Replace the word ‘vaccinate’ with the word ‘poison’ and their demented Death Agenda becomes undeniably clear.

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Thanks a lot for reporting on this. I'm not only worried about the potential impacts on the bees themselves but also on the honey they produce, and since its transgenerational, also spreading in the wild.

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That's another major issue, and truth be told, no-one can predict that, which is precisely why it is so dangerous.

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As I understood the bizarre Plans of the WEF (NWO), they were experimenting with using insects (Mosquitos etc,) to transport and 'inject' their new modified (GOF) diseases into humans!

'TERRORIST' seems to be the favourite word for anyone that dares to question the WEF (NWO) agenda, which includes implanting McCarthy and other gimps into 'high office' in order to dominate world politics = to remove 'FREEDOM'. McCarthy has attended WEF Davos TWICE!

DEADLY POISON INJECTIONS, called VACCINES, must again carry the responsibility of 'LIABILITY' for the manufacturers! Then Covid will fade into obscurity and Pfizer et al, will be BANKRUPTED! Common sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and enjoying Freedom of expression!

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https://youtu.be/HfrMHnU6xwM this guy had an interesting video on how Zika disappeared from being an emergency and how the incidents loosely connected to the birth defects were near very toxic DDT-esque spray areas in the same way DDT and polio were related. I think he took most of his videos down (he had a playlist called “My Incredible Opinion”). He seems to have gone and formed his own religious sect now, but those videos seemed well-researched.

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Wow thank you for investigating this. How do we even stop this? I don’t live in Georgia but I can call the local representative of that company, maybe. Do you know of any groups speaking against this, like the ones speaking against the GMO mosquitoes?

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Stopping it would require raising awareness with beekeepers not to adopt the product by highlighting the study flaws. In terms of regulatory systems, the USDA is likely just as corrupt as the FDA.

There are, to my knowledge, zero groups speaking out against this because it is a level of vaccine obsession and insanity I don't think anyone would have anticipated. If someone told me vaccine mandates were going to occur for humans, I likely would have agreed with them.

If someone said they'd go as far as trying to vaccinate insects I would have thought they were off their rocker, who would bother going that far? I always end up underestimating the insanity of the vaccine cult. They might as well be trying to vaccinate rocks and trees at this point.

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