If they lie, they are worthless from the standpoint of sharing information.
If they don't share information, then besides being worthless, they are tools....
used by those pushing propaganda.....
if that is the case, then may I suggest soME lamppost companies - because the lying media whores need to be strung up. REally they have committed crimes demanding justice.
Only question left now, is do we have the will to do what must be done?
My bet is YES, but time will tell.
Now, out of respect, let me go read the rest of the article.
OTOH, name a rag that would have the guts to print this, with a list of drugs that all carry a Black Box Warning... dailymail.co.uk /health/article-11727151/Experts-slam-doctors-decision-prescribe-cocktail-NINE-antipsychotic-drugs-Boston-mom.html
Decision to prescribe 13 antipsychotic drugs to Duxbury mom slammed by experts
Doctors today warned against overprescribing antipsychotic drugs to new mothers with depression after the tragic triple killing of three children in Massachusetts...DRUGS PRESCRIBED TO LINDSAY IN THE EIGHT MONTHS BEFORE THE KILLINGS, according to her lawyers Zolpidem (Ambien) ,Clonazepam (Klonopin) ,Diazepam (Valium) ,Fluoxetine (Prozac) ,Lamotrigine (Lamictil) ,Lorazepam (Ativan) , Mirtazapine (Remeron) ,Quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel) , TrazodoneSertraline (Zoloft), Amitriptyline (Elavil) ,Buspirone Hydroxyzine (Atarax) ...
Daily Mail is a mixed bag, but they will often purge stories that are 'good' (although I often find even their cutting edge reporting is... broken). One prime example is the Project Veritas mutation story, which they deleted... then brought back after everyone noticed and after the story got confirmed.
Trial Site News do excellent coverage of the EMA leaks, and their depth would suggest they're the ones to watch. I would even go far as to suggest they dig even deeper on the EMA leaks than I do.
Let's just accept that the media, medical profession, bureaucrats, and politicians are never going to admit the jab causes deaths. Who, in their right mind, is going say "OK, ya got me. I was lying from the outset. I am responsible for thousands of murders for profit. Here, I have brought my own noose. Do it. I am a child-murdering son-of-a-bitch. I deserve it".
In my 80 years, I have never heard anybody in those sectors admit to serious wrong-doing so I would be a fool to expect it now, especially as the punishments will go through the roof.
This line of thought broaches the key issue of our times.
Ordinary people, as well as experts, professionals, and various authorities, are swallowing absolutely unfettered drivel and, worse, they seem to know it is drivel but want to be seen to believe it anyway.
Where to from there?
I have always been opposed to dictatorship in any form and I have promoted genune democracy since 1985, in articles, online, and in books. And yet the evidence before me says that the only way to establish a well-informed democratic community is to crush the current oligarchic plutocracy and then force a state of democracy.
This means a temporary state of dictatorship which, according to Acton, and to my own observations, is always self-defeating because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
"the only way to establish a well-informed democratic community is to crush the current oligarchic plutocracy and then force a state of democracy."
"This means a temporary state of dictatorship"
Actually, it means a revolutionary war. You don't need a centralised powerbase to crush a dictatorship, only eager fighters. You can hammer out the politics after the overthrow once the dust settles.
The only question to ask, does a revolutionary war have majority support? That's extremely difficult to assess.
"Ordinary people, as well as experts, professionals, and various authorities, are swallowing absolutely unfettered drivel"
I'd disagree, the Daily Mail comment section is rife with criticisms on the garbage article. I remember historically when it was nothing but a slathering of praise for Pfizer to a nauseating degree.
Even on Twitter the tide has shifted, and the voices in support are in a lower quantity getting chewed out. I would estimate it's about a 50/50 split, but it's difficult to factor in because of bots and auto-upvoting going on.
What I don't have insight on is general public opinion that don't touch the online sphere.
Thanks for your advice and insights. I guess, one day we will see who proves right. But right or wrong, I will forge ahead and bury the globalists. I just hope I have the strength to be true to the cause.
Gaslighting marches on unabated as the odious social media “hired guns” do their dirty work. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song FACT CHECKER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/fact-checker
Hell yeah. Eff the media.
If they lie, they are worthless from the standpoint of sharing information.
If they don't share information, then besides being worthless, they are tools....
used by those pushing propaganda.....
if that is the case, then may I suggest soME lamppost companies - because the lying media whores need to be strung up. REally they have committed crimes demanding justice.
