I have noticed that an increasing number of people are realising we are in the middle of WWIII, being confronted with a new lineup of weapons: media, medicine, toxic food, oppressive laws, engineered poverty, and old-fashioned violence if we resist. But few realise that the call for "non-violent peaceful protest" was diseminated by the same globalist machine. The City of London manipulated Mohandas Gandhi to make it appear he won freedom for India when, in fact, the decision by imperialists to replace military control with political and economic control had already been made.

Interestingly, Africans, whose warnings about the real Gandhi were unheeded in the 1940s, are now calling loudly for recognition of the truth.

Likewise, ML King was shepherded and protected from lynching by the FBI and CIA to make the same point; and both men were assassinated to enable validation by martyredom. We should have smelled a rat when the hub of the globalist propaganda machine, Hollywood, made epic films about both men. Academics, in particular, swallowed the message without question, just as they did later with the mRNA jab.

That throughout history, freedom has never been won without a fight, eludes our minds as we embrace the absurd and make our destruction relatively effortless. We are going to sing triumphiantly about freedom as they march us to the death house.

The salient feature of this war is that the genocidal murderers roam free. Nobody is defending themselves and nor are they defending their children.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Interesting to consider. I've been thinking more along the lines of volunteers will get what they want.

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Globalists use both carrot and stick. But very quickly they take the carrot away.

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I share your despair, but I am not sure the best course of action to rectify this.

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The first step is always the hardest. In this particular rescue situation, I believe the first step is for us to search our family and friends for military personnel and then ask them why they are not defending their country. It could be they are waiting for just such an invitation. With military leaders and resources the entire country would be back on its feet in a week. I think people are overlooking the fact that the actual enemy numbers are limited to politicians and a few senior cops. When they have been removed the nation is ours again, although out first move then would be to take over the media. There will be no resistance.

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I appreciate your optimism but I think any resistance will be a much longer haul. We're more like the French in Nazi occupied France. The only difference is there's high odds a nuclear war is going to blow out in the next 2 or so years.

I think first issue to overcome is establishing some means of comms. Currently we cannot speak frankly on the matter on a great many platforms.

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On these issues I have been very close to the line that, when crossed, attracts unwelcome attention. On the other hand, I have had a dozen or so death threats and a few attempts to kill me since 1965, so I don't get that easily fazed. In 1984, military intelligence asked me to join a coup, an invitation which, having young kids back then, meant I had to decline. But that taught me there are genuinely patriotic soldiers out there. If I don't speak out they cannot find me. What we call Hobson's Choice.

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It's not the unwelcome attention that is the issue, it is the censorship that prohibits clear lines of communication.

Without clear lines of communication, an army might as well be dead. Good comms and everything else falls into place.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Since the military has been captured by the enemy any formation will be smashed. Like Biden crowed, we the people don't have any F16s.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Oh sheeeeit! Here we go ☹️

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Wow, I didn't even know about the MyID government ID system in Ohio. And you have to wonder who gave Ohio's governor the bright idea to burn the toxic spill (if he consulted with the DOD). But regarding the wider implementation of digital ID and online tracking all in the name of protecting the children, I think is something that needs more attention that is one that sadly is being allowed to pass. It's harder to counter politically and easier to push than countering misinformation or hate speech. Actually I would say the left and right have given each other the perfect boogieman to implement the same system!

BTW Reclaim the Net just posted an article on this topic a day ago, although you've already covered much of the same ground here https://reclaimthenet.org/global-push-for-age-verification

but you went further and covered what could go wrong ".. Blackmailed? Frozen bank accounts? Access denied? Fired from your job? A visit from the Gestapo? Your children taken away?" which I agree is also a very real threat. Just having your history leaked or hacked from the government database is enough to do the same damage.

What I'm worried about is that once the system is in place, they can expand the criteria to anything at will. For example, Louisiana's system that requires users verify with their government issued "LA Wallet" currently sets a threshold of website having 33% adult content to comply (via: https://statescoop.com/louisiana-porn-restriction-digital-drivers-license-downloads/ ) While a lot of people think about live action porn, what about sites with only drawn artwork that includes a substantial amount of erotic art, comics, etc? Aside from the fuzzy and subjective criteria of what constitutes "adult" or harmful-to-minors content (the criteria mostly being boiled down to if something that is has artistic merit or not--which I guarantee no one who finds a work offensively "harmful" will also think it has merit), this could affect other sites with mixed content like many niche online user forums. What about the totally anonymous user boards that don't require accounts modeled after 2chan? What about Steam, which also carries adult video games? It also makes me wonder about Elon Musk earlier when he bought Twitter but before he actually took over operations, where he alluded to requiring some kind of real identification system to combat bots....

