Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

You are 💯% spot on there. Maybe it’s just you and me and few others who are worried and observing the worse and most critical issue in our time. The whole world is slowly being annihilated through these bioweapons injections and other related medical means, however it doesn’t seem to be really worrying to many including the vaccinated population!! I worked in the nursing homes and deaths have accelerated big time and many have now just hanging on the thread and anytime will go!

But Not many seems to see the BIG Elephant in the room! The culling will continue in silent because majority of the world population have been injected and is continuing to be injected. Everyday, I continue to hear stories of deaths here, deaths there around my circle. And this is just the people o personally know. But my God! the majority of people minds have been totally zoombified, no one questioning the sudden deaths and deterioration of those who suffered!

I felt like living in a very strange, dark world among the zoombified population .Its very painful to go to work watching what is happening and can’t do anything about it. I have been kicked out for 2 years for not getting the deadly injections and felt like pinned on the ground to eat the dirty soil because I didn’t join the mob!!

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I read a great comment which I immediately grokked:

Left Wing, Right Wing 🤷 same chicken.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Yes, it used to be everything left was outright evil, right wing good but always backing down a little by little so that now, they're like Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee.

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Cute comment. I’m sure that the millions who died under leftist regimes worldwide would have been very amused……

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

If I may intercede?

The concept of "left" and "right" like indicators on a car, in my humble opinion, has been a gross oversimplification of the varied and nuanced positions and ideas people can have, exploited by media (see the Robbers Cave article - it's an eye opener) in order to divide folks.

Your objection, specifically, relates to immoral authoritarianism (I.E. the abuse of power to kill en-mass). I doubt you would have approved of Stalin if he labelled the Gulag's 'Free Market Workplaces', had corporations do his bidding on his behalf ('Fascism'; merger of State and Corporate power), and held lowest bidder contracts to see who could supply him the Siberian jails the cheapest.

Likewise, I'd like to remind you that Pfizer is a for-profit corporate entity that is responsible for arguably the largest transnational mass murder known to mankind, and which colour indicator they adopt (Communist or Capitalist) is totally irrelevant to their now dead victims.

Your objection, sir, isn't to political alignment: it is to immorality.

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Yes, you are absolutely correct. Thank you for that excellent summary of the real situation.

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Mark wtf are you on ? Are you of the belief that Right OR Leftist Regimes, States or Hegemonies anywhere, at any time, haven't butchered people? Boy, listen here... The State is a Murderous Beast. Left/Right, all, absolutely ALL, are financed by the Elite$ & their Banksters. Grow up, you ain't with the Good Guys. There are no Good Guys, only Agendas.

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It's their club, and we ain't in it!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 17Liked by The Underdog

Well f ing said.

For 4 years I've been saying they'll be no heros but ourselves. All the Putins, Trumps, Musks and their ilk have stepped and stomp over any man woman and child that was in front of their goals yet a change of heart now? Lol zero chance.

Anyone not of the peasantry class should be viewed with suspicion at all times. Never follow them, we allow them to walk in our direction beside us and when they change paths we continue on in the right direction.

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Exactly. Some of the Heroes will be marketed as mass murderers. Others, like Trump, will be marketed as saviours, only to run out the clock and a little more covertly help in the mass murder. That will be the “lesser of two evils.”

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Unfortunately I think you're right Tom but Trump isn't in office yet. Some are saying there will be no election - same here in Tranada.

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Wonderful Damon! I wish I could blast this message out to the entire world! ❤️

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Tbh it's been hard work but the rewards are starting to filter through. Visit the Facebook pages of the WHO, Trudeau, Ardern, Albanese, Roger Cook etc etc etc. 4 years ago it was a handful of us and swamped by their supporters, bots and nudge unit accounts.

Lol now we barely have to post and almost everyone is starting to get that something is very wrong.

As the article says "where is the outrage".

They were forced to take a gene therapy.

The lies.

