Mentioned by Bob - Enough (whose comment I can't pin due to Substack weirdness, go like it here: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/remember-they-forced-you-to-vaccinate/comment/48894178).

Examples of politicians' 'loved ones' dying to the shot, which isn't something I was aware of:


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It's a painful reminder of how vicious people can become of you don't run with the pack.

I never have and I never will.

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And how many of those trying to force the vaxx on the rest of us have died from it themselves?

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I know eight people who died from satans syrup. Youngest was a healthy 30 year old. Number of people I know that died from COVID-19 ZERO!!

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Feb 3, 2024
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I'm not going to name the 8 people that I personally knew who died from that poison! In the meantime you are due for your 5th booster! Keep getting them and you won't be commenting on this thread much longer! BTW, put on your mask-LOL

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Feb 3, 2024
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You have no idea what you are talking about! Crawl back into your hole!

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Vaccine shills aren't welcome on this Substack.

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That may be the justice involved in all of this.

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Every time I hear of some celebrity or politician getting a vaxx injury I'll look on the list.

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Died or been SBL'd; Slaughtered But Living.

SBL's outnumber the 'dead' 10 to 1. All vaccines. Why do 'we' focus so much of our attention on death/dead from all vaccines - when that is but a tiny % of the massive damage/slaughter done by all vaccines; including C-19 vaccines? Most live - but an extremely painful life, for life. Makes no sense.

Regardless, agree with your point.

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Not all of them. Yet.


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Just wonder how many of the gob sh1t3s mentioned above pushing for the jabs, ate still alive and fit ???.

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According to the French MP (who took a shot and got injured) quoted in the video Propaganda.exe, Macron and his cohorts never took the shots. I strongly suspect much the same applies to many politicians. Hence why we see rich people like Justin Bieber suffering injuries, but none of the politicians (unless you count Austin Lloyd as a 'politician').

About 10:25 onwards:


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The U.S. enabling legislation excluded Congress, their staff and Pharma from requiring the Clot Shot. That QEDs it for me.

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Rev 1. Just had this arrive today and obviously read it; hence passing it on...


No, not arguing, not contradicting you; just passing it on for info.

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Arguing and contradicting is fine so long as you arguing in good faith (bringing evidence helps convince me far more than calling me names). I just have a low tolerance threshold for vaccine shills who periodically crop up in the comments section to either abuse myself, other commentators, or tarnish my work. I'm not going to tolerate being abused at work.

I genuinely wasn't aware the politicians "loved ones" had died from the shot.

Great contribution, gain a pin!

Addendum: I would pin it but for some reason Substack isn't offering me the option to do so for your comment.

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Excellent compilation of historical documentation. Sad to see. And yep, that's how it was, people said those things, I heard it oftentimes in 2021-2022 (less so in 2023) and not just on social media, I heard that all over the place from many friends, family, and colleagues. They fell hard for the fear-hijack psyop. Had they had some 2 + 2 = 4 level of sense, and maybe not slept through highschool biology, they wouldn't be where they are now: multiply jabbed with gawd-noze-whut , many of them with recent onset heart problems, cancers, and/or neurological and/or food allergies and skin problems. And many of them keep getting covid, over and over, too. I'm not happy to see them suffer, however, I'm never going to forget what certain individuals said and did, and how they actually, actively wanted to see those who refused the jabs suffer. Their saying such things was important information for me-- painful, yet very valuable. Now I know whom to avoid, and with whom to proceed only with extreme caution. P.S. I don't get in cars with drunk drivers, either.

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Impressive compilation.

A dark period. One never to be forgotten.

They pushed right up to the edge of genocide. And are now pretending. Remember, they will snap back to full psycho in an instant - the conditioning is in place.

And let's not forget that they killed scores with their hospital death protocols - to drive the fear and get the bioweapon into more deltoids.

Layers of Evil, as far as the eye can see.


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I told myself I’d never forget how bad things got, but reading this compilation brought back a flood of memories I have repressed. Thanks for putting this together, I’ll be sharing it with some of my fellow unjabbed friends that went through this experience with me.

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Unforgettable. Nor should we dare to forget.

May God protect us from fools who think they are intelligent.

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‘Think’ is the operative word here.

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unfortunately, freedom of thought also includes the freedom not to think....and stupidity is the closest sister to malice.

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Very well said.

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:) 🙏

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correct... now it has been seen more and better than ever how stupidity is a gateway to the world of evil.

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Thankfully. May I say I had a quick look at the pictures on your site. They are beautiful.

As William Morris said I gather “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”

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Thank you for liking my artwork!

My house is full of color.:) in my world, painting as a hobby and artistic creation in general bring me a lot of satisfaction.

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Except of course that thinking is not in operation with jab cultists. :)

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Thank the Lord that they have all seen the light and are repentent falling over themselves in acknowledgement of the social psychosis that claimed their rational and are apologetic and demanding the perpetrators of the greatest crime against humanity be brought to justice... /sarc.

