Stephen Feldman asked The Daily Beagle the pertinent question: “Did the MHRA possess foreknowledge of pandemic/covid vax?”.
Feldman pointed out in their Substack, that the MHRA’s (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) legally required reporting for expenditure figures above £500, between October 2019 — roughly the time when most folks believed the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak occurred — to March 2020 — associated with the Midazolam Murders — are missing.
Whilst The Daily Beagle did not find anything relating to the pandemic — we could only find evidence of the MHRA ‘inspecting’ a Chinese pharmaceutical firm Huayi Pharmaceuticals — we did find quite a few interesting nuggets, ultimately leading to the article’s titled-conclusion.
Financial Records Disappearance Coincides With June Raine Becoming MHRA’s Permanent CEO
‘Dr’ June Raine became CEO of the MHRA back in September 2019, or the exact same month just before all the financial expenditures suddenly started disappearing.
It also turned out the MHRA has hidden other financial datasets along a similar period as well. Expenditures over £25,000 are legally obliged to be reported, and yet if one checks the MHRA’s GPC (Government Procurement Card) data, they will find that none of the files between November 2019 to March 2020 will either download or preview; the files don’t exist.
Essentially the MHRA are trying to paint the lie — conveniently after June Raine came to power as CEO — that they somehow stopped spending any sort of money between November 2019 to March 2020. It is much more probable that they are attempting to cover up their expenditures, and this ought to be FOI’d by a competent legal group to discover the ‘missing’ data.
June Raine Failed To Disclose Additional Conflicts Of Interest
June Raine has also failed to publicly disclose they are a Board member of ISPE (International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology) in their MHRA conflicts of interest filings.
In 2022 they won a “Special Wward for Public Health Promotion Through Pharmacoepidemiology”. Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of the uses and effects of drugs in well-defined populations. I.E. mass experimentation.
June Raine also previously worked for the EMA (Europeans Medicines Agency), as late as 2018 — one year before subsuming control at the MHRA — meaning Raine was bias in assessing the EMA leaks and dismissing the concerns regarding unstable mRNA integrity in the batches, as well as DNA contamination.
The FDA also gave June Raine a dedicated, lengthy, gushing blog piece in February 2024, discussing how in-bed the regulators are with each other. June Raine goes on to complain social media makes their job ‘very, very difficult’. Oh no, wouldn’t want corrupt regulators coming under any sort of scrunity.
June Raine Is In Bed With University of Oxford, Developers of the AstraZeneca shot.
Literally and figuratively. Conflict of interest alarm bells are ringing.
Not only did Raine study at the University of Oxford, but also studied an MSc in pharmacology. Raine’s husband, Tony Raine, also worked at the University of Oxford, in the department of pharmacology, where they both met… at the University of Oxford (Tony Raine died in 1995).
That is to say, June Raine lives, breathes and works University of Oxford, the same University that developed the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot. The same shot with proven harms. The same shot withdrawn after lawsuits over deaths.
This is the same June Raine who wants to take MHRA from ‘regulator’ to enabler. This is the same June Raine who brushed off the unlawful sale of patients’ private data to corporations under CPRD back in December 2019 (there’s that time period again), claiming it was “ethical” despite having zero patient consent. Among the defended? Universities. Of which University of Oxford was a part.
June Raine is also part of the AAC (Accelerated Access Collaborative), which, you guessed it, involves speeding up giving away patients’ private information. Part of it included the ‘Accelerated Access Review’ (AAR), of which involved John Bell, the same John Bell who works for the University of Oxford and criticised the UK for not having ‘enough vaccine manufacturing capacity’.
In April 2020, University of Oxford declared the Oxford Foundry would help entrepreneurs and startups… within University of Oxford. Amongst those part of Oxford Foundry ‘guiding students’ included none other than… June Raine (which Oxford Foundry incorrectly declared was the “interim CEO” of the MHRA).
To say there is a massive conflict of interest is a huge understatement. You can smell the stink from here
University of Oxford Agrees With University of Oxford
June Raine, a member of University of Oxford, tells University of Oxford entrepreneurs how to get pass the MHRA, and greenlights a University of Oxford product shot, after having previously covered for University of Oxford’s CPRD private patient data bungle. University of Oxford investigated itself and exonerated itself.

As demonstrated in a previous article, The Daily Beagle presented evidence showing the head of the MHRA is involved in the decision making and approvals process, contrary to the false claims of not having any powers. So it is very likely University of Oxford basically approved their own product.
This was despite the fact Oxford only undertook the SAFER trial after shot deployment (see this article), and despite the shot being suspended in 18 countries as early as March 2021, which would have given any other impartial regulator a major clue something was wrong.
University of Oxford — profiteering at your expense!
(On an additional note, not directly related but worth noting: there were also noticeable ties between Oxford-AstraZeneca and former Monsanto — now part of Bayer, see our related article Poisoning The Food And Air on Bayer’s gene silencing efforts.)
So, in answer to your question Stephen:
Not only is it likely the MHRA under June Raine had foreknowledge of the shots and the harms they would cause, but Raine’s financial conflict of interest in de facto employment of Oxford Foundry in 2020, and thus University of Oxford, whilst also overseeing the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot is blatant corruption. Hope this answers your question.
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