Great job! This monster fake doc has attacked my audience members and me nonstop. Not to mention peter hotez... Hotez got on Twitter on Christmas Day couple years ago and apologized to his wife in advance because it was a holiday he said and only re-tweeted me where I was doing an actual scientific post about the flu shot not working and literally sent his minions after me to “bully me“. He was delighted to see them attacked me. That’s how the man spent Christmas. He is right up there with Bill Gates with manufacturing this whole thing and is responsible for lives lost

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He is a no one. No comparison to anyone. People are getting dupe because of followers.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by The Underdog

It's always a good job to expose snakes, otherwise they sneak out to bite. And that kind of a mole inflicts damage by malinformation!

I know a number of people including in my own family who refused IVM because after listening to the gray-haired CNN anchor and a CDC twitter on Google search, it was dangerous and a horse dewormer! And these people having listened to snakes like that suffered long covid which they could have avoided had they taken early treatment with IVM!

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Excellent article. Copeland has been busy shilling over on Clubhouse since the spring of 2021. Doing the same big pharma & vax shilling that he's doing now on Twitter.

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Do you have a link for the Clubhouse stuff so I could go investigate? I'd like to update the article with that information if he's on social media elsewhere doing the same thing.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by The Underdog

I don't recall what room it was in on clubhouse, but there is a recording there somewhere where Dr. Copeland admits to getting a myocarditis diagnosis right around the time the 1st boosters were being pushed....I heard him say it live with my own ears. When everyone started calling him out on being vaccine injured, he began admittedly insisting it was from a covid infection and absolutely not from his 3 injections...lol

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Here is a link to one of the rooms, all you have to do is click his profile and you can find more… https://www.clubhouse.com/room/PNzVvOkl?utm_medium=ch_room_xerc&utm_campaign=_olcmRpRUkdqBRrnT8v4rA-597941

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Option number 4 is written all over him. He is a paid “disinformation” specialist tasked with stirring the pot which I’ll actually give him credit for but the problem is, he sucks at all other aspects of his job.

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I always wonder if these people take the disinformation jobs because they're not smart enough to realise the harms it is causing, or because they're not smart enough to get any other job.

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Good question.

Supposedly Ian Copeland is looking for a job.

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Correct he, Ian Copeland, sucks at that. He has supposedly all these followers, paid followers most likely, and gets just a few likes. I have seen his replies and he gets ignored. It’s annoying for anyone, left or right or centrist, to read his tweets with infantile emojis. It’s actually sad. Perhaps a very angry individual, angry about life, that he has to engage in that behavior. A coping mechanisms. He won’t be on TV if those credentials about a recent special program trainee graduate are true. I feel sorry for the guy if he wasn’t such a bad case of insults.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Good work, Beagle. Keep exposing these shills.

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It’s not just that Walter Reed, Baylor and Hotez were working on vaccines. The DoD was in charge of Warp Speed and also contracted w Moderna and Pfizer to manufacture and distribute the mRNA products in a Medical Countermeasure framework so they were exempt from any normal pharma product regulation/oversight. Thus the DoD is the primary body responsible for all vax related activities- including massive propaganda campaigns employing the likes of this yahoo

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by The Underdog

brilliant! well done. As someone who was on his calls it became very evident he uses race to shut people down and humiliate & bully sincere people. Its just a matter of time before his hate causes his personal life to turn to shit....and then he'll be on MSNBC or sue someone so he can have an income

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Please refer to the #CopeAlot on twitter and you'll screen shots of his LinkedIn endorsements from biotech firms & cdc employees. He also has a habit of talking over women and essentially calling them dumb karen bimbos when he's trying to shut them down

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

also dm me I have screen shots of parts of his c2genomics page that seem to be hidden in a way. Essentially a covid testing and DNA company he claims to own. Would profit directly from pushing covid as an ongoing narrative. His twitter spaces Rohan is his shill buddy who purposefully tries to look for antivaxers in the crowd who will be #copealots clown victim for his Clown radio show. I believe to have recording of some parts

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Report all. I have. Tag @Support as well if you can and made sure he is tag out of the conversation.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by The Underdog

is this the same Peter Hotez as mentioned in this article? I think so:


"...Last month’s approval of Corbevax—which by now has been given to 30 million adolescents—raised more questions. CDSCO authorized the vaccine for 12- to 18-year-olds based on interim data from a 312-participant study that showed the vaccine triggered a rise in neutralizing antibodies. But NTAGI wasn’t convinced the vaccine was entirely responsible for the rise, Muliyil says. Data from the unvaccinated placebo group could have shed light on whether CO VID-19 infections were also contributing, but as a preprint posted on 26 April shows, the trial did not assess antibodies in the placebo group. Biological E did not respond to a question about the data.

