Because it's a limited hang-out and she has a book she wants to publish for money with all the juicy limited hang-out details. Rather than doing the responsible thing and openly disclosing (imagine if I published a book you had to buy on the EMA leaks! Unethical!)
Why else do you think the media are suddenly gushing over it? Because the thing it distracts from is far worse than the thing they're drawing attention to (which is rehashed old topics everyone knows about anyway).
Matt committed PPE fraud, Boris partied. That's it, that's the best they can offer us. Mass murder is far more damning.
Better a limited hangout than no hangout. We have to keep up the pressure. Now you’ve proved the NICE connection, can you link that decision to Hancock.
That's the thing, I don't think Hancock made the decision. He's the fallguy. Complicit in he implemented it, but too dumb to have thought of it originally. He's being offered up far too conveniently as a sacrifice.
The midazolam murders date back to 2012, back when there was a Conservative-LibDem coalition government. Before, I do believe (don't quote me), Matt Hancock was even an MP. Those were the David Cameron-Nick Clegg PM years.
NICE are also 'supposed' to be independent third party, not government directed. So Department of Health and Social Care aren't supposed to have told them anything.
Additionally, care homes published the 60mg Midazolam murder advisory documents years before NICE made it 'official'. Who told the care homes to publish those documents to begin with? Why do the dosages vary between "service providers"? NHS Scotland says 20-30mg, St Nicholas care home says 10-60mg, Renal says 10-20mg.
Someone gave the order but, it wasn't Matt Hancock. The stepping stones were laid before he turned up. He might of pressed the button, but someone built that button control for him.
This is why I don't try to point fingers at anyone specifically, because unravelling this will require more resources than I have available to uncover.
I think the term Midazolam Murders is too emotive and by using it we lose people before they listen to the evidence.
I don’t think you follow John Dee, the former NHS and government statistician. He has done a lot of work on death statistics including cause and place of death. He uses the term Iatrogenesis Hypothesis.
He has shown there is an unexplained peak in Non-Covid deaths in Spring 2020. It was not just Covid patients who were given this aggressive end of life care.
The steps leading to this are
1. Panic in government that the hospitals will be overwhelmed with Covid patients (scenes from Italy
2. Incorrect treatment for Covid patients in hospitals (ventilation leading to the great ventilator race)
3. Order given to clear beds in hospitals
4. Elderly patients shifted en masse to care homes.
5. Order from government not to bother about testing them leading to Covid spread
6. Care homes capacity overwhelmed plus insufficient PPE
7. DNR and end of life care administered in care homes to Covid and non-Covid patients
Which is these steps can you pin on the sociopath narcissist Secretary of State for Health. 1 and 5 are proven. 3 and 4 probably but I haven’t seen it yet. 2 and 7 probably not because this was down to the stressed nurses and carers on the front line. But 2 and 7 are a direct consequence of the other actions.
You need to review the article. Midazolam Murders is 100% accurate terminology to use. It isn't "too emotive", midazolam is literally a death penalty drug. The dosages they gave exceeded Arizona's dosage amount.
No, they weren't ventilated. It wasn't an ICU ward, they were care homes.
No, I will not use 'polite language' for sociopathic murderers!
To use the term ‘murder’ you have to prove intent. In some jurisdictions you might be able to prove ‘involuntary manslaughter’. Iatrogenesis is a better term to use
Your example on Twitter of Isabel Oakshott rejecting the ‘conspiracy theory’ out of hand without wanting to examine the evidence is an example that it’s too emotive.
Oakeshott works for the government, and is not proof.
No layman is going to recognise the term 'latrogenesis'. I speak English, not jargon. I will not obfuscate their crimes.
The dosage levels were lethal. A simple 30 second search would reveal that. They claim to be medically qualified. They claim to know.
They were told to administer it in documentation.
The intent is self-evident, sufficient for first degree homicide or murder.
Remember, the Nursing Auditor recognised it as intentionally killing the patient just from three drugs alone.
We've got 10 drugs, all planned, orders, directed and executed, and the deaths that follow, labelled under causes where no such drugs would treat (dementia, COVID-19).
You are wasting your time if you don't eliminate Rupert Murdoch. He goes, and then you can take back the mass media, and then ordinary citizens will hear the truth for the first time in decades.
Midazolam exposure must be grassroots. Once it is known and shown it can never go back in the box, no amount of government gaslighting is going to save them. It is undeniable proof of mass murder.
As one man remarked 'there's no response for that [evidence of Midazolam murders], the data is incontrovertible'. This is it, this is the peak, this proves government culpability in mass murder, it must be shown to the world.
That’s very disappointing- Isabel the journalist reverting to type. Why doesn’t she say ‘show me the evidence’ rather than ‘I’ve seen no evidence’.
