
This is a video of her with MedCram from a couple of years ago. I remember watching it at the time and thinking what a ‘prissy’ young woman she was and so arrogant. I am a retired GP and my training involved working through various specialties in different hospitals and I met a few types like her that I can spot a mile off - think ‘smiling death’ = ruthless, cutthroat but SO sympathetic ( not).

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Nice work Beagle sniffing out the lies and deception

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wondering if she is even a real person.

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that's what I think every time I see the creepy headshots that they all have

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is it just me, or does Danny Altman look like Danny Devito?

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/Louie De Palma scowl.

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Excellent work at unearthing a completely untrustworthy individual.

The deception and deceit that 'academics' like this are willing to practice will never cease to amaze.

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Good investigative work. 👍

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Excellent work!

I have been trying to get a correct answer from her, since the summer of 2021:


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Like getting blood from a stone.

The exposure has forced a rear-guard action. Suddenly they're a lot more vocal about their safe funding sources, and now trying to feign ignorance of the problematic connections.

They tried to rename J-PAL to just 'Poverty Action Lab' to obfuscate the fact it is the 'Jameel charity' but it isn't going to wash.

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You forgot Mitsui....

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I was not aware of it, and JikkyLeaks raised it to my attention after the article was published.

Twitter strangles a lot of the information I get through.

I may do an update based on the reaction I got.

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She is a certified psychopath!

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Nice work exposing that quack

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