Midazolam is rarely used outside of a surgical setting here in the USA. Speaking from years of experience as an independent prof nurse auditor, I have never seen this prescribed in any care-home setting in the US, I know it is sometimes used for people with poor clearance but it is rare. Lorazepam (Ativan) is the DOC anxiolytic prescribed here for the geriatric population so commonly prescribed for agitation/anxiety it is often referred to as Vit A among nursing staff. Oral tabs (po) are small, can be cut or crushed, and it is prescribed the majority of the time, rarely IM or IV unless the patient can not swallow. Haloperidol is not prescribed often outside of the geri-psych population d/t SE, opioids are rarely prescribed for anything other than pain greater than 6/10 d/t high risk for constipation/impaction/blockage, delirium, CNS depression, drowsiness, and when they are prescribed it is a PRN and a bowel regimen must be in place, this is or was protocol. If I see opioids in the chart I'm looking for ALOT of documentation on pain assessment and a diagnosis of Cancer or other pathologies warranting their use.
All of the drugs listed in your article increase Fall Risk which is serious, so if these drugs were prescribed, one or God forbid all four, then I'd be very concerned, enough so that patients records better have documentation, documentation, documentation. Lots of it and I'd be having a discussion with the DNS, and if that wasn't satisfactory I'd be talking to the Admin.
If I was auditing an organization readying them for a state or federal Audit and saw these drugs, one or combination of them written in a chart I would think it a very big error or 'ding'. I'd think what the heck is going on here, and that I may have witnessed evidence of doctor assisted suicide.
The people given those drugs were murdered.
The staff who allowed this to happen are guilty. They could have spoken up, refused, fought back, or walked out instead they gave them drugs which they knew would lead to their deaths. God forgive them, I don't have too
This comment everyone needs to see as it is extremely important. I have pinned it.
When I next swing by (I have to tackle a number of other tasks first), I'll add your comment into my article if you're okay with it, as it provides the in-depth medical insight and understanding that other people need to see.
I suspect it is related to the spike in the other drugs being ordered in April 2020 (along with Oxycodone and Metoclopramide), but I don't understand for the life of me why. Why suddenly stop ordering that drug in April 2020? What's your take on possibilities?
After reading every article and all comments I admit to temporarily experiencing a degree of cognitive dissonance attempting to square the objective evidence presented and the Hippocratic Oath of Ethics To Do No Harm. The drug in question is a potent glucocorticoid. Used to control or prevent inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts and reversing capillary permeability. It Does suppresses immune system by reducing volume and activity of lymphatic system, this would have been important in early stage of Covid 19 disease.
Were the people in these care homes tested for respiratory pathogens and/or given the COVID 19 shots? Either way enhancing respiration by reducing inflammation, increasing O2 sats and decreasing activity of circulating lymphatics would have been helpful in preventing progression of disease by circulating spike protein, but I digress.
If patients charts contain a ICD 10 for a Respiratory Disease, virus or other and the facility was reimbursed under this code then expect to see correlation between codes (diagnosis) and medications prescribed to treat. If these don't jive then how were they reimbursed for 'care'?
Yes, I will confess I do appear to have made an error and confused it with one of the many other chemicals I was looking at. It is an anti-inflammatory that treats arthritis that's administered intra-muscularly and I think I got mentally confused (I've got a list of 43 different dosages and drugs). I will also admit I had likely spelled it wrong, but in my defence many medical documents spell drug names wrong as well and I won't profess familiarity enough to know what is the right spelling.
I did an in-depth write-up on all the drug anomalies I could find here, and would greatly appreciate your feedback. There's more data on the 'crashed' drugs as well, including dosage breakdowns which may offer more insight:
I don't really have much data on the US, so I'm not really able to comment. Jessica Hockett has been trying to answer the question of NYC deaths for a while now and has struggled to find datasets.
It was perhaps used in later months. Remdesivir was still undergoing trials in the early months and did not appear to have been approved until October 2020:
Just going by what I have been told but one gets told so much and hard to know if fact etc!? If you write material I send essays to The White Rose and they publish them! Shall ask for more information on REMDESIVER!?
