Pro-vaccine shill TalkRadio presenter James Whale has recently experienced a pure coincidence in the form of blood clots on his lungs, which didn’t resolve after he took (no doubt vaccinated) blood transfusions:
The Daily Mail spun a far worse picture of James Whale's ill health, noting he had multiple coincidences. Err, multiple cancers. Multiple coincidential cancers coincidentially coinciding with coincidential blood clots. The Daily Mail tried to write a gushing sympathy piece for a man who regularly tried to steamroll and abuse medical workers.
Even as NHS staff struggle with their pittance of pay (which has not matched inflation rates in real terms for decades), even with his health declining, James Whale could not resist another jab at the hard working nurses:
This isn’t the first time he’s denigrated nurses. Showing his devotion to the cult of vaccine, he called for all unvaccinated nurses to be sacked from the NHS earlier in the year:
Even when he was forced to speak face-to-face with an unvaccinated NHS worker facing the sack, he felt no sympathy for her loss of job. He remained unrepentant of his abusive views. He called the nurse an “idiot”, then got mad at her for reacting negatively to his verbal abuse and hung up on her during the show’s call:
In another, James Whale raged “can't bloody be bothered with people like you” to another who challenged him on his tirade of abuse against the unvaccinated, to which James Whale remarked:
I don’t think we’ve done nearly enough really
Many unvaccinated souls, in response to James Whale’s failing health, demonstrated kind heartedness — even aware of James Whale's history — writing to wish him well:
They’re upstanding people, obviously pure of heart, able to forgive such a man.
He verbally abused and silenced those who tried to warn him of the shots, berated those who tried to treat his illness asking for fair pay (even if vaccinated!), and attacked those who didn’t agree with his small-minded worldviews.
There’s no sympathy for such a man, if you could call him that. The people he has misled into taking these poison shots, families ruined, the children, no doubt the countless others he may have also verbally abused that we’re simply not aware of.
The Daily Beagle, for contrast, knowing the hard work and long suffering of the NHS nurses and everything they have to go through, having to endure this rich know-it-all’s verbal abuse and mistreatment, whom he has never apologised to nor felt remorse for, shared a slightly different opinion:
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Three valuable gifts have been bequeathed to the world by America: rock and blues music, movies, and the wise old saying... NEVER GIVE A MUG AN EVEN BREAK. When people like Whale die, kick them until their body stops twitching. It is a mistake to be kind to them. They will only hate you more.
RIP James.
(I'm a witchy old gypsy.)
I read his cards. They said:
"No. Bueno. Jaime."
#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠🆘️