I am sick to the back teeth of the incessant lies, the denigration, of a great nation state Russia, the entire narrative regarding Russia an orchestrated contrived lie, all bullshitzen, all of it, a Western must have a boogie man narrative to instill fear and worse, to justify the indefensible.

The only redeeming feature Putin, Russias President with his administration have shown and displayed great restraint, denying these Western warmongers the long coveted WW3 they avidly pursue.

It is so bad, that literally where I reside the lower East Coast of the South Island of New Zealand you can sense the ache, the desire to plunge and take the World to War.

Laughable when you consider the state of Western militaries comparative the Russian military, which on its own has fought NATO to a standstill, the kill ratio 12+/1 in Russias favour, closer to 14/1 dependant on whether you opt BBC reported Ukrainian Nazi Death rates or the sober reported death rates credible U.S analysts of Ukrainian Nazi dead.

It is acknowledged close to 600,000 Nazis are dead, and of the 13,600 Mercenaries who ventured to Ukraine for a real War, 60% have been sent home in a casket, add to these numbers close to 2million injured Nazis and mercenaries plus nearly 1280 senior Officers and soldiers from NATO taken out in various hypersonics attacks on command and control, underground bunkers and you get a sense of just actually is in the box seat, it certainly isn’t Doltenberg and his NATO mates, Russia we know have lost only 47,000 troops the entire conflict, not for them the meat grinder scale losses, nope, they fight attritional warfare and it’s working, still having upwards of 30,000 volunteers monthly signing up, Putin has no need to resort to conscription, the U.S and U.K led West with their incessant and ongoing behaviour, threats and attacks on Russian civilians providing the Putin the very best recruitment tool they could have wished for… meanwhile the body snatchers operate in Ukraine rounding up men and woman to throw into the frontline, the survival rate a measured in hours for many recruits who turn up barely knowing one end of a gun from another… many firing for the first time their weapon when at the front, no bullets or ammo available for even test firing in the day or threes if they’re lucky training they get before being shipped out… meanwhile the average of Nazi Soldiers is 45, a huge average meaning there are 60yo’s at the front, now, they are aside grabbing men off of the streets, from workplaces, clubs, shops and malls, from their cars, they are reassigning many of the 300,000+ amputees back to duty as well as many previously invalidated out of service… yep, the Nazis are winning all right or so we were led to believe, the lie fed since the beginning…

Now the citizen leader, himself old enough to qualify for conscription t9 be sent to the front, ought be sent to fight in a war that really should not being fought, that could have been ended March/April 2022 mere weeks after it began, had Elinsky, he who banned the use of the letter “Z” as President of that Nazi infested corrupt shith.le, just stayed steadfast the terms agreed and initialled his now dead, peace negotiator he sent to Türkiye to negotiate the peace…

I hope Russia continue, continue wiping out the 1400 - 1750 dead Nazis per day, presently and for the past 5 weeks they’ve averaged let alone the wounded, attrit the Nazis, NATO, rendering more of the paper tigers they are, useless, depleting them of more Air Defence, Artillery, Heavy Equipment, the NATO and U.S cupboards almost bare, yet these big mouths voice threats, try to cash cheques they cannot cover with their bellicose threats and hubris…. It’s laughable, these WOKE play soldier warriors, adept at killing indiscriminately sandal wearing Funerals, Birthday, Wedding guests, but who would crap finding themselves facing a real enemy, dissing Russia for their lack of big arrow offenses, of a lack of land grab, not seeing the woods for the trees, Russia not interested in big arrow charges, that time will come, indeed it’s not long before they will achieve the same given the perilous state of the Nazis, more and more surrendering, running, likely the poor conscripts who have been press ganged into the front lines…