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Pardon my language but F* them all. I'll admit that I stopped after a few caps. I remember the vitriol. I got it in my own house from my "daughter" who told me that I needed to get vaccinated and made me feel bad for "putting everyone else at risk." Take another booster, snowflake. Check out of their system. Eat well and whole foods are the key.

I actually had to make plans for losing my career job due to work mandates. I had a religious exemption filed. My coworkers acted like I was crazy. One has not one but two autoimmune disorders now.

Another's wife developed Afib and his daughter had pulmonary embolism at 25. All vaxxed and boosted. I've had 4 relatives die in the last two years at fairly young ages for heart issues or turbo cancer. The people behind this are evil and need to be cleansed with fire.

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Never forget!

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A good reminder. Thanks.

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I'm not on twitter, but are some of those accounts you listed showing "died suddenly"?

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The exact details of their death, as always, is never publicly disclosed, but for people under the age of 60 to croak within a few years of all taking (and promoting) the same set of shots is something to be factored.

If you're interested in case reports and reports of either dead or vaccine bullying, I would suggest following these accounts:

https://twitter.com/DrJohnB2 (case reports, studies)

https://twitter.com/vancemurphy (vaccine bullying, deaths)

https://twitter.com/mRNAdeaths (case reports, deaths)

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Thank you for the links. When the evil man continues merrily on his way with no repercussions it's hard not to feel a twinge of angst that justice doesn't seem to be happening. I would that people learned from mistakes and changed... but at the same time I'm often praying along with the psalmist David that the wicked become victims of their own machinations. If only it were the ones who started this whole mess.

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This just goes to show you how effective the malinformation from big pharma is. You have to feel sorry for these people who are so easily duped and possess absolutely no critical thinking skills.

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That's a beautiful collection of receipts.

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Shameful. But does shame have any impact on these people perhaps it is the immunity to shame the soup provided.

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Thank you so much for compiling this. I will archive it. INVALUABLE historical evidence. I will never let those bastards forget what they did. I will NEVER get any mRNA product injected ever.

On a positive note I was injured slightly, grazed by a car(treated and sent home in a cab the hospital payed for) on Aug 26/23. There was no nonsense at the hospital about the V jab. This is in Vancouver.

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Touché… I have no time for the die on hill, must get vaccinated, now bleating about vaccine injuries, long term covid, no forgetting, no forgiving, no free pass as if that filth we have been reminded of in this great reconstruct, didn’t ever happen, it’s amazing if you go to

NEVER FORGET https://t.me/c/1716023008/204538 and view the obituaries, all of vaccinated celebrating their new Vax Status, then boom… obituary, it’s sad, but then, like those of us who held firm, stood our ground, they also had choice, whilst we did so quietly they derided, maligned, denigrated and were completely psycho over the power they thought had been given them … showed the true character of so many ass holes.. at least we know who they are.. the great thing about tech, once it’s out there, it remains, thank you as noted for your excellent reminder.. Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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This article's main focus is on those who didn't have a choice and underwent force (fines, children kidnapped, jailings, forced firings, denied travel freedoms, physically detained, etc), or people who themselves attempted to engage in force tactics (threats to kill, denial of access to services, etc).

This article doesn't even cover the worst aspects of it (the unvaccinated denied hospital treatments who died, for example). If I had to document every single control measure adopted by every single country you'd never see an article published.

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....and the long term effects of the forced jabs, which we may never know.

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True. I have however compiled a list of over 960 studies showing numerous types of harm, but I doubt it is exhaustive:


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Fully understand and understood the genesis and aim of your prose, nevertheless, my snipe was predicate entirely upon and due the reminder that so many of those abhorrent and truly despicable items as included within your article, afforded me.

It was a salient reminder to all of us who per the point I made, stood tall, steadfast, unyielding, who actually exercised during that period of humanity's regressing and stagnating were able to discern and to think logically through the crapola we were being force fed.

Since that dark period 2021/22 we have had much of the rubbish we called out, critiqued, spoke vociferously against, actually proven so correct.

I have had the privilege of reading such great reveals and dissertations published by the likes of Jessica Rose’s, Steve Kirsch, Dr’s Robert and Jill Malone as well as the U.K’s Dr Aseem Malhorta, Stanfords Dr Jay Battachaya, Baylor University’s Dr Peter McCullough together with many others including Presidential Candidate and Attorney, Robert F Kennedy who have all had the points they have gone to great lengths to prove against the efficacy of the Vaccinations forced upon us for the COVID Scam, proven correct.

Indeed, the latest and most recently announced examples of all not being now readily accepted resulting from the scam, being our neighbours across the ditch in Australia announcing they are to conduct a study to identify the cause of so called sudden death, add to that newly elected Slovak Leader Robert Fico and his Governments latest announcement which I reproduce below, being yet another State sponsored attack to chip away at the once seemingly impregnable Big Pharma.