The manipulation

The obvious conspiracy yet nothing..... Yet

The time spent using the same tactics as the conspiracy is money in the bank, repetition and predictive programming.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. It's good to acknowledge that there is at least a change in perception - I guess it's just one more step before the jabbed do something about their needle rape.

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I literally suspect some form of drug induced brain damage, more so the links between out gut biome and our thinking.

What keeps me hopeful is the biggest prochoice rally weekend in Australia was November 2021. Almost 1 million people turned out all over the country, thats approx 1 in every 25 men, women, children and babies.

They got worn out, too many rallys, too much politics/agendas and little gain BUT they're still out there and there are more now then ever.

The word that we need to get into peoples subconscious is treason. Repetition and the predictive programming work for us as it did for them.

Keep fighting because the time spent now is a fraction of the effort and pain I suspect the future will pay if we don't.

From a random nobody thank you for standing with us. You are important, we all are.

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maybe it’s the brain damage from the shots…

how do we even know they had mRNA in them? possibly other toxin(s)… they lie about everything.

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Kevin McKernan's work shows they (Pfizer and Moderna) have DNA contaminants. The EMA leaks tell us the mRNA the shots do have are unstable. Either way: the mRNA stuff is bad news.

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Certainly a ton of Endotoxin. Geoff pain is an expert on the subject.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Until People rise up, together, nothing will change.

Until people forget, or at least put on the back burner, their previous political allegiances and decide to stand together, there will be no uprising.

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This is spot on. Look at what the farmers of Europe accomplished with their persistant blockades. It may not last forever, but it shows what CAN be done for now. The notion that those pulling the strings try to keep people divided is so true; it's all those with eyes open can do to burn through the fog and show the way to others.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

I believe that everything is a theater and it follows its script. after the warp speed op, they could not have continued with trump. his people would not have accepted the lockdowns, the green passports, the mandatory masks and the mandatory injection, the fall of the economy, all the 2030 agenda, net zero, "nato" hegemony etc( what is his opinion about that? nobody knows), plus the Ukraine, nothing would have been in line with what he represented as an image for his voters, so he was removed from the landscape. even so, let's not forget that his silence was for a long time, he did not condemn anything that happened, moreover he was very proud that under his leadership the vaxxs were put on the market to the misfortune and damage of the population. but because the public needs the circus (it also needs answers and action, but trump will never give them), he is a perfect actor and they give the public what it needs and it is easier to give. I don't forget him (at that time I was in the US) since he declared zero tolerance for immigrants, which was not a bad thing, but instead of sending the immigrants back, he separated the children from their parents, put them in cages, then thousands of them haven't been found anywhere. where did so many children disappear, innocent children, without help, I wonder, why nobody cares about children no matter from where they are...trump is no better than others, everything is an illusion.

The US corporation has an increasingly bad reputation in the world, nothing its "government" is doing is good or right and no kennedy, biden&co or trump will fix this.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

I saw a bbc article that the first interview trump gave post assassination attempt was about inclusion and moderation of his party stances. Something about “why can’t people who believe men should join women’s sports and people who don’t get along?”

What a strange revelation to have after being shot at. I don’t need more confirmation that he’s the pied piper for conservatives. Lead them to the vaccines. Lead them to Jan 6. Pacify them with Q-anon. The BS 3D chess and letting people winnow out positive motivations for his actions or lack of action. It’s frightening to me.

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But you’re ok with the present regime?

I’ll gladly take Donald Trump over what we’ve endured over the last 3+ years.

Enough is enough….

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"But you’re ok with the present regime?"

Why would replacing the present regime with a copy itself help improve things?

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

No way. I agree that enough is enough. Biden is corrupt and Kamala is like an insurance policy for him to stay in power. What do you do? I’m at a loss. Grass roots level changes? Local politics? Voting? I sure as hell am not attending any rallies. I took my family and moved to a more rural state. Trying to be discerning but not afraid. Prepared not scared. I don’t think Trump is going to make things better just because Biden is a corrupt idiot. There might be another attempt at completing the border wall… but it won’t get done. He probably won’t reign in government spending, in fact the opposite will happen just like his first term. Maybe all of the shots on the childhood vaccine schedule will be updated to use mRNA - how terrifying is that and I haven’t heard him opposing that either. And the swamp is still full!