In terms of The Daily Beagle's Copyright policy, it is outlined here what can/can't be used (this isn't legal advice, however, as it may vary by country basis):
The Daily Beagle will usually forgive infringements (assuming it isn't too egregious or malicious), and has an open source type licence. That said, articles will often reference other people's copyrighted works, and their copyrights might *not* be open source or copyable (depending on which country you publish the work in; copyright law varies by country and we cannot offer legal advice).
In short, if you infringe any of The Daily Beagle's work, we're likely not going to come after you (so feel free to copy and credit), but we cannot extend that protection to other people's copyright we don't own or hold, nor can we advise on their copyright or applicable laws.
The images we use for thumbnails are nearly always original works, or sourced from either commercial public domain or open source materials, so they're likely safe to use freely.
I have been brutalized beyond the point where I "refuse to accept". Realization of the horrid truth about 9/11 got me here. It wasn't a fun journey. I can have some sympathy for those just now having to make the transition. I lost family to this genocide too.
Can financial and legal incompetence cause deaths?
Hell, yeah.
In UK, US, and Australia (probably all western countries), politicians raided welfare funds for decades until there was no money left. Oops, what to do? Cooly logical, these psychopaths decided to kill off the age pensioners.
How did we get to this point?
I can't answer for other nations but I definitely know the story for Australia. Mandated by referendum, the Chifley government established the Social Services Act in 1946, in which funds were provided by workers out of gross income into what was titled the Welfare Fund. This was owned by the workers, and government was expressly forbidden to interfere. The then Prime Minister Robert Menzies stole the money by stealth and used it to build the Snowy River hydoelectric scheme. The money was never repaid and Menzies got happily re-elected. A later crooked PM, Paul Keating, resented the vast sums needed for age pensions so he illegally introduced'means testing', which prevented age pensioners from getting jobs and accessing better nutrition, so a high attrition rate ensued, significantly reducing pension payouts. But politicians continued to resent pensions and so the covid scam enabled a regime of forced euthanasia using depressants and remdesivir, with mRNA jabs to reduce those who survived.
Frankly, I am impatient to kill these psychopaths.
I would not even extend these psychopaths the benefit of the word 'incompetence' because what they did was clearly planned.
They stole from the pensions, they stole from the pensioners, they stole from the public, and now they seek to kill off those around them, both to cover-up their prior crimes and to further their own selfish, power consolidating agendas.
This evidence has to become widely known public knowledge. The veil must be ripped from people's eyes, and they must see before them the massacre of the elderly that has occurred. No longer can it be denied or explained away or excused or justified or gaslit.
They gave the order, their lackeys executed that order, people were killed. Plain as day, black and white.
You are right, of course. We must let the world know of their crimes so that they will understand why we applied the psychopath's solutions to the psychopaths. Here's a cute path to justice and public protection: invite your local bike gang to earn a few quick bucks. Advertise for public subsubscriptions to finance the payments. The more creative entrepreneurs will explain the rest to you, or you can just donate and look the other way. "How to save the world and still do a Pontius Pilate." Hymmm... I am sure there's a song in there somewhere.
Unfortunately The Daily Beagle isn't financially viable enough yet for any Bruce Wayne types of justice (or even MacGyver levels), but I understand your meaning.
I fear it may be up to the public to ensure justice is done. I hope sufficient swathes find this evidence so undeniable and so blatant they recognise the depths of the horrors before them and acknowledge the truth. If this does not do it - even peer-reviewed papers - I am not sure what will.
Thank you for being on the right side of history. We may get our Benjamin Franklin moment yet!
Never mind, I have a couple of ideas of my own. I am seeking old military acquaintances who can help me form a secret militia. There are lots of nice folks out there who have lots of experience in fundamentalist societal control. I have already sent them messages. I see a BF moment glowing on the horizon.
My recommendation is to keep any plans off the internet and off-radar. Don't even tell me what they are (for all you know I could be a Fed... or Substack!).
Internet is swarming with datamining agents and bots.
Only things discussed in private - away from *any* electronic devices - have any chance of privacy. No smartphones - not even ones switched off. Isolated grass field, no walkie-talkies, nothing. Zero electronics policy.