Congratulations must go to the indomitable American entrepreneur and millionaire Steve Kirsch, who released a data set given to him by a compatriot, Barry Young, a Kiwi Ministry of Health Official who as a whistleblower made available a complete Data Set that blew the lid off of the fallacy perpetuated by Governments including my own, under WEFer, and WEF Young Leaders graduate, Former P.M Jacinda Aderns lousy, lying, filthy government that, funnily enough, held power here in NZ during the scamdemic, amazing how that reprobate and psycho, Klaus Schwabs boast of having placed so many WEFer’s into positions of authority in governments across the globe, prescient at the time, actually proved well founded and correct, his minions responsible together with the Pharma, their billionaire bum chums, and the governments, health authorities, scientists, Doctors and Hospitals they coerced and incentivised to ensure Vaccines were administered en masse..

Truly evil and sick, but worst of all was the buy in and surrender by what became zealots, strict adherents to the vaccines, scared shitzen-less the lot of them, many driving by themselves yet masked up, defending against what? … their own breath? It was ride and an indictment upon MSM and their success in breaking down the will, minds and ability to think of many amongst us, who became fanatical in their zeal to ensure compliance against a supposed virus never ever isolated, yet one that had a 99.18% survival rate… it was those ass holes I railed against in my response.

In short I have no empathy, none, zero, nada for anyone who caved, I don’t care if they felt pressured because of familial or economic reasons, the entire thing was a hoax, is a hoax, is being proven as a hoax, it underscored the weakest amongst us, they now put the unvaccinated at risk, bloods that are tainted, transfusion anyone? Not… unlikely and now we witness the vaccinated, be they coerced, forced or the zealots who boasted of their compliance per the link my initial response above, being a manifestation of the truly weak amongst us, those who succumbed, dropping, literally like flies.

I never ever will wish ill upon any fellow human being, but never ever expect me to sympathise or excuse bad choices, bad decisions, more so, decisions and events resulting from abject weakness… I’m just not wired that way… just desserts me says, I was raised that actions have consequences, especially actions resulting from choices and decisions we ourselves make… that is one threshold to many to alter and adjust to the recent “ everyone’s a winner, we’re all the same, we all come first, as we know that’s just horse sh.t.

Real world life is not like that and it’s that thinking that is to blame for the world we now are assaulted with, DEI vs who and what your real abilities are, give me a break… as an employer I always opted for the very best talent available or that applied for positions, to not do so is an act of negligence, putting not only my companies at risk, but every other employee expected to work alongside mediocrity… we see that rubbish in our schools, in sports .. results don’t count, don’t try to be the best you can be or play hard to win, nope, it won’t matter no effort needed, you’ll be a winner anyways, this thinking has destroyed generations of kids, engendered mediocrity, laziness, a lacksadaisacal attitude in many… why really bother, both teams or all participants win, will receive a medal a certificate, so don’t waste your energy trying to be the very best you can be or to study for excellence, just do what’s needed to achieve the minimum, it’s still a pass, no losers.

Like I’ve said, real life is not like that, when confronted with real life, those inured in such mediocrity melt down, they rant, they rave to impose their will upon us… think BLM, George Floyd, Defund Police, LGBTQ, all noise to distract, divide, it’s up to us to look past that nonsense, discern noise and understand reality… until then the utopian ideal being perpetrated and forced upon us will only ever be that a utopian ideal… hence I thank you for the timely reminder of the rubbish we had to contend with, we can never forget, must never forget, to forgive such aberrant, disgraceful and disgusting behaviours will be an insult to every single individual who stood steadfast, unyielding to the pressure bought to bear against them, the insults endured, the hardships imposed, like Medical Staff in one such reproduced item in your story, skiting gleefully about how they enforced a non vax colleague to eat lunch in a toilet cubicle… go figure… it was a time that bought the worst out in people you thought you knew, thankfully we know better now, just who you’d rather have your back vs the flakes around us.. Kia Kaha from New Zealand….

Following a Link to the Outstanding newly elected and returned to Power, Slovak President Robert Fico’s Excellent Address to Slovakia’s Parliament Attacking Big Pharma, Excess Deaths and announcing An Investigation into the Same…


I can thoroughly recommend your spending the 2-3 minutes it takes to read… Its starting as I have noted the unraveling of the Big Pharma, their billionaire bum chums lies and plot to impose their scamdemic… add to that the recent reveals in the U.S of the inducements paid Drs, Hospitals for treating patients, vaccinating patients and little wonder there was no push back save a remnant, of which those named herein can be counted, that spoke up and against the evil being visited upon us during the scam, including the debunking of the Wetmarket Pangolin/Bat COVID causative theory, it has now unequivocally been proven, that it, COVID came from the Wuhan lab.. …where the U.S DoD under the management Fauci’s NIAID funded the long known Gain of Function research that precipitated the scamdemic.. so much unraveling and becoming known.. truth to light.

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