thank you for this insightful analysis. shame on Substack. remain vigilant at all times

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It's a shame it happens but I'm sure Substack is a significant target of censorship and threats. Kind of seems to me that they're making it easy to figure out their algorithms and aren't trying too hard to obscure their process. After all it's not subtle and almost cartoonishly obvious to anyone familiar with how internet publishing works. Maybe they're doing the best that can be expected to shield authors since it doesn't seem like content has ever been restricted.

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Intentionally bumping off people with far higher engagement rates is suppression, which is a type of restriction (the chilling of speech by implicit discouragement). It is called censorship via the backdoor, and saying 'but it isn't an overt ban' is meaningless, if the top spots are occupied by fraud. You're promoting fraudulent, fake speech with fake engagement. That isn't what drives natural platform growth.

They could certainly start by improving the algorithm by highlighting engagement across multiple metrics rather than single total numbers, such as total paying subscribers. I bet you the ratio would quickly change if it was an earnings total, not a total number of subscribers, and especially if they were ranked by average number of likes and comment engagements, not purely free subscriber counts.

Botnets doing bulk mass registration has been a thing for a while now. Allowing this to happen waters down the value of statistics and data and leads to platform distrust, which in turn discourages platform use and that of advertisers and investors.

Translation: don't go the way of Sam Bankman-Fried.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Extract from the Epimonitor website, which seems to be a member organisation.

“About The Epidemiology Monitor

EpiMonitor is epidemiology for epidemiologists. We distill and summarize the latest epidemiological news, provide a comprehensive list of job opportunities and collaborations, list upcoming conferences and professional development opportunities to advance careers, and highlights news on epidemiologists. This community is refuge from our broad and often siloed field by providing a space for critical discussions, and opportunities for continued education and training.

EpiMonitor was founded in 1980 by Roger H. Bernier, Ph.D, MPH, who served as Editor and Publisher for 40 years while working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2022, EpiMonitor was acquired by Katelyn Jetelina, MPH PhD. The office is currently located in Southern California.

The EpiMonitor Team

Katelyn K. Jetelina, PhD, MPH, Editor in Chief

Katelyn Jetelina is an epidemiologist, educator, and scientific communicator. She earned her MPH in 2014 and PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics in 2016 at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health. In the past 10 years, she worked at the World Health Organization headquarters, built a research lab at the University of Texas Health Science Center and, taught hundreds of graduate students in epidemiology and applied statistics. Currently she works at a non-partisan health policy think tank and is engaged as a scientific communication consultant by the CDC. In addition, she is the founder and author of Your Local Epidemiologist- a newsletter that "translates" public health research and events (like the COVID19 pandemic) to the public. In two years, this newsletter reached 160 million people in 132 countries.

Christopher Jetelina, BA, Chief of Operations”

Her LinkedIn page


It’s possible that she and her husband are good at promotion and all the Epimonitor members subscribed to the substack. She may also have had some help from the CDC.

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"scientific communication consultant by the CDC"

That's a slam dunk hit then. "scientific communication" is simply government speak for someone who posts government-approved messages (read: propaganda) on the topic. Consultant just means 'paid'.

Usually it implies the person doesn't have any actual qualifications per se, they just regurgitate whatever they're given on a script. That "Infodemic" manager was one such example of a so-called 'science communicator'.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Nice. I’m sure that the CDC and the WHO were both very impressed by how conveniently her PhD in domestic violence gives her plenty of title without any cumbersome knowledge, making her the perfect vessel to repeat whatever she is told without any desire to ask questions or understand.

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I have noticed the sharp lack of credentials or knowledge in the field of vaccines these days.

Software engineers seem to be the in thing right now...

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Ooh....husband and wife team..now where have I seen that before....

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Nice work!

But ominous -- I'd been hoping Substack would hold out against Overlord pressure..

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It could be the government are gaming the system. Fake subscribers coupled with government financing paid subscriptions (notice it is for $5 a month, which is the cheapest possible rate one can set). That said, Substack have a responsibility to 'clean house' and allow natural engagement to flourish, not artificially financed engagement.

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If you had your hand in a taxpayer funded pie, would you take it out without tasting some crumbs? That's what Substack appears to be doing: promote a taxpayer-funded shill, collect sub revenue on the side.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Domestic abuse and bullying epidemiologist???!!!! Is there a vaccine for that sort of thing?

The proliferation of pompous "scientific" credentials has gotten way out of hand. When I was a teenager, we made jokes about our crappy teenage jobs - a dishwasher at a breakfast restaurant was a "porcelain sanitation engineer," and running the brush chipper for a landscaper made you a "natural matter conversion engineer." We had a lot of fun making up silly stuff like that, but it was a JOKE!

