News was awash with the stunning and innovative story leak by Elon Musk reporting what anyone outside of mainstream circles already knew — that the political parties in seats of government were directing Twitter to censor damaging stories.
The story was given over to Matt Taibbi to break. Left-leaning media outlets ran for cover to do damage control on the story, trying their absolute best to downplay their inference and censorship, with one mainstream journalist, Ben Collins, fuming and calling Matt Taibbi “Substack Man”.
David French tried to pathetically argue that because the censorship happened in 2020 — when Trump was President — it somehow wasn’t a government doing it, and thus somehow wasn’t a First Amendment violation.
This is despite the fact at the Democrat party had seats in the House and Senate and definitely were part of the government, and so it definitely is a First Amendment violation. Election interference, even. Rand Paul weighed in and said it was a violation of First Amendment.
But It Is A Trap
The Daily Beagle predicted Elon Musk’s task would be to do clean-up crew work in relation to the Rights Laundering lawsuit.
Rights Laundering is where a government laundersfundamental rights awat by hiding behind ‘private’ proxies, who do the bidding of the government. Pretending to be non-government to avoid government regulations and scrutiny.
The Daily Beagle proposed “Rights Laundering” a while back, and two States filed a lawsuit following the principle. What Elon Musk is “esposing” isn’t new nor innovative, because there is already a massive lawsuit — unreported by the mainstream media and Elon Musk — that has deposed a wide variety of government figures for colluding with Big Tech.
Even seemingly ‘untouchable’ Anthony Fauci was deposed in the lawsuit successfully, and as it snowballs bigger and bigger, the Deep State is desperate to try and get ahead of it. To do so, they need the public to only be aware of a tiny portion — hence Elon’s limited hangout of just the political side. No mention of health or policing.
Hide The Health Issues
In-truth — and this is crucial given Elon Musk’s CureVac ties — it is a distraction from the much bigger story that the US government — and thus, pharmaceutical companies — were responsible for the health narrative by censoring dissenting views, as evidenced by the CDC emails.
That means, the US government not only violated First Amendment rights, but in doing so engaged in mass murder by controlling the narrative and essentially giving maliciously bad advice.
So why would Elon Musk be offering a limited hangout of the Twitter dataset — failing to mention the hugely implicating health lies — when he could just ignore it all together?
Well, as per clean-up crew, he is trying to set the table for government regulation of social media. To do that, he needs to bring normies onboard. And we can prove this part surprisingly easy.
“Judicial Review”
The money shot comes from two, carefully placed words, that practically no-one, besides The Daily Beagle, picked up on. Many people fawned over Elon and said how right he was to say it was a First Amendment violation whilst glossing over the technicality he added in:

Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is
“Judicial review”? Government censorship is still a violation of First Amendment even with judicial review, Elon. This dark trojan horse reveals the play being engaged in. US government censoring without “judicial review” is wrong, but US government censorship with “judicial review” is somehow acceptable, according to Elon.
In another words, so long as the US governments passes another magical mass surveillance bill that erodes away your rights even further, them censoring you — even by Rights Laundering proxy — is now acceptable.
He’s trying to imprint the EU’s ‘what we say goes’ model onto the US, and is echoing the same ‘please daddy regulate me harder’ UK model of the Online Harms Bill. So long as the public know they’re being censored it is a-okay according to this Deep Stater. Already his comment have prompted the usual “reform social media” cries.
Fox News Interviews A Catholic
This is probably the bizarrest turn. Fox News, scraping the barrel, opted to speak with Pope stooge Sohrab Ahmari who naturally sounded the horn on social media reform. Oh and he just so happens to write for mainstream media by sheer coincidence. Both sides of the Overton window are owned.
As the Fox News video title, at time of writing, says:
Twittergate proves we need ‘big tech reform’ Sohrab Ahmari
How thoughtful of him. Just in-time for the EU and UK’s wranglings to suppress discussion online.
We Would Have Gotten Away With It Too
Now, you could be forgiven if you thought this story was pretty explosive. Don’t get us wrong — it is. But the Rights Laundering lawsuit that was started back in July covers a much greater degree of the collusion (not just naming Democrats, but a wide variety of Deep Staters), and has a much more noble goal, I.E. stopping private companies from censoring the public, without so-called “judicial review” or Deep State “reform”.
It is obvious the goal here is to quickly pass legislation retroactively trying to justify the Rights Laundering in order to nullify the legal case presently passing through the courts.
‘You don’t need to keep suing us and exposing the extent of the Deep State’s hand in all of this, don’t worry, it has been fixed, thank almighty Elon’.
Clean Up On Aisle One
In his desperation to roll out the damage control for the Rights Laundering lawsuit, many of the things we predicted would happen, did. We commented about fires, for example:
Elon was forced to publicly admit that yeah, actually there had been a fire at Twitter HQ and they had to evacuate — no doubt leaving all the Twitter services conveniently unattended:

