on Twitter) in a debate with a mere 45 views, despite knowing such copies will and have been archived.

That's how absolutely terrified of the truth they are; they will censor it to stop even a handful of people seeing it. I'm actually quite proud.

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It is quite an accomplishment, you have a right to be proud.

On the flip side however this radical behavior bodes very badly for the future because by dong this they've taken the gloves off and dropped all pretense. They are creating a world where every piece of input - and thereby thought - will be strictly controlled. Looks like 1984 was as much an instruction manual as it was a warning.

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The Elites enjoy abstention from having to take the 'Death Shot'! Unjabbed Mick.

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Is this your typo, or the book's?

“The mortality rate us up to 20% at 1 year and 50% at 5 years. Despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years.

"us" should be "is"

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It was me, and well spotted. Corrected!

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Even to us uneducated non-medical amongst us, it's obvious that you shouldn't accept experimental, unproven, unsafe and ineffective gene-altering mRNA COVID injections.

This crap destroys natural resistance to illnesses by around 3% with each additional injection.

You can't expect to Pfuck with the human heart and hope it will "get better". It's PERMANENT!

You've all been Genetically Modified - suckers!

Maybe not LETHAL every time, but maybe mild. Maybe reducing your Life Expectancy, Maybe terminal?

You might not find out what damage has been done for a few hours, maybe a few days, a few months or a few years.

NOBODY can know how long this DEADLY DEPOPULATING Covid 'Vax' EXPERIMENT will take before you pay the price for your trust and STUPIDITY!

Why else would Pfizer, Moderna, etc, refuse to accept ANY LIABILITY for Vax INJURIES and VAX-INDUCED DEATHS following their poisonous injection?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Like any organ in your body (or gland) it is the old adage of "time will tell" .. when it catches up with you. As it states above... “The mortality rate us up to 20% at 1 year and 50% at 5 years. Despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years.".

I do not think we have seen anything yet; but that is why the globalist parasites will be hammering our freedom of the press, information and free speech.

1. JUST REMEMBER this is just one adverse effect from the jabs (of close to 1,300 listed in te Pfizer docs alone).

2. How many of you had even heard of of myocarditis or the pericarditis, before the jabs ? (I hadn't).

3. I mentioned "Glands" above for a specifc reason and that being that I think the jabbed are being hit by a hormone imbalance (a killer but also a customer for life to big pharma)... and yes I know and yes I am the latter due to cancer treatment ... NOT THE JAB.

Know anyone who seems to have lost their concentration, direction, get's confused ... yep (especially women for some reason)


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I hope my children don't drop down dead. Someone's child is going to though. We must never stop our quest for justice.

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Now that more and more people are hit on the trail, they resort to burning the books. How telling....hopefully someone has been saving the receipts

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