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Felt powerless to stop corruption as of late, to even dent it? Power to change is within your grasp. I was you, a time ago. I’m here to change your perception.
People have been very receptive to the article “Have I Been Able To Redpill People?” where I detail what approach Steve Kirsch should be using to change people’s minds. I’m going a step further today.
How you can achieve the same things I’ve done - making virologists run scared, communicating with important people, changing the course of a country’s history, for free.
Free, for it is so important that to charge money would be an insult to the value it holds.
You Must Be Willing To Work Hard
Sole requirement, be absolutely determined to work hard. Not Rambo style heroics breaking down doors, but countless sleepless hours staring at boring numbers and figures, like an office worker in a dimly lit room. A grind.
If you’re not willing, quit now and save yourself hassle, or you will waste many hours, days, and then quit halfway. Avoiding hassle of the nose-grind now exchanges for hassle of evil later on when it busts down your door at 3am and shoots your family.
No smarts required. Need to be moral, willing to cling to truth (evidence), and hold yourself to the highest evidential standard possible.
No parroting unsubstantiated hypotheticals, no repeating unevidenced bizarro claims, be disassociated from ideas, views or concepts you hold, treat any theory you have with absolute skepticism. If you must report it, clearly show it is opinion, and you’re not sure.
Cannot afford entanglements promoting publically damaging concepts that harm reputation long-term. My many personal views, withheld from public view to maintain reputation. Like professional business.
Hold a higher standard of evidence. No, s***ty books and wordpress blog references do not count. Peer reviewed papers, hard data, unedited video data that isn’t blurry or covered in text, clear visual evidence, or even your own, high quality (and this is an active standard, not a passive trait) research. If you didn’t slog it out, it isn’t worth anything.
I’m looking at you discredit-by-association types regurgitating ‘terrain theory’ and ‘virus hoax’. You shouldn’t immediately bandwagon new ideas ‘just because it agrees’, without thorough investigation.
Be suspicious of ideas that agree with your own: that is the most likely place you become complacent and not scrutinise, supporting wrong theories like the Lancet did with EcoHealth Alliance.
Better be on the fence, undecided, than enter the ring early and pick the wrong side.
Why is this crucial?
Association with absurd ideas, low quality evidence, poor research is the death knell to reputation. Guard your reputation! Once destroyed, you will not get it back. Once lost, you lose influence! Pharmaceutical companies spent so much to destroy the reputation of Dr Andrew Wakefield.
I’m anonymous. No reputation tied to anonymity. Let evidence speak. The quality of evidence submitted should be of such high standard there is no room for doubt.
Purge concepts you agree with but don’t have sufficient evidence for. Use evidence to build reputation, in turn creating influence. Statement doesn’t have high quality evidence backing it up? Remove it. You’ve seen evidence of influence, so you know this works.
So, What Do You Do?
Study. Become master of domain you seek to influence. Be the subject’s ‘go to’ person. Exert Rainman levels of knowledge. Be able to fold experts like laundry. Know more than they do.
Say you want crime reform in California. Study every aspect. Type of crimes committed, laws, who commits and why, why the police, politicians, DAs won’t stop it, what victims are doing, etc.
Stop leaping to conclusions. Did you think ‘such-and-such a party is causing it’? Bad! No soup for you! Terrible thinking process disempowers you from change. Generalised overarching universalist problems cannot be fought. Specific targets can. Be precise.
Form connections. This person made this change causing that with this result. Have a working model of cause-and-effect. Mastery of problems gives a huge tactical advantage on solving them. Understanding the problem takes you a very long way to solving it.
Yes, weeks, months, years, spent reading studies, reports, statements, crime stats, committees, interviews, laws and bills, asking people questions they’ll ignore, hunting down problems: boring, slog. Effort pays off long-term in the end. Good work is hard work.
Once you have as many variables of the problem as reasonably possible, the next step…
Devise A Meaningful, Actionable Solution
Main hurdle literally everyone I encounter fails on. Everyone an expert in moaning, conditioned not to solve. Few experts at solving.
They parrot a result (‘lower healthcare prices’, ‘close border’, ‘cheaper energy prices’), but, not solutions. How do you get lower healthcare prices? How do you close the border? How do you lower energy prices?
How viable are the first solutions that just popped up? Don’t repeat “solutions” other people have: if they worked it would have already been fixed.
