Three valuable gifts have been bequeathed to the world by America: rock and blues music, movies, and the wise old saying... NEVER GIVE A MUG AN EVEN BREAK. When people like Whale die, kick them until their body stops twitching. It is a mistake to be kind to them. They will only hate you more.

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RIP James.

(I'm a witchy old gypsy.)

I read his cards. They said:

"No. Bueno. Jaime."


#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠🆘️

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Whale is for the fiery furnace!

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Two very good takeaways - i.e great lines - from the Comments section :

this idiot is going to be useful until he self destructs ... and

may you be vaxxxed and boosted hilt )

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Harsh? Lol, no, you were a gentleman, Sir Beagle. " May you be vaxxed and boosted" is now one of my favorite responses in the occasional online debate. And yes, I do wish ill upon these people. I worked all through the hysteria. Gagged over all of the "heroes work here" BS while the rest of us showed up to work and did our normal jobs without dance videos (hard to dance when one is working). The b*stards tried to drive me out of a career that I have had for over 20 years and create hardship for my family while condemning and vilifying me. F*ck them. The Covidians tried to play gods for profit and "Science!" so I hope the Law of Attraction holds for them.

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All thinks considered, you held back admirably. He deserves a worse tongue lashing for his arrogance alone, much less his shaming people into taking the shot.

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James Whale (RIP).

It's about time this sarcastic, narcissistic and arrogant idiot became a statistic of his wonderful "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" Covid Vax CULL!

DEADLY COVID VAX must now represent a large percentage of the increasing 'early deaths'? SADS, SIDS and all recently discovered sudden deaths must be a main cause. Covid Vax is no more than a Depopulation CULL!

'Disinformation Campaigns' are OK if they turn out to be true and accurate - as has been the case with Covid Scamdemic, the DEADLY VAX, the sinister intentions of the NWO = the WEF, the new Gates motivated WHO, etc.

'LIABILITY for vax makers' would stop this nonsense immediately as having IMMUNITY from all/any LIABILITY means Big Pharma just use this (TEMPORARY = 1976) 'concession' as their Licence to Kill!

It seems that 'Long Covid' is another Adverse Reaction to the useless but deadly Covid injection!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos it's far safer than playing Russian Roulette with the jab CULL.

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This Idiot is going to be Useful until he self destructs with zero sympathy.

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