Missed Story: FDA Approves Treatment For 'Eradicated' Disease In 2021
Nothing fishy going on here then
At school, you’ve no doubt been endlessly bombarded with the propaganda that smallpox has been 100% definitely, totally eradicated, with the mainstream media parroting much the same:
Officially eradicated! As opposed to unofficially?
Who produced this ‘evidence’ of eradication? History.com claims it was a “commission of scientists”. What scientists? With what qualifications? Using what evidence?
The WHO clarifies with this highly factual, well evidenced line:
[…] a commission of eminent scientists […]
So, no actual evidence then. And notice that caveat, that technicality:
[…] last natural case […]
Meaning they can simply reclassify cases as being unnatural or artificial in occurrence and suddenly they don’t count! It is not like the WHO have ever lied.
Especially when they made the claim that “there is no clear evidence that the virus passes easily from person to person” regarding SARS-CoV-2.
Obviously, with a disease as definitely, totally eradicated as smallpox, what everyone needs is… a treatment for smallpox… in 2021?
That’s right folks, the FDA want to develop a drug for a definitely eradicated disease, because it has been so well eradicated, it could be used as a bioweapon. Huh?
Wouldn’t this mean the smallpox vaccines don’t work if they need alternatives? Despite… claiming they eradicated the disease? What?
But who could be behind this deadly, evil ruse to deploy the definitely eradicated smallpox (as confirmed by a paper certificate from the WHO)…
Oh. The US itself. How surprising. And guess what, my dear readers? Yes, it was the vaccine manufacturers once again.
This of course, wouldn’t be the first time smallpox was released from a vaccine ‘research lab’.
Will the news ever faithfully report that the vaccine manufacturers are behind the outbreaks?
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The full story never gets told. Not in one go, anyway. Life has become episodic. All info therefore, apparently, must be episodic.
Let me first make a bald statement... if we all went downtown, made a people's arrest of all politicians, bureaucrats, doctors, editors and journalists who are responnsible for the lies, deaths and injuries, and you know what I mean, then this would have been over two years ago when the jab mandates were first announced.
But we have cringed and whined about treason, democide, genocide, infanticide, and generally done nothing else, except to occasionally do this on a group basis. I refer, of course, to protests and rallies.
For no reason justified by actual evidence, other then what Hollywood told us about King and Gandhi and "Peaceful non-violent protest", we have gone like lambs to the slaughter.
I was assured by some earnest forty year old maid at a Darwin rally, that this also worked for the Vietnam War. What? I was there. I was one of the organisers. The protests were not peaceful, not non-violent. Who is making up this guff. That war stalled under the impact of Kent State Massacre, the self-immolation of a Buddhist Monk in Saigon Square, the Democratic Convention, tens of thousands of boys brought home to their folks in a box; and I myself witnessed much blood and broken glass in the streets, with raging battles with police in 1967 and 1968 especially. Police tried to push our bus over a cliff. Protest doesn't much more violent. But it did the trick.
Yes, there were some idiot university students who had peaceful protests but the media ignored them. Violence sells. Violence is sensational. That is why the violence was not avoided because the antiwar message reached people in the media, especially front pages and TV screens. That is what ended the Vietnam War. Brought to you by untrammelled unmitigated, unapologetic, violence on your TV screen
Gandhi was a City of London creation. Many Africans called him out as a phoney and in fact they are still doing this today. Our media does not cover such events. The FBI kept King alive, saving him from being beaten, shot, and lynched. You can bet the orchestration came from the CIA, onshore or not.
Both men were assassinated to make them martyrs and then both men had epic movies made of them by Hollywood. We were indoctrinated, folks, propagandised, brainwashed, and "peaceful non-violent protest" has now become an article of faith. Absolutely without a shred of evidence.
Why? Because the NWO architects know how to play us for suckers. This is why Schwarb, Gates, and Fauci smirk. They know we are cooked meat. They know we will not resist.
If there is anyone left to write it, history will record that we were the first piece of humanity that marched and sang triumphantly to the death house. Every other generation berrated by tyranny lit their torches, held their hay forks aloft, marched on the tyrants and hurled them from their battlements to be dashed on the rocks below.
And two entire generations will never know I said this because Tik Tok and Facebook are more real.
Seems like they are having a tough time picking the disease for the next pandemic...eenie meenie miney mo..