What do you think he will do to make things better? Honest question.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Yeah I’m in the same boat as your sister with the distance from family… COVID was so polarizing. We were the only ones who didn’t take the vaccine and the tension that resulted made it easier to leave.

Thanks for taking the time to write back. I admire your optimism and pragmatism and hope you are right about republicans not being able to reveal strategies they have in progress. Time will tell right?

You know what occurred to me as we were having this conversation… I’m getting kinda paranoid about writing my dissent on Substack 😂 I will probably lay off on the commentary for a while!!! Some weird lady reached out to me with this odd scripted dialogue that didn’t match her profile description at all (she portrayed herself as a regular grandma)… basically sent me a private dm asking all of these questions about my political views about Trump and the “new bitcoin backed monetary system” it was creepy to say the least. I’ve been on Substack for a while and it seems like the user base is changing in a disingenuous way! Just relaying my experience.

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Just to inform you, based on my own experiences, unscrupulous types have been attempting to exploit the DM system to try to influence/undermine/datamine the "opposition".

I've seen Psychological Warfare individuals trying to sow dissent (I chewed that individual out for helping to aid and abet the mass murder of mankind), and others who pretend to be 'on side' asking suspicious questions - more likely than not pharmaceutical scumbags pretending to be 'fact checkers' looking for a gotcha non-answer to twist.

My recommendation is if you do not recognise the person, that you just ignore the DMs. You have zero obligation to answer any DMs (it is your free time, after all). I also strongly recommend you do NOT click on ANY links provided in a DM context as these may be IP loggers (middle-man malware that will redirect you to a website after scraping your IP) trying to unmask your identity.

Stay safe.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Thanks for the heads up!!!

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Thanks for the posts. I don’t think there is any pet answer as to what to do as long as there isn’t a critical mass of people willing to spend the time to organize for real change. One thing is certain, I believe: it will happen through grassroots organizing, not through any Heroes.

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Yes it has to be grassroots I agree. It becomes more complex when people only engage online across large physical distances…

We have really enjoyed starting to build community here in our rural area. Lots of success with homeschool groups that include folks that have also emigrated from densely populated areas of the country. It’s interesting how many people are coming to where we are - from all over the US looking for the same thing. Simpler life, lower cost of living, conservative ideals, ability to be independent and produce food and raise their kids in relative peace in a beautiful setting.

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Good for you on taking the initiative to find such a place! Strong step in the right direction.

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Thank you. I hope that I’m right about it too. I just can’t imagine that Donald Trump would go through so much pain and trouble to be re-elected without plans for substantial change. Why bother if you’re not going to try to do something great? I’ve always thought that he has something of “the Great Man” in him…. I guess we will see.

BTW, check out the leaked conversation between Bobby Jr and Trump about the childhood vaccine schedule…. I think you will be pleased.

I have to try and be optimistic, I was very pessimistic about things for a couple of years (I couldn’t even watch a news broadcast without being mad for hours afterwards) and it was making me almost physically sick worrying about things that I had no control over. I live in the DC suburbs, so I’m inundated with news….. and on top of that I am very conservative (I was an intern in Tom Delay’s Capitol office) and very interested in all things political (and all things Covid).

I watched what Biden and Company were doing to the Constitution and the country and it is just infuriating. I had to change my mindset or be miserable.

My family didn’t fight much about Covid, our attitudes fell along well worn and long established political lines. The liberals got the shots and the conservatives didn’t….. and no one fought about it.

As for getting paranoid, I’ve been that way for a while. I loathe self-censorship but must admit that I do it from time to time when I’m especially mad about a subject…..I’m absolutely certain that there are people saving this stuff somewhere for possible future use. I’m also sure that there are “agent provocateurs” in the comment sections….. just ask Matt Taibbi or Elon Musk.

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Fair enough.