Seriously, I tested backdoored datamining. The only things that stayed safe was a secret whispered in a field with zero electronics, and shorthand obfuscation notes I wrote using pen in a physical book. Everything else is horribly compromised.
Thank you, I recently purchased canisters that say they are from The Red Cross. I am hoping they help. It will hopefully help when he feels he can’t breathe, of course it isn’t a frequent occurrence, but a terrible feeling and I am sure worse at his age.
We have also agreed to have a nurse visit once a week and that may also help. He uses VA medical care and I have to say they have been very kind and respectful, they have explained it is completely out of their hands, it is all “regulated” by Medicare.
He is fortunate that my 89 year old mother is healthy and takes care of him. She has a very difficult time understanding how illegal immigrants are given everything for nothing and she and he have to battle for everything.
They have lived long enough to see the terrible changes happening. Having lived through the depression where people would knock on their door begging for food, to now, where Americans live homeless in the streets while illegals are practically brought into America and “given” free room and board, medical care and more.
Having generations arriving here in the 1600’s, fighting in the Revolutionary War, seeing statues of Americans who fought for this country torn down, while disrupter’s are allowed to destroy property, threaten others and nothing happens!
It sounds like I digress but to us it is related, the disruption of the American way of life. Americans mean less and less to those in power. Eventually, if things do not change, it will no longer be the American dream but instead it will be the American nightmare! But, thank you for your thoughtfulness!
Looking back to the Obama administration there was plenty of discussion about ending life for the elderly sooner, it was trumpeted by Ron Emmanuel’s brother who worked under Obama, I believe. Much continues to change under Biden to make it more difficult for older Americans to get certain treatments or medications, it just isn’t talked about. My 93 year old father who was on oxygen in the hospital has begged for oxygen at home but unless he is willing to go on “palliative” care, i.e., hospice , he cannot get it . This country continues to go to hell and if the democrats stay in power, God help us! But, so many Americans still seem to prefer a nice smile and empty promises. Change just keeps on coming and most Americans don’t even realize everything has been implemented as planned! They aren’t finished, just wait!
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, speak with a medical professional.
Oxygen you may be able to obtain outside the context of a hospital, given oxygen cannisters don't always need a prescription to obtain. For example, in the UK, one can order directly from gas companies (I imagine America has their own version):
You will want 'medical grade' oxygen, as it requires a specific intermix of oxygen and nitrogen to prevent hyperoxia. Do not get 'industrial grade oxygen', even out of desperation, as it is *too strong* an oxygen concentration for humans, and lacks a nitrogen intermix.
You may also wish to trial an oxygen concentrator. These do not produce oxygen to the same concentrations as a 'medical grade' oxygen cannister, but if your father is able to get on with it, you will find long-term it is cheaper than oxygen cannisters and more convenient as you don't have to haul heavy cannisters to and from places.
My husband was murdered in a Florida hospital from the deadly Covid protocol and yes midazolam was used in his last days. Along with many other deadly drugs. Including propofol, fentanyl and preceded. 60 pages of drugs in a 5 1/2 week period. He went in healthy and taking no medications. They euthanized 1.2 million people.
Jesus please bring Justice and accountability soon! 🙏🏻
I know the article is for NYC, which is what she's focused on, but she's effectively my American counterpart and is very interested in uncovering what happened in the hospitals regarding the so-called "COVID-19 deaths" which clearly have something suspicious going on.
You're also welcome to share additional details with myself, however I am processing a lot of backlog of research in various topics so my turnaround time is much, much slower (Jessica is mainly focused on US hospital deaths so she'll be likely faster). She's in dire need of leads on causes of deaths.
You might have to subscribe (for free) to Jessica's Substack first before you can post in the comment section. Jessica does also have a Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Wood_House76
However Twitter often suppresses and hides messages, so it's best to try to subscribe to her Substack and then comment. I'll see if I can get their attention.