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Separately, worrying about what constitutes 'harmful to minors' won't be particularly relevant, because their main goal is to track your activity and associate it with your real world identity. So they won't actually be truly enforcing the harm/not harmful, but just the 'age verification', a foot-in-the-door.

So their goal is a blanket age restriction (it doesn't really matter what age) that forces you having to show ID to prove you're of age. Their goal is to force you to register and sign in with Digital ID, so as you browse, they know what you're doing, and either prevent or control you, or jackboot your door and arrest you.

Meta's Metaverse was a limpwristed attempt at this that flopped over like a dead fish, as was the spiritual predecessor 'Second Life'.

Remember when that Australian woman got jackbooted for putting up a protest petition online? She didn't even attend the protest, the mere suggestion of it was enough to have Stasi kicking down her door and hauling her away. You can guess how they worked out where she lived.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Sadly yeah, the more pessimistic expectations as to the unstated reasons behind the push vs the stated to past public muster, are usually the most realistic.

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"Reclaim the Net just posted an article on this topic a day ago"

The original (without the MyID East Palestine reference) was drafted months ago, and this one, essentially a re-draft, was in the pipework yesterday. I often find other media outlets somehow pre-empt or (somehow?) seem to 'poach' stories or topics I just happen to have sitting in my draft folder.

Admittedly I did publicly call out Hawley's schemes on Twitter several days ago, but it didn't seem to resonate with the public.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Maybe it's like Rupert Sheldrake's idea of Morphic Fields... 😶‍🌫️

As for not resonating, I think it's tough to counter the public messaging of "for the children". It's like how most of the security measures and agencies were created in the wake of 9/11 TSA, DHS, inspections and warrant-less seizures and inspections, violations of 4th amendment--I remember how air travel was before and after 9/11; got my laptop opened and inspected a few years ago for work travel) , with public acceptance at the time, and things were never the same since, even if most now realize the problems it creates.

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You can actually exploit the same 'for the children' messaging by using it back at them.

They nearly always mean the opposite of their stated purpose. Take experimental dangerous shots 'for your health', allow the US govt to control what your children see/think/do 'to protect your kids', it is the usual guff.

Rupert Sheldrake, loved his work on 'The Sense Of Being Stared At'. I had read his work many years ago, and a few weeks after I had, I had to take a crowded train into London. I had to sit next to this academic guy, who was talking about Sheldrake's work!

We got discussing, and he had some reservations, but shortly after it diverted off course into discussions of conspiracy theory, 9/11 and mass surveillance. The academic refused to believe most conspiracy theories, and I found myself turned into an on-the-spot debater with no crib notes or prompts. And I hate public speaking.

He tried to argue 9/11 wasn't an inside job by applying the whistleblower's fallacy ('at least one person would have told us about it by now'). Before I tackled the fallacy, I asked him if he believed in Edward Snowden's work on mass surveillance. He said yes, but didn't see my point. I then asked him how many people might be required to perform 9/11? Would he accept the estimate of a few thousand? He was still confused, but said, yes, tens of thousands.

I then did a debate coup de grace; I said Edward Snowden was the lone whistleblower out of an organisation that spanned 14 countries under the 14 eyes agreement, and involves millions of employees working similar jobs, and had been around since 2001, and it took him 12 years to come forward. If only 1 whistleblower emerges in a body of millions taking over 10 years, then zero whistleblowers would come forward in a body of only a few thousand in a single country.

At that point he declined to debate with me any further and refused to speak to me. I told the other person he was discussing with who still held interest to look up 'Operation Northwoods'. It was an awkward train trip after that, but I couldn't help but feel it was a weird overlap having read Sheldrake's book to have met someone discussing it so vigorously.

100th monkey effect, as they say, perhaps?

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RemovedFeb 18, 2023Liked by The Underdog
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Digital ID has always been a scheme (scam) in their minds.

After they saw how the pandemic produced results, they want a repeat. But launching another pandemic is too obvious.

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