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Many job titles these days actually include such pretentious roles for obviously minor work roles:

"Chemical cleaning specialist" - cleaner

"Cleaning Architect" - cleaner

"Cleaning solutions operative" - cleaner

"Major loss adjuster" - insurance claims handler

"Customer service operative" - telephone operator

"Customer service advisor" - telephone operator

"Inbound sales advisor" - telephone operator who answers calls

"Scientific communications consultant" - propaganda poster

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

👏👏 Brilliant exposé ... Wow... The bare faced boldness of the "epidemiologist"... What a fraud...

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by The Underdog

The fact that Substack gave pharma shill Eric Topal an esteemed, featured position years ago (over many obviously better writers) is what told me I should not publish here. I mean, these 'vaxxes' are, truly, killing millions of people, and turning a blind eye to that is, well, murderous.

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I publish here because ironically it is one of the few places one can get long-form, well organised content structure without dealing with overt bans. Whilst there are alternatives to X, there's hardly any viable alternatives to the 'wordpress' type domain, which is rife with censorship and poorly formatted content.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Substack need to tread very carefully. Involving themselves in these sorts of shenanigans can crater credibility overnight.

Today's darling becomes tomorrow's MySpace.

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I have never seen somebody go shot for shot down the rabbit hole. wild to see this thought process illustrated so closely. Thank you.

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A friend and I were speaking about Substack yesterday evening, and she said that she was so glad that Substack existed, given all the censorship that is around us. Cynical as I am, I told her that we can enjoy it while it lasts in its current form, but if it gets too big and influential, the government will surely swoop in and compromise it. (Heck, for all we know, it could BE a government creation.) For the record, I hate thinking like this.

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It could be the government artificially gaming the Substack system, but whatever it is, Substack do have something to address.

A less cynical mind might say Substack are letting the government pour money into Substack and reinvesting it back into critical works...

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Substack, Gab, all the "free speech" sites are government honeypots to tag and rag on the dissenters. Trust no one

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I think anything in the digital medium is 100% traceable.

The only things I found were not traceable was handwritten notes in a notebook using obscure-form shorthand (heavily omitted data meaning near immunity to cryptanalysis attacks), and talking quietly covering one's mouth, oddly in all places, in an open field (so long as I *wasn't* carrying *any* electronic gadgets).

My suspicion is trees, rocks enable the hiding of devices that are difficult to obscure 'safely' in an open field (despite the fact one would expect the openness to be a vulnerability).

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Here's another example of useless and dangerous Covid 'Vax' reality - Airline pilots who were forced by MANDATE to accept the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 'vax' are now far less healthy and susceptible to many more serious health complications that could (and WILL) occur during flights. Myocarditis is rife among Airline staff.

ALL DUE TO THE MANDATED 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' COVID INJECTION, which is injuring and killing thousands worldwide. All this mayhem and excess death was caused by the DEADLY injections made by companies like Pfizer who dictate a NO LIABILITY CLAUSE if you want to buy their useless but deadly Covid 'cure'. It's simply depopulation.

Example of the inherent dangers we all now face if we choose to keep flying;

"There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly."

We can either take a rushed course on 'How to pilot a Boing 737' or hope they start to use a PILOT, a Co-Pilot and a SPARE pilot!

All gullible 'patients' that didn't think before participating in an EXPERIMENT, are now all GENETICALLY MODIFIED as was factually covered up by Pfizer and other unscrupulous deadly injection makers.

You should never have allowed them to experiment (Pfuck) with the human body and expect it to get better! It's simply inviting a shorter Life Expectancy or a sudden 'inexplicable' early death.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer

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Whoa! Thanks for this post and the in-depth analysis. Thanks to Sasha for restacking your article. Just subscribed and looking forward to following the work

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Had followed her on Facebook early in trying to get a balanced view but had to stop due to the comments section being to hardcore pro vaccine for me. Had a look recently and the number of comments has dropped dramatically with most remaining talking about how luckily they are to have had 6 shots and only had Covid 5 times🤦‍♀️ I had noticed 6mths back that the comments had started to turn against her views. She joined Substack early on and might have moved most followers over to maintain the bubble

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Sasha Latypova already lambasted this faker as well:


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Nov 15, 2023Liked by The Underdog

All to be expected. We live on Prison Planet

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Thanks for investigating this. Check out my takedown of npc substacker Lt Col Alexander Vindman: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/alexander-vindman-cringeman-cringestack-kgb

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