But you really do sound like you have given up on national politics. (My sister also took her family to a more rural, Republican state. She seems much happier, but she’s halfway across the country).

Look, I can’t promise that Trump will make things better, but I can guarantee that NOTHING will get better under the current democrat administration. Things will only get worse. Their policies simply cannot work.

With the exception of Covid, I think that Trump did a very good/great job as President, especially when you consider the fact that ALL of official Washington was against him.

I can’t speak for him, so I can’t tell you what he’ll do on anything specific. But I will comment on the 3 things that you mentioned…..

Vaxx: He doesn’t talk much anymore about the vaccines….. I suspect that he knows that they didn’t work and are dangerous (politically it would be stupid to bring up the subject before the election), but we KNOW that Biden and the Democrats love the mRNA vaccines…… Trump is the only hope of stopping them. At least he will listen to the opponents.

Border: The last 3+ years have made one thing abundantly clear, that the President of the United States is personally responsible for the border, and can do whatever the hell he wants with it. The precedent has been established by Biden, previous Presidents and court rulings…..so Trump will have the undoubted authority to build the wall.

The only problem will be finding the money for it, and I believe that it has already been authorized by Congress. If not then a Republican Congress will authorize it, or face the consequences.

On government spending: Trump is generally a “supply sider” and used to believe that we could grow our way out of the debt. I don’t know what he thinks about it now, but any idiot (except for Joseph Biden and his Party) can see that the debt is a huge problem. I suspect that he (or his people) have a plan to deal with it…. I know that the Republican Party had a group that was working on ways to mitigate the problem, but I don’t know what they have accomplished.

They probably wouldn’t want to publicize something like that before the election, it would just give the press/Democrats something to bitch about.

I really don’t think that it will be possible for Trump and the Republicans to increase spending much…… people HATE inflation and inflation is the result of higher spending.

I understand why people are so depressed. There are huge problems that need to be addressed…. And we’re not even sure that Trump will win.

But remember, a change of administrations doesn’t just change the President.

Thousands and thousands of people are brought in to the federal government to do things differently…..most of whom will have a different mindset about the uses of federal power than the current administration. All of those Executive Branch agencies will have new bosses and, in many cases, new employees. Also, the president appoints federal judges (and the leadership of the Justice Department…we’ve seen how important that is).

Hopefully, Trump (and the Republicans, because he will need them) will win and begin to change things for the better. And his successor will have to finish the job.

It’s a tall order, but it IS possible…..

AND, it’s all we’ve got.

There is no other realistic option.

[Side note:

Frankly, if I were Donald Trump, I wouldn’t want the job again. The current crop of radical lunatics has damaged the country so badly that it is going to be very hard to fix. And if everything goes to hell while he’s President, then he will get the blame.

I actually think that it takes a lot of “intestinal fortitude “ to want to take on the challenge.]

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

I'm with You brother!!!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for this post, which is in my mind with exactly the same way of thinking!!!! How can anyone forget what Trump et al. did to every American who is buried, injured, incapacitated, jobless, without ANY outlook for a happy future?? What about all the genetically modified injected CHILDREN, who are now dying?? I lost 3 family members, all in the 80ies, AFTER the injections!!! That was supposed to be for the most vulnerable!! Every cousin who got this slurry, is sick. My entire substack is about the science behind the SPike, and despite of that, my own family would not listen, except for few. Look at Trumps new VP, great guy, but too much GENE THERAPIES investments with Amplify Bio and Kriya Therapeutics..

Btw. personally I do believe this entire 'shooting' was STAGED. CIA kills only then when you have somebody like RF Kennedy... Look carefully at every moment of that episode, the location of the stage relative to these buildings with people+guns on them. Look how Trump behaves and all his gestures, it is a great style add for him. On top of it, to genetically modify billions is extremely EVIL, so I slowly believe event his might be true:






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I've discussed and debated with folks on real versus staged (as well as gone over every possible real versus staged scenario), and I've ultimately come to the conclusion which one it is... doesn't actually matter in the general terms of outcomes for the public.

