Underdog, please pass this info on to Meryl Nass (she's a substack writer too). Because she was wondering about this, and maybe bec substack knows she has such a substantial following with high publicity within covidtruthworld, they immediately had a developer fix it for her and write an explanation that they had recently processed an update and thats why it happened and that it was a one-off etc., So maybe that was subterfuge. Anyhoo, yeah.... maybe the cabal minions are using substack to gather up the info on all of the dissenters. They keep warfaring us to make us feel we have no where to go and nowhere to trust in.

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Who can you trust these days? Not the WHO 'cos it's 'owned, controlled and manipulated by Bill Gates who once said "The most lucrative investments I've ever made = VACCINES!" He didn't say "even if they are useless, dangerous and can kill people". 'LIABILITY' must return to Vax makers - stop expecting gullible Governments to pick up the tab for your 'LICENCE TO KILL' attitude towards safety and inherent dangers within their unsafe products. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.

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Thankfully you’re free and can now move on to more exciting projects.

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Hey man ... just want to let you know selenium is COMPROMISED ... first it's owned by google and second they implement and share detection mechanisms with some companies . So use something else for REAL TESTING !

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Selenium do not appear to have Google listed in their sponsors page, so I'd need to see some proof of that claim:


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Jason Huggins left Thoughtworks in 2007 and joined the (then secret) Selenium support team inside Google.

Does this work ?

You can go and dig more if you wish !

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I see what you mean. Unfortunately, there's not any real alternatives to Selenium. HTML parsers don't count on many JavaScript heavy websites, and I'm not building a project from scratch when I'm dealing with datamining applications.

If you have a suggestion for a JavaScript, browser capable automation tool that runs in Linux and operates on Python that isn't me just building everything from scratch for lazy bums everywhere, I'd be all ears.

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the best alternative is RAW HTTP requests . everything else is infected by mega-corps and plagued by the same detection problems.

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No, it really isn't. Your solution is impractical as many websites use JavaScript which has to be run in a JavaScript engine capable of rendering to a display screen to accurately capture mouse click and keyboard events.

It is precisely why I said "JavaScript heavy websites", as I was expecting a novice suggestion. The fact you think HTTP can handle JavaScript suggests to me you're not an actual web developer.

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=)) ... yeah no ... you actually don't need javascript .

"The fact you think HTTP can handle JavaScript suggests to me you're not an actual web developer."

:| Really ? This is what you resort to ?

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