NEVER TRUST Pfizer & other pharma giants again! Nor most Doctors that were complicit in profiting from the DEPOPULATION Exercise = "Do No Harm" is their PROMISE!
I've become numb to 'establishment' lying manipulated charts that 'sell' the concept of Covid dangers and associated (DEADLY) injection Safety & Efficacy. It's all part of the gravy train for Pfizer (et al) profits from useless injections that carry 'NO LIABILITY' = Nonsense! LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY! Just COMMON SENSE!
Governments won't acknowledge the increasing numbers of fatalities since the Covid Vax was 'invented' just a few months after Covid was released. Suspicious - or perhaps a DEPOPULATION Plan??
Not many of us left now and it's getting worse by the day!
We, the unvaxxed, survive because we took time to study the Covid & vax con and associated lies, before taking a deadly 'leap of faith' in Medics, Government, Politicians and the PHARMACEUTICAL industry. NEVER AGAIN!
I'm sure Fauci spent days if not months trying to find inaccuracies, in the books about his decades of nefarious activities, from which he could create a litigation??? Sadly, he was 100% culpable from day one and will hopefully pay the inevitable price! Death by lethal injection for MURDERING MILLIONS. And now he's actually being given Rewards for his crimes?????
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for ALL PHARMACEUTICAL companies that make EXPERIMENTAL and seemingly DANGEROUS 'medicines' sometimes incorrectly referred to as vaccines. It's just COMMON SENSE!
Also, F*^k PAYPAL for thinking they could FINE customers $2500 for misbehaving or criticising CDC/FDA or Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL' (aka; Total Immunity from all LIABILITY), and without Adolf Schwab's agreement to proceed with the Plan.
Thanks for raising our level of awareness on how these companies operate! It's worthwhile to be wary of their products, especially when they seem to be pushed upon us by various means.
solid summary of unethical trends within healthcare industry, thanks!!!
NEVER TRUST Pfizer & other pharma giants again! Nor most Doctors that were complicit in profiting from the DEPOPULATION Exercise = "Do No Harm" is their PROMISE!
I've become numb to 'establishment' lying manipulated charts that 'sell' the concept of Covid dangers and associated (DEADLY) injection Safety & Efficacy. It's all part of the gravy train for Pfizer (et al) profits from useless injections that carry 'NO LIABILITY' = Nonsense! LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY! Just COMMON SENSE!
Governments won't acknowledge the increasing numbers of fatalities since the Covid Vax was 'invented' just a few months after Covid was released. Suspicious - or perhaps a DEPOPULATION Plan??
Not many of us left now and it's getting worse by the day!
We, the unvaxxed, survive because we took time to study the Covid & vax con and associated lies, before taking a deadly 'leap of faith' in Medics, Government, Politicians and the PHARMACEUTICAL industry. NEVER AGAIN!
I'm sure Fauci spent days if not months trying to find inaccuracies, in the books about his decades of nefarious activities, from which he could create a litigation??? Sadly, he was 100% culpable from day one and will hopefully pay the inevitable price! Death by lethal injection for MURDERING MILLIONS. And now he's actually being given Rewards for his crimes?????
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for ALL PHARMACEUTICAL companies that make EXPERIMENTAL and seemingly DANGEROUS 'medicines' sometimes incorrectly referred to as vaccines. It's just COMMON SENSE!
Also, F*^k PAYPAL for thinking they could FINE customers $2500 for misbehaving or criticising CDC/FDA or Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL' (aka; Total Immunity from all LIABILITY), and without Adolf Schwab's agreement to proceed with the Plan.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.
Thanks for raising our level of awareness on how these companies operate! It's worthwhile to be wary of their products, especially when they seem to be pushed upon us by various means.
I hope the four day wait for two articles at once was worth it. I should be getting back to normal publishing routine shortly.