Since then Botswana has also licensed Corbevax. And on 21 April, an expert committee advising CDSCO recommended the shot’s approval for 5- to 12-year-olds in India.

Critics applaud the fact that Corbevax is free from patents, but they worry its approval signals a double standard. “[Would] this vaccine be acceptable for pediatric populations in a high-income country with the data we currently have in the public domain?” asks Boghuma Kabisen Titanji, an infectious disease specialist at Emory University.

Corbevax co-developer Peter Hotez, who leads the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, says Indian companies have a strong track record for producing WHO-prequalified vaccines. “I’m not aware they apply lower bars and standards,” Hotez says. “It would be unfair to think so and in fact it reflects colonial attitudes.”

But the controversy has led some Indian pediatricians to not recommend the vaccine. And hasty vaccine approvals, especially for children and adolescents, pose a risk that goes beyond the individual vaccine, Titanji cautions: “It sets a dangerous precedent which could be very damaging for vaccine confidence and uptake down the road.” "

I didn't look up which of the injections were the most used in India. According Denis Rancourt 3Mio Deaths correlate with vaccines. I really thought India would be more cautious. Desillusionary Times.

BTW. on german DOD website already in April 2020 ! NATO made "the figtht against the virus" as their issue and promised to tackle misinformation ...every second soldier of the german army engaged in this fight, testing, contact tracing and vax distribution and application in nursing homes. very odd imho.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by The Underdog


"...Countering disinformation and fake news

According to Secretary General Stoltenberg, an additional challenge in the Corona crisis is disinformation and fake news from state and non-state actors. Their goal, he said, is to undermine member states' democracies. Defense ministers agreed to continue countering fake news with facts and concrete actions. "We are now working even more closely with allies and the European Union," the NATO secretary general said. The goal, he said, is to "monitor and detect disinformation and respond accordingly.""

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

if you want to get a visual impression of german army heroic engagement: https://www.corodok.de/bundeswhere-im-kampfeinsatz/

I think this is kind of key to understand, how this has been rolled out.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by The Underdog

my comment seems to be shortened after sending. is there a limit? Strangely the whole comment shows up when I edit.

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Substack will show an 'expand comment' option to readers which reveals the entire comment once clicked. When editing it can bug out, where it'll shorten but won't show the 'expand comment' prompt. If you refresh the window you'll see it.

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thank you. I see it did indeed show up entirely

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Why is this individual’s account, Ian Copeland, says 19K followers on X but when you click on who is following him, only 70 showed up. Is that an X glitch? Perhaps I need to open in a computer not a mobile device. Also he started tweeting in 2018-19 but very little, until much later on. I knew he had no credentials and no unemployment(besides military), but your article made me aware of things.

It was easy to check this guy out, like you said. The way he talks and the way he writes I don’t see this man getting a real job anytime soon, unless the job is to harass people, unless his name is also a fabrication as well. He sounds uneducated or classless for no better word but perhaps that’s part of the part at play.

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I was told he was a 'hoax' by one quality outlet interested in the story, however they did not elaborate why they thought that, and didn't supply any evidence.

I could reasonably believe it's a fabricated account as well (I'm pretty sure the follower accounts are artificial, see my published article: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/proving-twitter-intentionally-allow). One thing I think everyone can agree on, though, is it's definitely a propaganda account.

