
In-line with the EU's lifting of the ban on animals-eating-animals (allowing a CJD vector to open), the UK government also lifted a ban on blood products from the UK, which was put in place originally to *prevent* CJD spread:

"The ban was introduced in 1998 in response to concerns over the spread of a human variant of BSE, known as ‘mad cow’s disease’, called Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease. Experts in medicine safety at the independent Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) have now advised the use of UK-sourced plasma to manufacture these treatments is safe and can recommence supported by a set of robust safety measures."


"robust safety measures"

Like the ones that introduced the "safe and effective" shots that have killed and harmed so many?

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Great piece, UD. Mendelian genetics have served humanity well for millennia. Livestock, pets, and our very crops are all successful adaptations of crossbreeding and meticulous work. These people tinker with the very Code of Life like it's no big deal. Roundup-ready crops, MRNA shots, etc lead to all kinds of environmental trashing. I swear the elites will kill the planet to "save it." Yeah lets introduce yet one more prion disease which is basically indestructible. Renewable energy slaughters birds, whales, and bats. Maybe the prion illness is how Klaus makes us eat ze bugs.

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This is the point where I can guide the public no further, the Morpheus leading them to the proverbial door.

They know what must be done in response. They know who the enemy are. They know what the enemy want (their death and destruction), and why.

It is not a war I can fight single-handedly.

If they choose to do nothing from this point forward they consent to it.

Even "passively resisting" is doing nothing. The French resistance 'passively resisted' and were occupied by Nazi Germany.

Do they prefer a slow, agonising death at the hands of mRNA, prion disease, and whatever monstrosities they will unleash? Or one of valour?

I cannot - and will not - force the public to choose, but they must make their choice clear.

No point pretending to be against it, if ultimately it involves doing nothing (like Tweeting on Twitter into the virtual software void of nothingness).

The real world is oblivious to these things.

Besides defib units in places where they shouldn't be, I couldn't find any evidence the general public were aware.

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Most buildings in the US are required to have an AED if occupancy is over a certain point. No one wonders why.

I'm not sure you are aware of what level the surveillance state operates in the West but resistance of any form is extremely difficult. Unfortunately a certain zeitgeist must be reached. I can say that people are beginning to notice the naked emperor but this may be a long process. The domestic STASI has deep tendrils. Sadly we even carry big brother with us everyday. Our cars have GPS (anything with OnStar or similar services have GPS and are therefore traceable). Nearly every intersection in Maryland, at least, has cameras. Probably a third to half of police cars have license plate readers. Massive prescriptions of psychotropic drugs such as anti-psychotics, SSRIs, amphetamine salts, and Benzos. Throw a little AI goodness into all of this data and voila, Brave New World meets 1984. (Orwell probably could not have conceived of AI but it fits right in with that surveillance state).

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My observations on the AEDs in the UK were at very small local football clubs... and even a toilet!

Surveillance has limits. Ultimately it can only watch.

Eventually there comes a point where it needs the required manpower to enforce dictaks.

And I don't think they have the numbers.

There's no easy way to get an accurate census, though, is there?

Millions of us could be rightfully angry, in far greater numbers, and it is a case of the old man tapping, dancing away on the tin roof to distract us, make sure we don't connect the dots, make a true consensus of how many of us versus them they are.

Elon's distract-a-thon on Twitter to avoid real-life connections where they don't have any real control.

I think the whole ConOp with the Biden votes is less to do about 'winning' the election, and more to do with self-containing evidence of the absolute outrage by the public. Over 50% in disagreement is a huge number. Quick, vanish up some 81 million support votes out of thin air, make the old man seem more popular than he actually is.

A game of poker, with each side bluffing. Do they have a royal flush, or a toilet flush?