But the real reason for ratcheting up the conflict is money, the West is broke, The vampire Ball is over, with bellies full of human flesh and pockets full of stolen money [VVPutin 2024] plus "We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn] about the Western Fiat money system, indebted with debt that cannot be paid, they covet a global conflict to enable cancel of all debt in what they foolishly believe will be they as victors resetting the global financial system… news flash… they cannot win, won’t win, as victors Russia will set the terms… as the victor or the power that funded the War always gets to, in this conflict, it’ll be Russia/China and the BRICS+ setting the new security and fiscal architecture … the West cannot abide the fact a new World order has arisen, their unipolar Rules Based Order no longer pre eminent, and that folks is what Ukraine is truly about, it’s an end of empire battle, Putin has done meritoriously well to display a temperament and control against the barbs, arrows and many provocations he has been subjected to by the West, as they try, try, try to goad him into an over the top response thus justifying their direct involvement, now they are that desperate they care not and are focussed on just starting a global conflagration… glad I live where I do, certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the northern hemisphere until this resolves…

Read and learn all that you can about Multipolarity, it’s the new World, a new time, it’s been declared, Western U.S led hegemony to be bought to an end, it’s an end of the tyranny … tyranny we’ve endured the last decade and a half, the last 5 years the very worst, no let up, Multipolarity is the end game of globalism, of the WEF agenda, especially of those arse holes who usurped, have corrupted all and everything good, who stand for greed, plunder, avarice and pillage, who champion a Rules Based Order😂😂😂😂

I mean WTF is that, whose rules, what rules, these people who stand behind and champion the Rules Based Order, they don’t abide nor adhere to Rules, they break them, make them up as they go, two tiered or multi faceted justice systems and application of Law…. we once had, did have rules… it was called International law, administered International Courts, the U.N until they corrupted it, corrupting every vestige and all else that was good… that served us, equally, with equanimity, equitably as it ought be applied, they took it, stole it, corrupted it, usurped it, corrupted our politicians, academics, public administrations polluting it, turning many of those aforementioned into whores, who prostituted themselves, ceding our sovereignty to these faceless, stateless people, those who spend their time wandering from country to country, a few months here, few there, no longer connected… to anything, imposing their will upon us… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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It is clear you're very passionate in your views!

The tyranny in the West is deep, made worse by an apathetic public who seem not to want to do anything. This indifference, inaction, allows the evil to spread, by their failure not to stop it.

Somehow, the risk of nuclear annihilation by globalists startles many - but not into any sort of meaningful action to get rid of the globalists in power. None will admit their fears publicly - they fear dying if they fight the globalists. And yet they'd rather risk a much more certain nuclear death! And take a poison shot in the interim too, just to be extra sure!

The tyranny of the West, in my view, is an end result of the Western public's own attitudes.

I used to think they were ignorant of truth, suppressed by endless media censorship. Having broken that wall, with the public... they're still doing the same thing! Why are they still voting for either poison shot financing Trump or Biden? Why do they still vote when their selection choices aren't real?

If you told me you could only vote between two CCP members in China, many, myself included, would say that vote was rigged. And yet you can only vote between two vaccine shills in the US - how is that not rigged?

I literally read comments yesterday by an... armchair army guy (I guess?) who insisted, with no evidence, the US military would not follow the orders to go to Ukraine. I had to slap him and reminded him every single one currently serving took the poison shot; they had no issues injecting a 'something' into their arms they deep down knew to be toxic. The US military disobeying an order for overseas war? Since when?

I have no idea what the hell the US public are drinking in their water supply... must be cocaine.

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To paraphrase Mr Putin, "European powers seem to have forgotten that their population lives on small, dense areas...". Tell me WHY Russia doesn't launch a Pre-emptive Strike on NATO? 🤔🤷 As an exersize, let us play War Games 101 👏

Biden "ummm, bad bad people's ummm" ... translated by The Deep State into "$top these competitor$, LAUNCH attack$ against Russia using $tarlink Targetting"!!!

Mr Putin" "FIRE ONE, FIRE TWO, FIRE THREE" Brussells, Berlin, London 🫨

Amerika " oops"! Let's deal"!

OR: In comes China; USA, Israel gone...

The World GLOWS.

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You know, I glad you mentioned this remark; in the absolute flood of more and more things setting on fire, I forgot to include the whole 'Russia is going to nuke NATO' portion. I'll update the article.

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