It would be interesting to know all countries that this happened in etc. Also would be good if people could get together and work as one/sharing information etc!? In UK there is a couple of inquiries on-going! covidfamiliesforjusticeuk@gmail.com-------contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk
Unfortunately I don't have native access to other countries datasets, and I don't speak any language besides English, so I'd struggle. I've heard rumours it occurred in Germany and Australia, and that different drugs were used in America, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.
The only other coverage close to this is the antibiotics article (covering several countries) and the 'Kanada's Aktion T4' article, covering Canada's MAID.
Just be aware they might not have used Midazolam, and may have used alternative drugs (either alternative chemical compositions or alternative brand names). You will want to check what their "end of life" pathway uses for drugs, and then check it against prescription databases (if you have access to that data) to see if there is a corresponding spike about the same period as a sharp jump in so-called 'COVID-19 deaths' in 2020.
From the viewpoint of the Entitled Elites these folks were mere useless eaters. Eliminating them also helped to “solve” the imbalance of Social Security payouts to worker contributions. All consistent with utilitarian and Malthusian “ethics.”
I remember how back in 2012, social care crisis was non-stop, the financing issues etc. Even in 2015, behind the scenes, the NHS were screaming about not enough carehome beds to discharge elderly patients to. It sort of was a continuous complaint people just accepted by 2019.
Suddenly, come 2020... it all went eerily quiet. I know for a fact no additional financing plans were put in place, and private carehomes had not increased. No complaints about pension payouts or 'triple lock', no mentions of bed shortages or lack of "social care".
I think we all know what just happened. I'm still trying to process it.
As I’ve commented on other substacks, SkyNews had reporters embedded in carehomes in Spring 2020. This report is quite hard to find now, but it is still buried on the SkyNews website.
Reporting: Nick Martin, people and politics correspondent
Producer: Fiona Mackie
They essentially had the story then but did not mention Midazolam. If I was following this up, I’d contact Nick and Fiona. I’m sure they were told to STFU.
In my efforts to broach the EMA leaks with numerous mainstream outlets, I learnt the depth and extent of their corruption. None wanted to cover it. BMJ touched it, and Daily Mail reported on the BMJ but then deleted their story. Even many alternate news outlets did not pick it up. Even now, the spearleading website is 'Trial Site News' who are on the admittedly more obscure end of the media spectrum.
I'm not sure I would get anything out of Sky News or their media pundits. Getting anyone to talk is like trying to create ice in a desert with bare hands.
Was this spike in intentional Midazolam abuse limited to the UK?
BTW I myself and a couple other relatives I know have used benzodiazepines before, but not Midazolam, mostly the weaker, long-acting ones, and will again should the need really arise as they do have their uses. But we're also aware of the risks so it's definitely for special cases. Have you heard or read about the flip side -- about the conspiracy to make benzos much harder to get because benzos are one of the primary drugs to treat drug addiction? From narcotics to plain alcohol addiction (though I have no experience; I also don't drink) even works as a quick antidote to being hyped up on too much caffeine or other stimulants. Although ironically, you can get addicted to benzos themselves if used continuously long enough.
I can definitely attest to the much greater difficulty in obtaining them, so this abuse in intentional liberal use, esp. with opioids (a big no-no) in any medical setting is all the more suspicious. My previous long term GP who was more patient-oriented and completely forthright about issues with the hospital management (his bosses)), Pharma dept. regulations, etc told me about the crackdown, which also applies to other drugs where they want to push one over another. Even getting it across the border in Mexico which used to be available OTC like other prescription only drugs in the US, although whether this was a grey market thing in Mexico at the time I don't know, became strictly banned.
"Was this spike in intentional Midazolam abuse limited to the UK?"
I do believe (I could be very wrong though) Midazolam is not used outside of the UK/Europe; even the usage within the UK is abnormal and off-label (not authorised). I strongly suspect alternative, similar acting drugs were used in the Americas, such as the Canadian example given, although I do not have the overwhelming damning evidence in other countries that the UK does.
Perhaps plucky American sleuths can pick up the American papertrail and see where it leads. New York might be a good start - as would any State with an artificially high number of elderly deaths.
"about the conspiracy to make benzos much harder to get because benzos are one of the primary drugs to treat drug addiction?"