Scenario 1: It is a real assassination attempt by somebody. Trump, if elected, will still empower Pfizer & Co, and still fail to prosecute anybody for the harms the mRNA shots cause.

Scenario 2: It is staged. Trump, if elected, will still empower Pfizer & Co, and still fail to prosecute anybody for the harms the mRNA shots cause.

There's only one theory that has any real consequence but is impossible to know - the shooter was disgruntled with Trump betraying them, and thus opted to shoot him because voting doesn't work. In-fact, I've even wondered if they were somebody critical of the mRNA shots who was trying to take revenge for harms against family/friends, but given they're dead and we're not mind readers, it'd be impossible to know.

TL;DR: Folks are free to believe whatever they want about what happened, but I think whichever scenario does not mean any real change for the general public. We will still get 'maintain Status Quo'.

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Thank you Beagle (if I may..) for the time and discussion! Well, if scenario 2 is real, Trump is CRIMINAL, who participates in LIES, huge lies. If somewhere, someday there is enough powerful prosecutor out there, who wants the real TRUTH, he might 'get him'.

If ENOUGH PEOPLE start seeing the patterns all the politicians follow, they might get their final power and choice of executing their free will, not the will of elites..

What's at stake here is SO BIG, that if Americans don't WAKE UP, they might wake up in gulags with a great team of psychiatrists treating their 'deficiencies', if they are not on site with the DICTATOR.

Signed: a sceptic, who always wants the TRUTH.

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I understand Underdog’s position on Trump, but your belief that the assassination attempt was staged is unsupported. Check out what John Leake wrote: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/response-to-substack-authors-who

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Yep, that reasoning checks out. I’m with you on this one.

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Well said - you're so right on about the outrage going to the wrong place. I guess the narrative controllers know what they're doing eh? Their plans are apparently working (in a way.)

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Man-modified Covid is far less a danger than the useless but dangerous injections they pretend are vaccines, but still they peddle them as Safe & Effective - surely that's pre-meditated MURDER? No doubt they've made Bird Flu far more lethal by using Gain of Function bio-warfare technology.

The injectable Covid poisons called 'mRNA Vaccines' that were illegally awarded an FDA Emergency Use Authorisation because the FDA aided and abetted Big Pharma by pretending that no pre-existing medicines existed that might assist in the minimisation of Covid 19 dangers. The question of 'massive back-handers' must be considered. They then began a campaign of denigrating this wonderfully versatile medicine by suddenly pretending it was "A horse de-wormer".

Since the 1970's the FDA was aware that IVENRMECTIN was one of the Top 50 medicines recommended by the (now CORRUPT) World Health Organisation. Ivermectin is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for medicines, so why did the FDA & CDC decide to destroy the reputation of this wonderful medicine? Back-handers and other financial benefits and incentives could be the reasons.

mRNA jabs are Permanently destroying fertility. Covid injection is a pre-emptive disaster and must now be regarded as Pre-meditated Murder by Big Pharma's poisonous Covid injections. Possibly the end of humankind! Bird Flu vax will be even more devastating.

And still Pfizer, et al, enjoy total protection from LIABILITY! How can this continue? And why do some gullible people still agree to take the DEATH SHOT? The best they could hope for is Reduced Life Expectancy - the more shots you accept the shorter your Life Expectancy!

Now they are intending to insert mRNA poisons into humans via animals that have been injected (contaminated) with these poisons. The only way they can poison us Post Covid Anti-vaxxers.

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer). I've been warning y'all since 2021! Did you listen?

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"No doubt they've made Bird Flu far more lethal ..."

Just about anything is far more lethal than 'covid' (if it were properly prevented/treated). However, all so-called viruses have to rely on RNA replication, which is really really flaky. No double helix means no way to error check, and the vast majority of translated proteins are useless.

Add to that the massive evolutionary pressure for a lethal pathogen to become less lethal, together with the fact that many more are on to them now, and it will be really difficult, if not impossible, for them to pull it off.

