Nov 12, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Interesting points! I don't think white privilege is a myth in every respect. I have seen very clearly how blacks and whites are treated differently by police, and I understand that there may be good reasons for it also, but regardless, driving while black is a criminal offense in USA. Not sure about Europe.

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There is definitely police abuse, and there is certainly racism in various fields. However I noticed a distinct contrast in the handling of say, BLM protests compared to Occupy Wallstreet.

Whilst BLM protests were permitted to happen - even in destructive aspects - the media gave eager coverage, businesses made large donations and nothing was deployed to stop it. In contrast, Occupy Wallstreet was basically ignored by media, no businesses supported it, and police used force - mass pepper spraying, bulldozers, physical force, arrest and imprisonment. You can see an example here: https://youtu.be/-ybTk9xndko?t=2

I use Occupy Wallstreet as an example here, and not the genocide of White farmers in South Africa, because Occupy Wallstreet was an eclectic mix of people - which would have meant it included Blacks, Whites, Asians etc - if privilege existed for any group, why was it absent here? Surely you would expect the privileged group to remain, and the unprivileged groups to be removed, but all were jackbooted.

Even within Black groups - BLM specifically - there is a selection on what gets support by media etc and what doesn't. For example, when BLM protested vaccine mandates as racist and discriminatory in New York City (see: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/vaccine-mandates-outrage-disproportionately-unvaccinated-black-community-new-york-city) there was no prime time TV media coverage, police arrested those protesting, no businesses sponsoring it, and no preferential treatment.

I would suggest therefore there isn't a caste system of privilege, but one of agenda. BLM's protests against digital surveillance and vaccine mandates did not fit the agenda, and thus those protests were silenced. Meanwhile, the protests that destroyed communities and businesses were part of the agenda, and thus got praise and financial support.

Likewise, Occupy Wallstreet does not fit the agenda (a protest against the rich abuse the system against the poor) and despite having a variety in their ranks, received abuse, like the other poor category noted in the article, the White working class children (notice it does not say the White rich children are falling behind).

We both likely know that the main reason for the arrest of the poor - Black and White likewise - is to feed the private for-profit prison systems. Notice how DAs turn a blind eye to any crime against either the poor or businesses - fighting amongst ourselves is permitted - but turn livid when protests against the government itself occur, for example January 6th, Occupy Wallstreet and the BLM vaccine mandate protests.

Remember when the rich got robbed in California - despite many years of it happening to the poor and small businesses - and they successfully got a DA recalled?


I would argue there is a rich privilege. Will Smith can physically abuse Chris Rock and not get charged; Bill Cosby can rape black women and get out on a technicality; and depending on how you feel, OJ Simpson might also fall under this. Meanwhile poor homeless veterans have to live in tents, as housing companies charge extortionate rents and bankrupt us all with terrible wages.

According to the current agenda, sharing culture is bad and people are 'appropriating' it, rather than adopting something they enjoy and appreciate. Reject the culture you're a racist, adopt the culture and you're selfish and exploitative. Divide and conquer that makes the poor fight amongst themselves.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Indeed, many good points.

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