Jul 29, 2023Liked by The Underdog

In Canada, they came for the churches first, then torch the forests. Someone should be investigating the rcmp. They have a history of spontaneous barn blazes...& rarely catching arsonists

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Very easy to deploy rural adolescents, especially if paid cash. Here in Aus, "juvenile justice" laws ensure that any kid under age 10 (and their parents) goes utterly unpunished, no matter what they do or who they harm. Kids between 10-17 get a figurative slap on the wrist as punishment.

In my daily job as a bus driver, early in 2023 we had the problem of a pair of 9 y/os using a screwdriver to loosen the bus window seals, after which they would physically dislodge the window and toss it out of the bus (I'm talking about the whole side-panel window, approx 2m [6'6"] x 2m). This they did for approximately 4 months straight damaging no less than 35 buses and causing more than $100k in glass damage. No punishment at all, hence the riotous impunity.

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No climate change propaganda would work without arson and weather manipulation, no "behavioral change" without carbon hysteria and the destruction of industry and agriculture, no global control of the population without redefining the truth, lies over lies and digitalization . These are some of their war strategies and the damages caused to humanity are extraordinarily high and difficult to measure.

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Excellent, excellent and bloody excellent. SPOT ON;now one small point in addition...

Regards Canada (that I am not from);there are videos out there from these sad lads that monitor satellites... and guess what they came up with AND PROVED...all the fires WERE STARTED at the same time (hundreds, thousands of miles apart)... I will try and find the video now... but so can you if you have time.

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This was the same in Aus in 2019-20 (and probably before). And I've seen bizarre video of some of the Canadian and Californian bushfires that show metallic objects like vehicles, homes (many tin/galvanised iron roofs in Aus), propane gas tanks, street lights, etc., were melted, incinerated, but the trees around them were mostly fine.

Arson is a cover story for the use of DEWs (directed energy weapons).

Some of the videos you refer to are:

Multiple Wildfire Spontaneous Ignition (4 mins)


Eyewitness of Spontaneous Ignition (3 mins)


Annihilation of Lytton (Dr. Charles Hoffe, CV-vax dissenter's town; 8 mins; footage of Californian "fires" from 6:32)


"Trees are fine; houses turned to dust." (12 mins)


MSM Article proves the image of Lytton above is correct. "Trees are fine; houses turned to dust. A 'wildfire'."


In future, it is worth using zoom.earth to get live satellite vision of smoke plumes and SCREENSHOT them immediately. Zoom.earth deletes their 10 minute satellite data after 1 week, after which only the 12 hourly data is retained. I used this during the 2019-20 Australian fires and noticed the same multiplicity to fire ignition: fire plumes all emerge at the same time in scattered locations.

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""Trees are fine; houses turned to dust. A 'wildfire'.""

This would be the 'smart meter sabotage' theory people have put forward. If you examine the fire debris you should find the ignition point for the homes are the smart meters themselves.

Smart meter fires are a known hazard:



Unfortunately, nearly none of the wildfire sites offer any meaningful analysis on the data for the homes burned down (where trees were untouched).

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Whatever people choose to believe about the fires, there's only one thing I ask they take away from the findings: it is NOT 'climate change'.

There are indeed topics that cover DEWs, or even sabotaged, malfunctioning smart meters, however my case here is objectively simple: demonstrate the fires were deliberately caused to the average person. Arson is the easiest to demonstrate.

Yes, I even lump in PG&E's intentional powerline negligence into the deliberate category. They knew the exact consequences of failing to clear those powerlines of trees; the fact they're showing they could have even buried them underground all along is even more telling.

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Thanks for all the links. I am away for a few days (?) but hopefully I get time to get on internet; so will try and respond in a few days; after watching your videos. Still owe someone a response from the 17th; so please understand I am not being rude or anything.

Worked in Oil and Gas for 30 plus years, where we had to undertake firefighting courses. (theory and practical) .. and to blow my own trumpet .. I was good; and for some God forsaken reason, I literally love fire; however stupid that sounds... fireworks you name it .. SO; I did my own "advancement in the subject" ... again bothe theoretical and practical (whoops sometimes) so I am really looking forward to seeing and reading (or viewing the links)... laters.

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Watched the vids.. thanks. I do not know what to really say; but for me anyway... it is becoming so obvious, that it is almost predictable.

Where I live in the EU now, we get the "floods"; but whilst they are horrendous and cause millions / billions of damage; they seem targeted... a good example is that some... (but in no way all) have put flood barriers on the rivers; NEVER build on flood plains... whilst other communities, cities, towns etc...well seem to be asking for trouble by digging down... OH I LIVE IN THE NETHERLANDS (lowlands)...

One of the vids stated that it was an attack based on race.. or at least inferred that; I do not think so.. for me; more on the "value to the common good" of the people; or whatever sh1te they call it now.

Anyway, cheers for now.. await the alien invasion that the masses will believe and never look up.. as a meteors are coming ... we have been programmed for years ... they even told us - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzlG28B-R8Y

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deletedJul 29, 2023Liked by The Underdog
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I suspect that's the globalist sick humour referencing the boiling of frogs.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by The Underdog

A very astute observation; never thought of it before, so if you do not mind I am going to use the analogy...

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Feel free to use it! First thing I thought of when I saw the remark.

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Cheers; used twice so far... with your name (whatever) referenced. Irritated that I never thought of the analogy; but I think you are spot on. Wearing us down, quietly quietly, catch a monkey etc...is what I always used.. UNTIL NOW. PS Not slowly slowly, catch a monkey; otherwise you would never catch it - I learnt that from the "Big Bang show"... lol.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

Thanls, much appreciated - vid is perfect and good quality. I do know about HAARP and we have one site in Wales, but I am trying to find more in the UK. I am a chemical engineer so understand the "science" (maybe a bad term after the last 3 years)... so the chemical engineering behind it; it really is SIMPLE... These are 2 quick videos UNRELATED IN A WAY, but this is all I have in my brain at the moment... just to show howeasy it easy to "manipulate" what is around us:


Patience (watch all please) and no offence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho0o7H6dXSU

Just some simple stuff; but imagine 100 well paid "experts".... well you get the rest.

PS Cheers for the vid.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Not sure if same bloke on the DM; but he DM (Daily Mail UK) told is that our sweat would literally boil us ... then they moved up notch over notch to "global boiling "... funny as f to most people with an IQ over 10... BUT PEOPLE LIKE MY SISTER BELIEVE IT... I kid you not.

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Honestly, I feel like mainstream media is an exercise in what is the dumbest, most factually incorrect stuff they can say and get away with.

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Just on the Daily Mail ... but saw this as I needed a break. It is just unbelievable now .. the articles are written for 5 year olds and whilst I understand that many comments are by AI, trolls, Brigade 77... sometimes I just despair at the overall stupidity. They are dumbing the masses down and for me; it seems so obvious... maybe I am the dumb idiot...?

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