? FUBAR , eh?

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Great article except Nordsteam pipeline. The CIA blew it up to make Germany reliant on US gas and cripple Russia. This was an act of war against the EU.Why shouldn’t it be repaired? Biden should pay for it.

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I didn't say it shouldn't be repaired. I'm just using it show that the usually anti-Russian Germany are so economically desperate they're willing to consider repairing the Nordstream pipeline and resume relationships with Russia... during an active war against Russia that Germany are shipping tanks to (presumably also manufactured in Hungary).

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I am not so sure at all. Chancelor Scholz said it already in January that he didn't want the NS2 to run. The greens are against all! fossil energies...they are on to net zero (except for themselves of course). There were protests going on to get the stream running...by blowing up the pipelines the protests and gathering and pressure on government was blown up too..win win for corporations in the US but also for Green agenda. (It is always hard to try to think how they think because we just don't think that way. At the same time the NEoNazi - antiamericanism (all evil stems from them...and Germany is just a colony is also helping them. Depicting poor Germany is just victim of evil forces (for the nazis back then it was the "jewih-bolshwik" conspiracy that made the game)

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The Greens and general establishment described in the post are also 100% pro Ukraine, because "Putin is not a democrat" (not like those bona fide censoring, party-banning, snitch-loving democrats in Germany) and not woke enough, plus he was not tolerant enough to allow enemy bases and rockets pointing to his country being placed next to its borders...

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Henkel had run his foster home and his experiments for 30 YEARS....

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PIE and Islington Care Homes in 70s 80s. Echoes

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Good work dog. Pretty sickening though. 😌

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"He Placed Children With Paedophiles"

He himself looks like someone you would not be surprized, bit still shocked about, if you caught him offering strange children candy.

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His stunning conclusion from his decades work is that 'paedophilia is a mental illness'.

I feel like he could have reached that conclusion from crime statistics alone.

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Is there anywhere that *isn't* a hellhole these days? Sheesh.

substack formatting

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Marina Trench.

If you ignore all the reported secret undercover sea bases there...

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"The judge might have gotten 2 years jail, but he gave many millions of children 2 years of freedom from German mandates. We’re all obliged to fight our versions of the Tyranny of Modern Germany, in whichever country we reside." I wished that this had been the case. had been a decision only on TWO children whose mother decided to take legal steps to fight this. But another court decided that the courts decision wasn't valid and he had been acccused of having chosen the consultants knowing that they would speak out against masks. So this didn't help, not even these two children in Weimar. Children had to wear. masks. only later they lifted it a lil bit for the younger age. They even experimented to take the mandate from the vaccinated kids. Imagine the bullying and the terror! There are 4 documentaries of what was going on in Germany. Even without understanding any word, the pictures speak for themselves. the link to the video is in this post. helendunkel.substack.com/p/masks-and-their-dealers

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The outcome might not have been freedom for millions, but that is ultimately what he was fighting for (even if indirectly and unintentionally), even if it was only initially brought by two people. Of course he didn't get it, but we wouldn't have been lamenting the loss if he had.

That is to say, the reward greatly outweighed the risk. Not all battles lead to victory, but we must try!

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Yes of course and many tried. This was one of the few exceptions of judges who defended our rights.

While we had to put masks on they lost their ones and showed us their real face. They hate us. That's my conclusion. And especially old people and children.

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Germany should have been CLEANSED after WW2...the citizens were monsters who all should have been hung...now this is what we must put up with...SEND EM MORE POISON MOSSAD SHOTS!

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Germany's citizens "were all monsters who should have been hung"??

Germany prior to WWII was a thriving, successful country, exceeding all expectations for its relative size. The populace were hard-working and well-educated, morally and ethically grounded, its universities and sciences were world leading, as was its manufacturing. It had culture, history and priceless architecture.

It was a model society.

Germany's only "crime" was objecting to, and attempting to oust, those trying to destroy the country and its next generations with porn, promiscuity and pedophilia (exactly the same forces at work today, using exactly the same tactics, by exactly the same perpetrators).

To anyone who doesn't understand the horrors that were inflicted on the German people, and a country just trying to defend itself against global predation, I suggest you watch "Hellstorm".

I guarantee it will shock you to your core, and you will realise the enormous lie we've all been fed.

What was done TO Germany was one of the most horrific events in recent history.

The "monsters" were the 'victors' who awarded themselves medals and honours, and completely rewrote this evil chapter of their own dark history.


The tragedy of Germany today is that it knows, first hand, the horrors that can be inflicted in the face of dissent - so it has chosen not to.

You're now seeing the full scope of a country in stand-down mode.

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