Interestingly, benzos are heavily used by drug addicts on the street, which is why my first port of call was to look at overdose deaths. They're part of the "downers" used in conjunction with "uppers", and are a major factor in opioid overdose cases outside of a 'care' home setting.
They are, as you're suggesting, a restricted drug (at least within the UK). Only available by prescription ordering. The 'benzos' used in drug treatment would most likely be the oral solution rather than the intramuscular/intravenous solution used with the elderly. The oral solution did not see a corresponding spike.
"I can definitely attest to the much greater difficulty in obtaining them, so this abuse in intentional liberal use, esp. with opioids (a big no-no) in any medical setting is all the more suspicious."
Normally such usage would be heavily scrunitised, especially at risk of theft by care staff. In contrast, NICE opened the floodgates despite there being no evidential call for it.
"Even getting it across the border in Mexico which used to be available OTC like other prescription only drugs in the US, although whether this was a grey market thing in Mexico at the time I don't know, became strictly banned."
Benzos did indeed become regulated as part of the US drug war, but I cannot testify to their usage in an American clinical or care home setting as the evidence is noticeably lacking.
The biggest problem is I don't know what drug substitute they used instead of Midazolam (a needle in a haystack to randomly guess at), and I wouldn't know what prescribing database to query for volume of orders, especially with so many private enterprises ongoing.
Would need a whistleblower or insider familiar with the American political landscape within care home medicine to comment/advise. I know it's there based on the circumstantial evidence, proving it is the difficult part.
Thanks for clarifying about Midazolam being used in the UK (I had not hear of it until recently, but knew about lorazepam, diazepam, oxazepam, etc for a while) and the spike in injection form. I missed the 97% part your article. I do recall reading about the "downers" to counter the "uppers" part a while back on drug forums. The risk for their own addiction is also well known, and you probably know about Jordan Peterson's addiction to it after using it to treat other conditions, so I'm very cautious about my own and to remind my relative as well
A lot of people are culpable in this matter - Matt Hancock and his cohorts included - and if I tried to list all those responsible the article would never be finished.
The fact there's already backlash forming from establishment medical circles in response to this compilation of evidence tells me everything I need to know. Hasn't even been 24 hours!
I am sorry to hear of your loss of your father. I'm glad your mother was able to avoid such an ordeal.
Yes, the, depths of depravity in the medical system are something else, and the level of evil is difficult to comprehend. Fentanyl is a very powerful drug, the smallest of doses can kill, and normally used as a heavy sedative pre-surgery. I personally could not see why it would be used to treat a kidney stone.
I think people are psychologically trained to think of genocides as something that only happens in the past, and they're not used to the idea they are current, ongoing things that never quite go away.
The insidious nature of this all, is difficult to comprehend.
This comment is so upsetting. So sorry about your dad David. Made me weep. I am so so happy you were able to rescue your mom. It really sounds like a very close call. Thank god your sister was determined to break mom out of there. Hope she is doing well and surrounded by loved ones now. I am also shocked by giving her FENTANYL! We are in Arizona and sending your mom our best~
I wanted to ask an important favour, and you don't have to do this, but I think early evidence shows this is a thing (see: https://twitter.com/CoffeeandFudge/status/1632489634050473989), and I would like to more concretely prove this is the case.
Would it be possible for you to file a request to see what other drugs your 'vaccine'-injected father was given prior to his death, and relay those findings to me? Only the days between the 'vaccine' and the death need to be covered.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the vaccine injured are being killed off by midazolam upon their entry into healthcare, and proving it would help save lives, however I don't currently have sufficient evidence to make that case. Assuming it happened similarly with your father, it would lend weight.