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Jan 6Liked by The Underdog

This criminal is indeed afraid to debate. He is undoubtedly military special operations and well-trained in psychological warfare. He and many others that chase him around, including some guy named Scoops Mcgoo @sco0psmcgoo who is in every "debate" where he plays the "good guy" role of controlled opposition. They all have scripts for whatever piece of damning evidence you bring to the table, and if you blindside them with something obvious such as the fact that luciferase is used to "assess biodistribution" of the bioweapons according to the documents, but it is not found in any of the vials. Asking where then did it come from (of course DNA integration to grow it inside of the body) results in some random chastisement and an instant mute, followed by him saying [in his most pants-falling-off, crack-pipe voice possible], "I tell you, these fuckin' dumb antivaxx conspiracy theorist don't know a damn thing, making up all this bullshit, etc." Then his wingmen will parrot that statement with varying degrees of malice. Scoops Mcgoo then will say in a calm voice something such as, "Dr. Copeland, just because he didn't know what he was talking about, you're being too harsh"... of course never acknowledging that the documents say precisely that.

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It turns out he's a fraud.

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Great reporting! Want to come on The Jonathan Kogan Show? https://jsk.transistor.fm

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Okay, I found some of this information myself. But I'm in a weird place on this one...doesn't the unmasking of Copeland feel...too easy? It feels like we were intended to find him out, and quickly. He tone and content screamed for investigation. He didn't simply look like a cutout, but a cardboard cutout.

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I had considered that possibly, as LinkedIn pages are usually protected. However his writing in public does not belie intelligence, and having dealt with propaganda shills in the past, he's at their sort of level. What you might call 'burger flipper intelligence' where they can only argue from ad hominems or scripted rebuttals, and aren't capable of proper analysis.

Generally speaking, the US military are capable of creating 'sock puppet' accounts, as revealed in the HBGary emails, which do include fabricated background stories (I'm not a fan of Daily Kos' politicalised reporting but they do cover it, here: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2011/2/16/945768/-).

However, even if you assume the personality to be fake, you're opening a new, bigger, messier can of worms - one involving the military requiring Universities to publish fabricated degrees, fabricated 'peer-reviewed' papers, and having academics put their names to said fabricated individuals.

I'm inclined not to believe Ian Copeland is fake, because he has records dating back to 2010, confirming the Norfolk State University association on the LinkedIn page. He's 6ft 3in and was born in 1992.


If you click the historical tab, you can also see his goofy younger photographs. I opted not to publish this in the article because it seemed too personal and I couldn't see a meaningful purpose for doing so other than a research flex. He doesn't seem the most savvy on information sanitation.

Some people do leave their LinkedIn pages open, and I've many a success through this route (if you ask me, they should obligatorily be public for transparency). If it seems easy it is because myself and others have done all the legwork of compiling the connections so retroactively it seems obvious once you know where to look.

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"However, even if you assume the personality to be fake, you're opening a new, bigger, messier can of worms - one involving the military requiring Universities to publish fabricated degrees, fabricated 'peer-reviewed' papers, and having academics put their names to said fabricated individuals."

That's not a new can of worms. I never stepped foot in another science lab in college after being offered a job writing fake research. It's called a paper mill. A few years ago, two of Germany's top politicians were found to have faked their research papers to get their degrees. Yes, a lot of academia is faked.

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Also a bit weird of you to leave this comment for an entire year.

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You appear to be conflating low-quality/fake degrees, with fake personalities.

They're not the same thing.

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they gave their vax to India. "For Free"...

it is open stated NATO NAC PESCO MMCC - they created Hybrid CoE. The head of Hybrid CoE is the same as the head of the finnish Millton consultants. I covered that on my substack.

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The anthem of the medical freedom movement. Watch the hit music video FOREVER FREEDOM BRIGADE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/forever-freedom-brigade

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Great resources! Thanks!

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Thanks so much. Check out a few more.

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More good stuff! Thank you! I started a substack last year with the aim to collect and share references like you have, but found it was hard to keep things updated, things change so fast. I am now writing some articles now that have a different "spin" on things that I don't see people writing about as much, about how sociopathy has been cultivated as a normal in our lives by the globalists.

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Analyzing the sociopathic behavior among the pod people is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of studying the ongoing egregious phenomena.

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I happen to have done a lot of study on the subject (way before the pandemic), so I'm hoping to fill people in on the challenges of dealing with someone without a conscience and also exploring their weaknesses. I've had a chance to read some of your articles and bookmarked the rest, I look forward to catching up!

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