LockdownFiles Attempt To Distract From Midazolam Murders
Shows importance as news digs up old info to distract as Twitter suppresses #MidazolamMurders
Isabel Oakeshott, the supposed ‘anti-lockdown leaker’, is slow-roll releasing old stories of things everyone knew about in order to suppress the “conspiracy theory” that the elderly were killed with Midazolam:
What are more legitimate concerns than the mass murdering of the elderly?
The media are desperate and are scraping the bottom of the barrel to offer up the lamest of re-heated takeaways, with Matt Hancock reprising his role as the fraudulent PPE salesman and Boris Johnson as the lockdown partier. No mention of the mass murders.
The media are sweating. They know if Midazolam Murders — with their landslide of evidence — goes viral, the UK government and all their cronies are complicit, including the mainstream media who kept silent and actively covered up any evidence (see above) of the Midazolam Mass Murders rather than investigate and warn.
A Call To Arms
I call upon all readers of The Daily Beagle, to take whichever parts of evidence of the Midazolam Murders they wish, and make it known far and wide. The media’s desperation to absolutely bury this story speaks truth to power of the knowledge contained therein.
Already the articles and information are causing more and more people to come forward. One woman posted evidence of how their family member was injected with Midazolam on the 18th and died on the same day, only to be classified as COVID-19 and pneumonia on their death certificate!
My call to arms is not that for The Daily Beagle, but for the righteousness of those affected, those murdered by Midazolam!
Don’t let the mainstream media nor the UK government get away with this massacre! They’re on the ropes! Push back!
That’s very disappointing- Isabel the journalist reverting to type. Why doesn’t she say ‘show me the evidence’ rather than ‘I’ve seen no evidence’.
You are wasting your time if you don't eliminate Rupert Murdoch. He goes, and then you can take back the mass media, and then ordinary citizens will hear the truth for the first time in decades.