Only question left now, is do we have the will to do what must be done?
My bet is YES, but time will tell.
Now, out of respect, let me go read the rest of the article.
OTOH, name a rag that would have the guts to print this, with a list of drugs that all carry a Black Box Warning... dailymail.co.uk /health/article-11727151/Experts-slam-doctors-decision-prescribe-cocktail-NINE-antipsychotic-drugs-Boston-mom.html
Decision to prescribe 13 antipsychotic drugs to Duxbury mom slammed by experts
Doctors today warned against overprescribing antipsychotic drugs to new mothers with depression after the tragic triple killing of three children in Massachusetts...DRUGS PRESCRIBED TO LINDSAY IN THE EIGHT MONTHS BEFORE THE KILLINGS, according to her lawyers Zolpidem (Ambien) ,Clonazepam (Klonopin) ,Diazepam (Valium) ,Fluoxetine (Prozac) ,Lamotrigine (Lamictil) ,Lorazepam (Ativan) , Mirtazapine (Remeron) ,Quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel) , TrazodoneSertraline (Zoloft), Amitriptyline (Elavil) ,Buspirone Hydroxyzine (Atarax) ...
Daily Mail is a mixed bag, but they will often purge stories that are 'good' (although I often find even their cutting edge reporting is... broken). One prime example is the Project Veritas mutation story, which they deleted... then brought back after everyone noticed and after the story got confirmed.
Trial Site News do excellent coverage of the EMA leaks, and their depth would suggest they're the ones to watch. I would even go far as to suggest they dig even deeper on the EMA leaks than I do.
Let's just accept that the media, medical profession, bureaucrats, and politicians are never going to admit the jab causes deaths. Who, in their right mind, is going say "OK, ya got me. I was lying from the outset. I am responsible for thousands of murders for profit. Here, I have brought my own noose. Do it. I am a child-murdering son-of-a-bitch. I deserve it".
In my 80 years, I have never heard anybody in those sectors admit to serious wrong-doing so I would be a fool to expect it now, especially as the punishments will go through the roof.
I don't expect Daily Mail to admit to it, but at this stage the lies are so egregiously bad that the quotation is literal borderline parody.
Death tolls means it is safe. Whut? Who is even buying this? Why are they even bothering?
This line of thought broaches the key issue of our times.
Ordinary people, as well as experts, professionals, and various authorities, are swallowing absolutely unfettered drivel and, worse, they seem to know it is drivel but want to be seen to believe it anyway.
Where to from there?
I have always been opposed to dictatorship in any form and I have promoted genune democracy since 1985, in articles, online, and in books. And yet the evidence before me says that the only way to establish a well-informed democratic community is to crush the current oligarchic plutocracy and then force a state of democracy.
This means a temporary state of dictatorship which, according to Acton, and to my own observations, is always self-defeating because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I have no answer.
"the only way to establish a well-informed democratic community is to crush the current oligarchic plutocracy and then force a state of democracy."
"This means a temporary state of dictatorship"
Actually, it means a revolutionary war. You don't need a centralised powerbase to crush a dictatorship, only eager fighters. You can hammer out the politics after the overthrow once the dust settles.
The only question to ask, does a revolutionary war have majority support? That's extremely difficult to assess.
"Ordinary people, as well as experts, professionals, and various authorities, are swallowing absolutely unfettered drivel"
I'd disagree, the Daily Mail comment section is rife with criticisms on the garbage article. I remember historically when it was nothing but a slathering of praise for Pfizer to a nauseating degree.
Even on Twitter the tide has shifted, and the voices in support are in a lower quantity getting chewed out. I would estimate it's about a 50/50 split, but it's difficult to factor in because of bots and auto-upvoting going on.
What I don't have insight on is general public opinion that don't touch the online sphere.
Thanks for your advice and insights. I guess, one day we will see who proves right. But right or wrong, I will forge ahead and bury the globalists. I just hope I have the strength to be true to the cause.
New Substack release: Sick of being accused of asymptomatic transmission? No contagion here. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song I’M NO SUPERSPREADER: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/im-no-superspreader
“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “They Tried to Kill Country (But Country Fought Back).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country
Gaslighting marches on unabated as the odious social media “hired guns” do their dirty work. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song FACT CHECKER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/fact-checker
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