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catching up on the articles... Fantastic and worrying information. I'm also reading wikipedia and their references on prions. In terms of treating food or live animals, of course like you mentioned, there's nothing. except for disinfecting without care of destruction:

"Effective prion decontamination relies upon protein hydrolysis or reduction or destruction of protein tertiary structure. Examples include sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, and strongly acidic detergents such as LpH.[88]"

But interestingly wikipedia's prion article also mentions the use of ozone:


Although I guess that it wasn't quite as successful as they initially thought since the links are dead

and also mentions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guanidinium_chloride

"Guanidinium chloride is a strong chaotrope and one of the strongest denaturants used in physiochemical studies of protein folding .... However, at concentrations in the millimolar range in vivo, guanidinium chloride has been shown to "cure" prion positive yeast cells (i.e. cells exhibiting a prion positive phenotype revert to a prion negative phenotype)."

But what's interesting is Guanidine hydrochloride is also used currently as a medical treatment and acts in an opposite manner of benzos and opioids by "enhancing the release of acetylcholine following a nerve impulse"

So it makes me wonder if Guanidine hydrochloride has been attempted to treat CJD in humans.

The paper you referenced: https://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/bovine_spongiform_encephalopathy.pdf on BSE's mostly spontaneous etiology did mention something briefly which stood out to me:

"European red deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus) can also develop clinical signs if they are fed a high dose of prions; however, this species does not seem to easy to infect, as only one of 6 orally inoculated red deer became infected."

So that makes me curious what's in that species that gives it a level of resistance...

As far as the bioengineered or genetically modified food labeling goes in the US, yeah I noticed that too in many non-organic processed foods not labeled or certified as "non-GMO", which had existed for a long time in the US seemingly in response the lack of labels until now. I think the large prevalence seen is just the labeling law only taking effect for compliance on January 1, 2022 to reflect what already had been going on. Virtually all legumes and grains, seeds and their oils are GMO'd to be herbicide and pesticide resistant due to industrial farming practices so anything labeled as bioengineered or genetically modified is also practically guaranteed to have high herbicide and pesticide levels.

Even with that Missouri bill failing to pass, what's still up in the air is if animals treated with mRNA vaccines would fall under the federal bio-engineered labeling.

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An excellent contribution!

Sodium Hypochlorite (which can be produced via electrolysis of salt water; you can even buy generators of the stuff cheap from China) is a type of bleach frequently used in labs to disinfect given how good of a sterilising agent it is. Of course, that makes it toxic.

As you're realising, all the methods that could neutralise the prions would either destroy the food or render so toxic as to be inedible.

Your comment about Guanidine hydrochloride is intriguing, and someone had mentioned acetylcholine before (cholines specifically) in relation to SARS-CoV-2, although I don't recall if they completed their train of thought.

"this species does not seem to easy to infect" - the question would be if it's biomechanical (unique to the genetic-physical properties of the deer, E.G. the brain is such it is prion-resistant by nature) or if it's a replicable process (E.G. a chemical release). It's an interesting discovery, and at least we know the deer, on weight of probability, is safe.

"Virtually all legumes and grains, seeds and their oils are GMO'd" - the figure in the air I had heard even a while back was something like 96% of corn was GMO in the US (compared to 2% GMO in the EU, and non-existent in China). Wheat allergies have exploded since it was rolled out.

I remember on my Critical Thinking exam at school arguing against GMOs in a hypothetical scenario (the paper was clearly bias in favour, but offered the fake free-reign to argue either side, so I took it). They had other challenges on topics (also slanted for pro-establishment positions) that I argued against. Unsurprisingly, the pro-establishment shills gave me a low grade, but, interestingly, not zero.

"anything labeled as bioengineered or genetically modified is also practically guaranteed to have high herbicide and pesticide levels" - that is a pertinent attache to add in, although I must admit I was exclusively focused on the bioengineering aspects (to detriment of anything out-of-scope).

"if animals treated with mRNA vaccines would fall under the federal bio-engineered labeling"

I don't know if you've read the plasmids article yet (https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/genetic-modification-proof-as-strand), but you'll should soon see why I took the route to argue the mRNA shots are bio-engineering and made the GMO association.

I'm slowly painting a picture to people here, one article at a time.

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