Cast your mind back to “Have I Been Able To Redpill People?”. Messages proposed to State Governors, numerous possible solutions. Everything from raising awareness of the stealth bill, suing Federal government (highlighting legal grounds), inviting private entities to lawsuit, unifying States, proposing State-level boycotts of OSHA as contingency.
Having done the homework, studied problems, coherent solutions form that help solve the problem. Governors etc do not need to waste half-a-year trying to understand the problem, because you already do, thus the solution.
This is the nature of Direct Democracy. You are getting directly involved.
Do Not Jump For The First Solution That Comes To Mind
Problem Solving 101: never reach for the first solution that comes to mind. Nearly always wrong, has the least thought put into it.
Solutions are iterative. The steps are basically:
Devise theoretical solutions (be skeptical!)
Think ways to break solutions as an adversary
Come up with changes that prevent this, or tack-on sub-solutions addressing it
Search to see if the solution was implemented before, and what went wrong
Note what went wrong, devise changes, create sub-solutions
If a solution cannot be ‘fixed’, requires a sub-solutions ‘conga line’, scrap it, go back to 1.
Can’t find any glaring flaws after extensive testing, draft it up for proposal
Example: Federal lawsuit proposed. Federal lawsuits may succeed or may fail. Sub-solution if it failed was State-level OSHA boycott.
Don’t need to be smart to solve. Just persist. Brute force. Dumb is a boon to breaking solutions; anticipate what dumb people do. Example: user spontaneously powers off computer for no reason during vital process. That’s stupid, no-one would do that. Except they do. Broken.
Wrap And Boil The Solution
Wrap solutions with context. Some are not aware a problem exists. Frame context first. Example opener: ‘Fed trying to implement mandate by stealth [link]’.
Governors haven’t got time for technical thesis ‘bulls**t’. Boil down solution into simpliest form. Mine: ‘sue the Federal government’. Four words. Unga bunga.
Stealthy vaccine mandate. Sue government. Unga bunga. Wrapped and boiled.
The Other Boring Part: Contact Information
De facto masters in the problem you’re solving? Might be the greatest solution since sliced bread. No good if no-one knows either problem or solution exists. So, contact people.
Don’t be shy. Full digital salesman. Door-to-digital-door, contact everyone who might be interested. Doesn’t matter if you hate the person, if they agree to implement your solution, still beneficial
Trawl internet for hours. Look for contact details, anyone who might be interested. Not just governments, but businesses, communities, groups, anyone who might say ‘hey I want that solution’.
Study Contacts
Everyone has different motivations. Some may agree on outcomes, for different reasons. Example: Patriots and Liberals might agree on solar panels on homes. For Patriots it decentralises away from corrupt government, for Liberals it ‘saves the environment’.
Does not matter if motivations are true or not. If the best way to get Scientology to make a change was to appeal to Scientology doctrine, then appeal to Scientology doctrine. If you want Communists to make a change, appeal to their Communist manifesto. If you want Capitalists to change, you appeal to whichever market priniciples they follow.
Be an enigma. On one hand, don’t espouse own views to avoid reputational harms, but on the other, repeat back to other people their views to get them on board.
The probability of an idea being adopted is a multiplier factor of:
How much they like you, times by, how much they agree with your idea.
Zero times any number is still zero.
Does not matter what people’s beliefs are, if end result is mutually beneficial. You’re free to exercise discretion, maybe some groups go too far (maybe ‘Baby Killers Inc’?).
If they’re not interested, don’t waste time, move on.
A grind, again. Re-wording the same message for different target audiences. Wading through viewpoints, some you vehemently disagree with. Focus on the objective on the other side of the swamp, not the swamp itself.
Prioritise those with levers of power. No point winning over Kind Grandma’s Knitting Association if you haven’t influenced Powerful Big Politician Lobby Inc.
Don’t Quit
People give up after one attempt. No. Never do this. Enemy is always fighting, perpetually. If you’ve solved one problem, don’t stop, solve others!
Push back. Reinforce defences so it doesn’t happen again. Go on offence, free other people or other countries. Have the will to work hard, you can implement the kind of changes on a large scale like I do. Happy to give advice in the comments.
Don’t be defeatist. Many of my messages ignored. Thousands upon thousands. And yet, still see my proposals implemented or ideas adopted. Ideas embed themselves. You cannot kill an idea.
Summary: It does not suffice to convince people. You must clearly define the problem, clearly define the solution, and then tell people who have the power to do something about it by appealing to their motivations, whilst maintaining your reputation and raising your personal standard to avoid being discredited.
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Thanks for this. It's worth the price of subscription.
Is there a data package in the works?