I have mentioned to people at work (most of whom are only obliquely aware of the event) that the significance of the sabotage of these pipelines should not be underestimated. As the extent of the covid injection disaster comes to light, at what point will the world decide that they are better off without the USA?

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I reckon some time in 2023, but it won't just be the USA.

I think a lot of governments are going to get rejected. The real question to ask is: will the public rise up and do anything about it?

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Hugely informative, thanks!

Blimey, you really are a one-person news agency! How do you find the time to research and write all this? I hope you get more subscribers very soon. You deserve them!

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Dems are bragging about shutting down Nordstream? Not very constructive but typical activity for the desperate 2022 mid-term losers! LIABILITY must apply to ALL pharmacy creators instead of expecting gullible Governments to pick up the tab for dangerous, inadequately trialled poisons. It's just a 'Licence to Kill'! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready!

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Blowing up Nord Stream 1 and 2 guarantees that no-one can undo the sanctions against Russia, even if they wanted to. Which naturally benefits the US, EU and NATO, and Russia, not so much.

I disagree with this. There are other pipelines that ship gas from Russia . Lets not forget this two pipelines aren't so old . (8 November 2011)

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As I point out to people in the article - people always forget capacity.

The other pipelines cannot magically increase capacity to absorb the shortfall from the losses of Nord Stream 1 (as well as the possible capacity of NS2). It is a bit like saying you won't experience congestion on your roads if the government blows up two major highways near you because you still have the localised roads.

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I get what you are saying ... what I'm saying is that if the sanctions are lifted then some eastern countries could skip the crisis . Germany would still face shortages ... sure ... and would have to beg and pay for gas to the transit countries ... just like before they had the NS1 and NS2 pipelines.

EDIT: https://www.statista.com/statistics/703657/natural-gas-consumption-germany/

This graph shows us that Germany's gas consumption is pretty stable DESPITE the NS pipelines. NO EXTRA CAPACITY was actually needed ... .

There are A LOT of people that got pissed off by this pipelines .

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"This graph shows us that Germany's gas consumption is pretty stable DESPITE the NS pipelines. NO EXTRA CAPACITY was actually needed ... ."

Actually, it very much was. In November 2021 Germany gas inventories were already low and NS2 was looked as a solution to solve this shortfall (NS2 is meant to meet pre-existing demand, not increasing demand):


NS1 was also subject to 'Ukrainian processing fees' and disputes disrupting supplies which were ongoing from 2014 onwards (EG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia%E2%80%93Ukraine_gas_disputes#November_2015_gas_supplies_stop).

NS2 would not be impacted by this, and German gas supplies would be able to be restored. Indeed, consumption not increasing would imply there is a cap or limit occurring somewhere. Germany and Russia would not just fit the bill for a multi-billion pipeline 'just cuz' and it seems like naive thinking.

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I think yelling all caps at me is not appropriate, and the fact you ignored the evidence I presented to then scream at me without presenting any evidence for your own claims, whilst in other comment sections offering time wasting suggestions, suggest you are not a genuine debater.

I also find the fact your name is just a generic number (as if a mass produced account) to be noticeably suspicious.

In rebuttal to your 'points' - mainly for the others reading:

"consumption not increasing in Germany implies that NS pipelines MERELY SHIFTED the ROUTE of the GAS"

Well, you did not read either my source - which shows in 2021 they had low supplies - or, ironically, your own, which reads:

'Over the following years, the country’s consumption experienced a mostly increasing trend, reaching 90.5 billion cubic meters in 2021.'

"but they would to keep the eastern countries DEPENDENT on THEM and the EU"

Other countries can agree and build pipelines with Russia, if they so choose, so this is a non-argument.


Laughable given Germany has been shipping equipment to the Ukrainians and financing NATO.


The fact you didn't read your own evidence, then opted to scream at me whilst using a dubious numbered account is why I opted to ban you. My time is precious, and I'm not going to waste it on people being all caps obnoxious because I don't agree with their particular worldview.

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Did CBS talk about flaring it? That would drastically reduce the CO₂ equivalent emissions.


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I feel amazed that the author of this piece doesn't even understand that almost all European governments - including the UK - have orders from their WEF masters to use the engineered sky high energy costs to destroy their economies and living standards, to lead to the Great Reset.

The Americans obviously blew up the pipe lines to ensure that the globalist puppet governments of Europe could not get the gas turned on again as a result of doing deals with Russia, even if they got panicked into doing that - and to take the pressure off those governments from their citizens, who are starting to realize that to destroy their own economies and living standards for the bunch of crooks running Ukraine, makes zero sense.

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"The Americans obviously blew up the pipe lines to ensure that the globalist puppet governments of Europe could not get the gas turned on"

It might help if you read the piece, where I literally remark exactly this, pointing to Italy and Hungary as example countries who want to end sanctions.

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