Because it's a limited hang-out and she has a book she wants to publish for money with all the juicy limited hang-out details. Rather than doing the responsible thing and openly disclosing (imagine if I published a book you had to buy on the EMA leaks! Unethical!)
Why else do you think the media are suddenly gushing over it? Because the thing it distracts from is far worse than the thing they're drawing attention to (which is rehashed old topics everyone knows about anyway).
Matt committed PPE fraud, Boris partied. That's it, that's the best they can offer us. Mass murder is far more damning.
Better a limited hangout than no hangout. We have to keep up the pressure. Now you’ve proved the NICE connection, can you link that decision to Hancock.
That's the thing, I don't think Hancock made the decision. He's the fallguy. Complicit in he implemented it, but too dumb to have thought of it originally. He's being offered up far too conveniently as a sacrifice.
The midazolam murders date back to 2012, back when there was a Conservative-LibDem coalition government. Before, I do believe (don't quote me), Matt Hancock was even an MP. Those were the David Cameron-Nick Clegg PM years.
NICE are also 'supposed' to be independent third party, not government directed. So Department of Health and Social Care aren't supposed to have told them anything.
Additionally, care homes published the 60mg Midazolam murder advisory documents years before NICE made it 'official'. Who told the care homes to publish those documents to begin with? Why do the dosages vary between "service providers"? NHS Scotland says 20-30mg, St Nicholas care home says 10-60mg, Renal says 10-20mg.
Someone gave the order but, it wasn't Matt Hancock. The stepping stones were laid before he turned up. He might of pressed the button, but someone built that button control for him.
This is why I don't try to point fingers at anyone specifically, because unravelling this will require more resources than I have available to uncover.
I think the term Midazolam Murders is too emotive and by using it we lose people before they listen to the evidence.
I don’t think you follow John Dee, the former NHS and government statistician. He has done a lot of work on death statistics including cause and place of death. He uses the term Iatrogenesis Hypothesis.
He has shown there is an unexplained peak in Non-Covid deaths in Spring 2020. It was not just Covid patients who were given this aggressive end of life care.
The steps leading to this are
1. Panic in government that the hospitals will be overwhelmed with Covid patients (scenes from Italy
2. Incorrect treatment for Covid patients in hospitals (ventilation leading to the great ventilator race)
3. Order given to clear beds in hospitals
4. Elderly patients shifted en masse to care homes.
5. Order from government not to bother about testing them leading to Covid spread
6. Care homes capacity overwhelmed plus insufficient PPE
7. DNR and end of life care administered in care homes to Covid and non-Covid patients
Which is these steps can you pin on the sociopath narcissist Secretary of State for Health. 1 and 5 are proven. 3 and 4 probably but I haven’t seen it yet. 2 and 7 probably not because this was down to the stressed nurses and carers on the front line. But 2 and 7 are a direct consequence of the other actions.
You need to review the article. Midazolam Murders is 100% accurate terminology to use. It isn't "too emotive", midazolam is literally a death penalty drug. The dosages they gave exceeded Arizona's dosage amount.
No, they weren't ventilated. It wasn't an ICU ward, they were care homes.
No, I will not use 'polite language' for sociopathic murderers!
To use the term ‘murder’ you have to prove intent. In some jurisdictions you might be able to prove ‘involuntary manslaughter’. Iatrogenesis is a better term to use
Your example on Twitter of Isabel Oakshott rejecting the ‘conspiracy theory’ out of hand without wanting to examine the evidence is an example that it’s too emotive.
Oakeshott works for the government, and is not proof.
No layman is going to recognise the term 'latrogenesis'. I speak English, not jargon. I will not obfuscate their crimes.
The dosage levels were lethal. A simple 30 second search would reveal that. They claim to be medically qualified. They claim to know.
They were told to administer it in documentation.
The intent is self-evident, sufficient for first degree homicide or murder.
Remember, the Nursing Auditor recognised it as intentionally killing the patient just from three drugs alone.
We've got 10 drugs, all planned, orders, directed and executed, and the deaths that follow, labelled under causes where no such drugs would treat (dementia, COVID-19).
The benefit of the doubt is gone.
Do you seriously expect a confession?
You are wasting your time if you don't eliminate Rupert Murdoch. He goes, and then you can take back the mass media, and then ordinary citizens will hear the truth for the first time in decades.
Not possible to 'take back' the mass media.
Midazolam exposure must be grassroots. Once it is known and shown it can never go back in the box, no amount of government gaslighting is going to save them. It is undeniable proof of mass murder.
As one man remarked 'there's no response for that [evidence of Midazolam murders], the data is incontrovertible'. This is it, this is the peak, this proves government culpability in mass murder, it must be shown to the world.