1. Vladimir Putin Officially Declares America Top Threat
According to Breitbart, Putin has officially signed a document indicating that America is the primary threat to Russia, above everything else.
2. Fighting Breaks Out At Karabakh
From Daily Sabah: Azerbaijan says Armenia attacked positions near Karabakh. Reports of small sidearm fire have occurred. This area has been subject for conflict for nearly 30 years now.
3. Hungary’s Currency Slides
Hungary’s forint currency slides in response to the Ukraine war, with Hungarians eyeing embracing the Euro, according to Daily Sabah. This is despite the fact there are evident signs of the Euro also collapsing, so it must be pretty bad.
4. China Deploys Missile Launchers Aimed At Taiwan
Twitter user H.Sophie L.B has posted a video of China deploying missile launchers aimed towards Taiwan. We’re not sure if it’s a “preparation for a full assault”, but it is important to note.
5. 2 Chinese Aircraft Carriers Put To Sea Towards Taiwan
Reported by Russian government financed outlet Intel Slava Z, complete with video, they have reported 2 aircraft carriers have been deployed:
6. EU and UK Slow Down Cutting Off Russia’s Oil Insurance
ZeroHedge have reported that both the UK and EU are not rolling out the sanctions on Russian oil insurance (namely for the cargo ships carrying the oil) as quickly as they once were. Cold feet over the coming winter?
7. Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Has Called Upon The United Front Work Department To “Weaponise Chinese Abroad”
Reported by Breitbart (although we believe their writing “United Work Front” is a typographical error), Xi has called upon the United Front Work Department (UFWD) to ‘weaponise Chinese’ the world over. The US government considers the UFWD a threat, which it writes:
China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
According to the US State Department, the UFWD also engage in violence sabotage and espionage, with the State Department Secretary writing:
I am exercising my authority under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to impose visa restrictions on PRC and CCP officials, or individuals active in United Front Work Department activities, who have engaged in the use or threat of physical violence, theft and release of private information, espionage, sabotage, or malicious interference in domestic political affairs, academic freedom, personal privacy, or business activity.
The UFWD could be easily construed as a saboteur’s organisation, a sort of crude, goon-based intel outfit. Their structure looks like one as well:
UFWD also aims itself at Chinese students. As the Daily Caller notes:
Some CSSAs [Chinese Students and Scholars Associations] have been “active in carrying out overseas Chinese work consistent with Beijing’s United Front,” according to the congressional commission.
The Congressional Commission noted that UFWD intends to ‘marginalise’ opposition:
The goal of “overseas Chinese work” is to use ethnic, cultural, economic, or political ties to mobilize sympathetic overseas Chinese communities—ideally of their own accord—to advocate for the interests of the CCP and marginalize its opponents.
UFWD do not just operate in America, however. Besides the US, it also includes Germany, Canada[2], UK, New Zealand, Australia, France and more. So they pose a very real threat of sabotage, and Xi Jinping’s words are clear: ‘begin sabotage operations’.
8. Taiwan Put On A High State Of Alert
According to a series of Telegram messages by Russian government backed Intel Slava Z, Taiwan has been put on high military alert:
…with all vacation days cancelled to “prepare for war”…
…with fighter jets put on full readiness…
Similarly has been reported by other outlets.
9. China Cancels Flights Out Of The Fujian Region
Full set of images posted by IntelCrab on Twitter (with Russian government backed Intel Slava Z posting later), showing nearly all (civilian?) flights out of the Fuijan region have been cancelled (there’s several photos, we have only picked one):
If you look at the Chinese symbols on the right hand side, and compare them with what’s shown below, you’ll be able to confirm it says “cancelled” in Simplified Chinese:
The Fuijan region is the nearest region to Taiwan:
This likely means it is a hive of military Chinese activity. What’s interesting is the flight cancellations suggest the civilian aircraft are in danger, however, given Taiwan would never be insane enough to go to war with China, it would mean the only thing the civilian aircraft are in danger from is the Chinese military themselves. Are they deploying anti-air defences?
10. Joe Biden Seeks Nuclear Deal With Russia, China
Despite the fact Joe Biden evidently has dementia. This was reported by the Epoch Times, who remark that:
[…] Joe Biden called on China and Russia to negotiate a new nuclear arms treaty with the United States, as the United Nations meets to review global nonproliferation efforts.
The nuclear treaty being referred to here is START III (alt. START3; alt. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; alt. New START Treaty). According to Euractiv, Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, has commented such treaty negotiations with an air of incredulity:
Is this a serious statement or has the White House website been hacked?
With the Russians expressing dismay given the US, evidently, refuses to speak with them:
If this is still a serious intention, with whom exactly do they intend to discuss it?
The US government’s sense of timing is ironic and weird.
11. Iran Joins The Mir Network
Reported by ZeroHedge, Iran is now able to effectively resist sanctions by joining Russia’s Mir card payment network, which was activated in response to both child porn enabling Visa and censorship riddled Mastercard both deplatforming Russia.
As ZeroHedge notes, Mir’s reach is no small potatoes, either:
Mir's reach has spread to many other countries and territories, including South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Work is underway to enable the cards' use in Cuba and the United Arab Emirates. More than 100 million Mir cards have been issued to date.
This likely follows on from our earlier observation in our article “Russia’s Low Key Threat To Israel”, where Russia threatened to give Iran anti-air missile defences in response to Israel arming and equipping Ukrainians, implying they could help them avoid sanctions on their nuclear plant. Russia appears to be making good on that threat.
Non-War News
1. Activists Freak At Republican States Busing Illegal Immigrants to Democrat States
Reported by Breitbart with the comment:
Illegal immigration to D.C., Bowser said, is at a “tipping point.” Similarly, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has warned New Yorkers that illegal immigration to the city is likely to cripple the healthcare system and infrastructure as well as overwhelm schools and neighborhoods.
Evidently the Democrat States aren’t eager to adopt their own suggested policies, complaining for the exact same reasons Republican States do, and are trying to either deploy the National Guard or declare the busing illegal. Which is exactly what Republican States want to do. Amusing.
2. Los Angeles Ends Citizenship Requirements
In what could be described as a perfect move to allow hostile nation state powers the ability to infiltrate, Los Angeles have ended the Citizenship Requirements for working in government jobs in LA. Breitbart commented that:
[…] the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to allow non-citizens to work in government positions provided the position does not conflict with state or federal law.
Perfect timing to coincide with Xi Jinping’s declaration that the Chinese be weaponised under the United Front Work Department.
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