Haha, so funny. Recall there was an unexpected ‘fire drill’ at the Twin Towers 2 weeks before 9/11, for parallels.
Or recall that Elon’s “leak”, parroted what he had censored a Twitter employee for. They revealed that the DHS were colluding to censor people at Twitter.
Haha, so funny that. Obviously talking about Deep State agencies censorship is not allowed (meta-censorship). Only talking about the duo-party politics to maintain Robbers Cave is. Focus only on the Democrat party. Ignore the globalists.
Odd how when a leaker mentions it, it is a non-story, but when pre-approved almighty Elon mentions it, woah, so original and explosive.
The Daily Beagle Predicts Another Outcome
We predicted the ‘best case’ scenario for Twitter where acceptable speech ‘isn’t defined’.
Kanye West posted a camera photo of a computer screen of a weird Swastika-Star of David hybrid that looked like it was doodled in a digital art program, with no caption and no context to the post. It wasn’t even clear if it was on Kanye’s computer or possibly someone else’s, and Kanye had not elaborated why he had posted it.
Elon Musk jumped on the post and declared it was ‘inciting violence’, without explaining how, and suspended Kanye West. He then, with almost no hint of irony, incited violence himself by publicly stating how he wanted to punch Kanye West.
Elon then went on to declare people he censors are ‘extremists’, which Viva Frei called out by pointing out Elon hadn’t defined what an ‘extremist’ was and that Elon was working with an arbitrary, undefined definition.

Exactly as The Daily Beagle predicted would happen. Funny that. This is the same man who has no qualms saying ‘Hi’ to known Deep Stater Emmauel Macron to ask how he can help foist his 2030 green agenda to ‘decarbonise’ people in France.
See how you’re getting played? EU Deep Staters scream he’s ‘far right’ then invite him over for dinner and talks. He’s one of them.
General Amnesia Begins Next Week
As we predicted, Elon’s sole purpose there would be to help sweep the government collusion under the carpet.
In all of this hoo-hah to rush out and do damage control, Elon Musk seems to have forgotten something he promised. In his desperation to paint himself as a good guy, he said that “Amnesty begins next week”… this was back on 24th November, 10 days ago.
Still Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Naomi Wolf, among many others, are still censored. And Elon cannot profess ignorance: 15k+ liked Tweets calling for reinstatement of these people were a regular occurrance, and Peter McCullough’s name has appeared in the Twitter trending feed, regularly, for several days now.
Elon has responded to other, non-suspension related tweets with less than 10k likes, so this isn’t a lack of awareness. Nor can he argue he is ‘too busy’, because he took up the so-called ‘Twittergate’ files of his own accord. Time he could have spend unbanning people. Even just three people. I bet you it doesn’t take more than 30 seconds each to unban these doctors. How long do some of the unimportant Tweets he writes take?
He is intentionally ignoring these people. Suppressing them. Other users are starting to notice. As he points to theatrics about how terrible it is for Twitter to censor people and violations of First Amendment and ‘woe betide us’, he conveniently keeps enforcing those First Amendment violations on some of the most important medical names on Twitter. Those CureVac ties keep becoming more and more awkward.
Don’t forget, this is the same man who wants Twitter to be more like WeChat. You know, the same WeChat that likes to spy on people’s conversations.
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Slimy Democrats trying to hide the truth about what their Congressmen/women attempted during Trumps reign!
Covid Vax is Bio-warfare! It's all part of the New World Order Plan to contaminate the planet's population with injected non-medicinal materials and Poisons that render the human body susceptible to disruptive radio frequency waves. This will replace Water cannon, Tear Gas and Rubber bullets and the need for 'man-power' with batons. That's only those that survive the actual injection - AND THE UNJABBED!
Fauci - 'Retribution' = long, fierce and 'til the day you die!
Time to ramp up our intentions to return to NORMALITY instead of the New World Order (= SLAVERY) they had in mind! We don't accept tyranny and let them know they're in a war!
We, the people, do not support Bill Gates's World Health Organisation's intention to take over the Sovereignty of each independent Country in order to declare the next FALSE PANDEMIC and again enforce ridiculous reactions that will no doubt, mirror the Covid 19 farce!!
The WHO is financed by Bill Gates (being the highest financial 'contributor' = 'INFLUENCER'). Bill Gates states "The most lucrative investment I ever made = VACCINES".
Bill Gates believes the Planet is vastly over-populated! Join the dots! The WHO will be 'influenced' by Gates to invent the next pretend SCAMDEMIC in order to reintroduce LOCKDOWNS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, (aka 'House Arrest'), MANDATORY (Profitable) Injections, Mask wearing, further unreasonable destruction of Nation's finances through stupid money printing. This will further impact 'the ARTIFICIAL INFLATION" that was required by the WEF to speed up Poverty and reach Adolf Schwab's insane theory that "THEY WILL OWN NOTHING, but THEY WILL BE HAPPY" and "LET THEM EAT BUGS".
The WEF is out of control and trying to create a depopulated planet whose remaining survivors (mainly the UNVAXXED) will become SLAVES to the (self-described) 'Elite'. Sorry, but time's up WEF! We don't need your insanity, so bow out gracefully or face the inevitable!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed - Bring it on!
No one at the top of the food chain is in the least way honorable it’s disgraceful . . Only the punished, imprisoned assasinated and cancelled souls have any integrity.. Sick depraved world