Slimy Democrats trying to hide the truth about what their Congressmen/women attempted during Trumps reign!

Covid Vax is Bio-warfare! It's all part of the New World Order Plan to contaminate the planet's population with injected non-medicinal materials and Poisons that render the human body susceptible to disruptive radio frequency waves. This will replace Water cannon, Tear Gas and Rubber bullets and the need for 'man-power' with batons. That's only those that survive the actual injection - AND THE UNJABBED!

Fauci - 'Retribution' = long, fierce and 'til the day you die!

Time to ramp up our intentions to return to NORMALITY instead of the New World Order (= SLAVERY) they had in mind! We don't accept tyranny and let them know they're in a war!

We, the people, do not support Bill Gates's World Health Organisation's intention to take over the Sovereignty of each independent Country in order to declare the next FALSE PANDEMIC and again enforce ridiculous reactions that will no doubt, mirror the Covid 19 farce!!

The WHO is financed by Bill Gates (being the highest financial 'contributor' = 'INFLUENCER'). Bill Gates states "The most lucrative investment I ever made = VACCINES".

Bill Gates believes the Planet is vastly over-populated! Join the dots! The WHO will be 'influenced' by Gates to invent the next pretend SCAMDEMIC in order to reintroduce LOCKDOWNS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, (aka 'House Arrest'), MANDATORY (Profitable) Injections, Mask wearing, further unreasonable destruction of Nation's finances through stupid money printing. This will further impact 'the ARTIFICIAL INFLATION" that was required by the WEF to speed up Poverty and reach Adolf Schwab's insane theory that "THEY WILL OWN NOTHING, but THEY WILL BE HAPPY" and "LET THEM EAT BUGS".

The WEF is out of control and trying to create a depopulated planet whose remaining survivors (mainly the UNVAXXED) will become SLAVES to the (self-described) 'Elite'. Sorry, but time's up WEF! We don't need your insanity, so bow out gracefully or face the inevitable!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed - Bring it on!

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by The Underdog

No one at the top of the food chain is in the least way honorable it’s disgraceful . . Only the punished, imprisoned assasinated and cancelled souls have any integrity.. Sick depraved world

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by The Underdog

I was very perturbed to see that Musk wrote (quoted on ZH) that he believes in 'freedom of speech, not freedom of reach' ie. people he disagrees with can post, but those posts will be basically hidden.

Btw, e.g. (exempli gratia) and i.e. (id est) don't need capitalising. Technically they should have full stops but I admit I don't always put in the full stops. : )

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I like the feedback, nice to know what the letters stand for.

I was following the rule of acronyms, in that individual letters must be capitalised if used in an acronym (for example: 'AA' - Automobile Association). They do predate modern acronyms, I grant, and I have seen them use full stops, but for me there's something clunky about saying 'E.G.,' with a comma, semi-colon or colon on the end, especially in readability.

Yes, I know you're supposed to avoid commas, semi-colons and/or colons on the end, however when listing examples or referring to a list of something, unavoidable. I think the phase-out of full stops from acronyms is widely adopted, and although modern, I've adopted it because putting a full stop after every letter slows down writing speed and increases the risk of visual errors.

Retroactive justification, I also feel the capitalisation of 'EG' or 'IE' serves as a good attention draw, a sort of mid-paragraph bullet point that makes it easier to scan for in text.

'The man fell down the stairs, which is a common risk, e.g. a lady had slipped on the steps days earlier'


'The man fell down the stairs, which is a common risk, EG a lady had slipped on the steps days earlier'.

I'm sure I'm ruffling some feathers with my less than perfect writing style, however I've made many pedantic errors over the years without noticing or most other people noticing, and I incline myself to readability and speed. For example, you'll notice I alternate between paedophile and pedophile spellings depending on context (in articles, it is paedo, in chats and comments, it is pedo).

I appreciate the feedback, though. Let me know if I've made any spelling errors or I appear to be misusing definitions, as they're the critical mistakes to avoid.

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