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I'm concerned that the super wealthy lunatics, in their greedy furtherance of their wealth, are financing bio-weapon research to make more dosh from those the might still 'Trust their Science'! I'm sure it is highly possible that these lunatic Elite imbeciles labs might slip up and open Pandora's Box. Unjasbbed Mick!

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

So much for “NO AMNESTY” (💯 % agree)

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Jul 16Liked by The Underdog

Quite correct here. This event never even raised my eyebrow because we don't know if the shooter was just a bad shot and missed, or was he an expert and with his AXSR .223 (I'm guessing) sniper rifle and gave a superficial wound. Don't investigators always look at who benefits most?

But there is one thing everyone leaves out: how everything that happens is on the orders of one man, the General who lives in the .... But to go there would invite assassination.

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I'm also acutely reminded folks, myself included, have been calling for punishments against those mass poisoners for a while now. I think some have called for hangings, guillotines and public executions.

It is strange that folks are now suddenly getting cold feet at the idea the prospect of violence against the political class could be real. I'm wondering if they would be equally as offended if it was Biden or Fauci instead? Or if it is the idea of violence in net that offends them (to which I'd ask - why call for such violent punishments?).

For me, I'm burned out, I don't have any sympathy to give to any of the political class for their machinations against the general public. There are folks who had to have all four limbs amputated because of these damn poison shots, and then they were gaslighted and told it was COVID; imagine how devastated and betrayed that person must feel!

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I feel burned out too after looking at what's happening in the world since I first woke up one year after our first socialist government in Australia Dec. 1972. Starting 1974, I decided to read the Bible start to finish. It explained everything about people and politics. No more socialism for me, Jesus Christ has the answers. Only the scamdemic and a study of prophecy in Daniel and Revelation alerted me to the fact that one man, the MATT, the Man Across The Tiber, controls it all. Now I can relax, knowing that this is the end of times, fulfilling God's plan under orders of the MATT. Things will get worse. There is zero I can do about it in the long run. But we need to be kept informed so we can see how close we are to the return of Christ.

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I made a t-shirt with this on. Whoever thought it up is a genius.

My googledrive:


I'm a lifelong opponent of capital punishment, and still am since the State should not get to kill its own citizens; however, Humanity should be able to.

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https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 Trump is an ACTOR, Hollywood Hall of Fame Star in the sidewalk, WWE wrestler, corrupt protégé of Cohen, Wailing Wall kissing Zionist, Mason, pussy grabber and Lucifarian with his black cubes, 666 aligned trees, Arc of the Covenant replica and chessboard floors. The pantomime to divide and conquer, Red v Blue is building up a head of steam. Biden worse. Wake up folks. Am in the UK, if you guys fall, everyone does.

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Quite simply, I don't think Trump was 'in on it'. Here in the UK we have two or three doctors who are now regarded as heroes for their position on the Covid vaccines. But at the start they were taken in, and appeared on television or on their YouTube channel, encouraging people to get vaccinated (and took the initial shots themselves).

The only difference between Trump and them is that he was President of the US.

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"I don't think Trump was 'in on it'."

If you view the video where he endorses the shots, you will find included is a screenshot of his stocks and shares in Johnson & Johnson. They made the same type of shot as the AstraZeneca one (I.E. the classic 'clot shot' everyone is familiar with).

The 95% effective was an unevidenced lie. Point blank, there was no valid evidence base for that claim; BMJ even called out the lack of raw data asserting the claim (https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o102).

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And the fact that he championed hydroxychloroquine, which could have derailed the whole vaccine programme, also exonerates him.

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He didn't make Hydroxychloroquine available to anybody but himself, though. Words don't mean anything. $18 billion to Pfizer versus zero to Hydroxychloroquine.

Anthony Fauci, Scott Gottlieb appointments, with Moderna employee leading Operation Warp Speed. All pharmaceutical stooges.

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Sad. TDS is a mind numbing affliction.

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Who are you suggesting is affected with TDS? The crowd of supporters? My article which presents evidence for the claims?

Do you think those dead from mRNA and their families will feel better if they got called TDS?

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