Oct 2, 2023Liked by The Underdog

A great summary. Isn’t it depressing? I have recently been thinking a lot about the 9/11 - I suppose it’s been that time of the year - and it came home to me just how much irrefutable evidence is out there to prove that it was a red flag operation but nobody cares; it’s old news anyway. And here we are ready to jump into WWIII because a bunch of seedy politicians tell us to. Maybe ‘we the people’ deserve what’s coming.

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You can expand that to "humanity" - never really interested to bring about real change to the better. So much more convenient to remain a member of the knowingly profoundly sick society.

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Only warmongers will burn. If you repented in time, yall be fine

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Remember that Vietnam started with advisors and trainers.

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People predicted the 'military advisors' route (if you look under The History of Ukraine and Russia Part 3 you'll find the US already had CIA 'military advisors' in-situ).

Grant Shapps obviously blew the lid on their plan by explicitly stating that they're troops (rather than 'contractors', 'manufacturers', 'advisors', or as the context shows, 'trainers'), hence Sunak desperately trying to walk back his comment. I think the original plan was to announce 'trainers' but Shapps blurted the quiet part out loud.

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The proverbial nose under the tent. The truth always leaks out and sometimes intentionally.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by The Underdog

I'm really glad I subscribe to your substack, you do great work.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Didn't it begin when countries collectively declared war upon their own citizens via Covid??

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I'd argue it began maybe as early as 2001, when the US basically declared war on the freedom of their citizens and triggered countless overseas proxy wars. I think most people would recognise the Maiden coup in Ukraine in 2014 to be when the Rubicon was crossed in terms of WW3.

2020 I see more as a one-way attack, a massacre, if you will, by governments on their citizens. For there to be a war, the other side has to shoot back. Citizens have not yet plucked the courage to do so.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by The Underdog

So astutely stated. Question being will they ever reach that point (citizens, that is to say) or is it a case of 'Goodnight Irene' to humanity. This generation has been so namby pamby ed that I'm not certain they could muster up so much as a whimper in their own defense.

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Dear reader here.

I really don't know what I think (yet) but I thought this war was over, with Ukraine ready to be carved up between Poland reclaiming some territories in the Western part, Russia keeping the occupied zones in the East plus Crimea, and BigAg land-grabbing whatever it can in the fertile regions. I don't know where the UK goes in the equation or what their involvement is even supposed to accomplish, but...

I have looked at this whole thing from day one - actually, I've written about it from *before* day one - as a concerted ploy between the US, Russia and China - or at least, from people pulling the strings behind the scene - in order to:

1) weaken/destabilize Western Europe, notably through those asinine sanctions which would do that very well while strengthening Russian independence like they did in 2014 - probably not enough so boom went NordStream 2... Maybe a military conflict between UK-Germany-whatever and Russia would be the new phase and lead to the next one:

2) destroy NATO and possibly (what's left of) its military capabilities. A hot war between China and the US would obliterate the American military in a matter of days, possibly hours with a little help from Russia going in through Canada - so could the recent "gaffe" be part of the script, too? I had assumed "they" would wait until their Trump puppet would be reinstated in order to provoke China (Taiwan being a good excuse) but maybe "they" are not entirely satisfied with the economic destruction from their Covid and climate operations, or maybe "they" are in a lot of hurry, or maybe that was the plan all along. So with their weaponry gone, the US would go "sorry, you're on your own" on the other NATO countries... Since we did not behave regarding Russia, there would be hell to pay. With Finland and Sweden (now in a lot of trouble with their migrants) being "legitimate" targets since they've joined NATO, wouldn't those two make a nice addition to a possible new Russian Empire, or something?

I think it all fits nicely with the WEF's idea of the new "multipolar" world, which was always going to be unipolar, with Russia and China at the leading edge of their wet technocratic dream.

Or maybe in the end this will amount to nothing. I really don't know.

Just my two cents...

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by The Underdog

1. Ukraine .. one thing that you may have missed is that Ukraine is now one of te most advanced nations in bringing in the NWO / EF / UN agenda; especially on digitisation of it's remaining citizens.

Much of it's best arable land ... and industrial complex have been sold off or exchanged for some old and c.r=ap weapons. Monsanto / Bayer are huge over there ... just as the UK and EU legalise GM food and feed stock !!!... getting it yet ?.

Look when it started = https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2015/09/14/01/49/pr15107



BIGGER PICTURE PEOPLE ... the World is a stage !.


2. China and Saudi drills ..... wonder if they follow the UK way ?. Our navy have been told to use ru.dd.y pronouns and all that woke stuff.


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I assume my audience are of the presumption that the West is also heavily into the digitalisation surveillance. I just point out Russia has much the sameness so they don't fall for the ol' 'the enemy of my enemy' routine.

I'd be more curious what Saudi Arabia intends to achieve with a navy.

And you can use cussing. Substack does not appear to have censorship, so you can say things like 'ruddy'.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by The Underdog

LOL, I do like my cussing.... wow now there is a word I have not heard in a long time (cussing) ...

But anyway ...

Not digital surveillance in Ukraine ... as we do in the UK and EU... the digital ID and wallet... coming in at least.

See what you think = https://ukraine.ua/invest-trade/digitalization/


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I consider the digital wallets, digital currency (digital pound, ruble, dollar, etc) to be part of the full spectrum dominance of digital surveillance, and if you prefer, digital control.

I do wonder how Ukraine's digital systems work during power outages, though...

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Para 1 - of course. Agree totally !.

Para 2 - well that applies to all of us. But why do we need electricity (power) to send a message or receive one ? ... before you go off on one..... my daughter lies her phone to charge on a mat (God know's how it works)... put not plugged in or direct power input...

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On Para 2, that works via electrical inductance, which to put simply, electrical currents produce magnetic fields, and it is possible to induce a current in one cable from another.

It is how transformers work and why they have two coil windings next to each other but without touching (don't touch one though as they are extremely dangerous and can discharge a lot of energy in one go).

induction hobs work in a similar manner.

It is also why cables have to be rated against interference, as other electrical devices can produce unintended currents in cabling.

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