Midazolam is rarely used outside of a surgical setting here in the USA. Speaking from years of experience as an independent prof nurse auditor, I have never seen this prescribed in any care-home setting in the US, I know it is sometimes used for people with poor clearance but it is rare. Lorazepam (Ativan) is the DOC anxiolytic prescribed here for the geriatric population so commonly prescribed for agitation/anxiety it is often referred to as Vit A among nursing staff. Oral tabs (po) are small, can be cut or crushed, and it is prescribed the majority of the time, rarely IM or IV unless the patient can not swallow. Haloperidol is not prescribed often outside of the geri-psych population d/t SE, opioids are rarely prescribed for anything other than pain greater than 6/10 d/t high risk for constipation/impaction/blockage, delirium, CNS depression, drowsiness, and when they are prescribed it is a PRN and a bowel regimen must be in place, this is or was protocol. If I see opioids in the chart I'm looking for ALOT of documentation on pain assessment and a diagnosis of Cancer or other pathologies warranting their use.
All of the drugs listed in your article increase Fall Risk which is serious, so if these drugs were prescribed, one or God forbid all four, then I'd be very concerned, enough so that patients records better have documentation, documentation, documentation. Lots of it and I'd be having a discussion with the DNS, and if that wasn't satisfactory I'd be talking to the Admin.
If I was auditing an organization readying them for a state or federal Audit and saw these drugs, one or combination of them written in a chart I would think it a very big error or 'ding'. I'd think what the heck is going on here, and that I may have witnessed evidence of doctor assisted suicide.
The people given those drugs were murdered.
The staff who allowed this to happen are guilty. They could have spoken up, refused, fought back, or walked out instead they gave them drugs which they knew would lead to their deaths. God forgive them, I don't have too
This comment everyone needs to see as it is extremely important. I have pinned it.
When I next swing by (I have to tackle a number of other tasks first), I'll add your comment into my article if you're okay with it, as it provides the in-depth medical insight and understanding that other people need to see.
Yes. Thank you.
Denise, could I get your opinion on this weird trend I'm seeing?
In April 2020 the muscle relaxant Triamcinolone acetonide... crashes in prescription ordering.
I suspect it is related to the spike in the other drugs being ordered in April 2020 (along with Oxycodone and Metoclopramide), but I don't understand for the life of me why. Why suddenly stop ordering that drug in April 2020? What's your take on possibilities?
After reading every article and all comments I admit to temporarily experiencing a degree of cognitive dissonance attempting to square the objective evidence presented and the Hippocratic Oath of Ethics To Do No Harm. The drug in question is a potent glucocorticoid. Used to control or prevent inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts and reversing capillary permeability. It Does suppresses immune system by reducing volume and activity of lymphatic system, this would have been important in early stage of Covid 19 disease.
Were the people in these care homes tested for respiratory pathogens and/or given the COVID 19 shots? Either way enhancing respiration by reducing inflammation, increasing O2 sats and decreasing activity of circulating lymphatics would have been helpful in preventing progression of disease by circulating spike protein, but I digress.
If patients charts contain a ICD 10 for a Respiratory Disease, virus or other and the facility was reimbursed under this code then expect to see correlation between codes (diagnosis) and medications prescribed to treat. If these don't jive then how were they reimbursed for 'care'?
Something is very wrong with the records, I bet.
Excellent question on the financing aspect.
I made an error in my reply and had no idea how to fix it.
Second try, Triamcinoline acetonide is not a muscle relaxant and if you can check on your source or spelling?
I'm unable to think this through because I'm sure from a nursing consideration you've made an error 😊
Yes, I will confess I do appear to have made an error and confused it with one of the many other chemicals I was looking at. It is an anti-inflammatory that treats arthritis that's administered intra-muscularly and I think I got mentally confused (I've got a list of 43 different dosages and drugs). I will also admit I had likely spelled it wrong, but in my defence many medical documents spell drug names wrong as well and I won't profess familiarity enough to know what is the right spelling.
I did an in-depth write-up on all the drug anomalies I could find here, and would greatly appreciate your feedback. There's more data on the 'crashed' drugs as well, including dosage breakdowns which may offer more insight:
You have done a lot of work.
I will read everything you have done. The processing of all your research will take me a few days. Thank you for asking.
They used (use) morphine in the US as pre vent sedation.
Just for clarification, do you mean pre-ventilation or prevent? I assume pre-ventilation but just want to be clear.
You assume correctly.
In USA was it not REMDESIVER that was used!? Just asking!?
I don't really have much data on the US, so I'm not really able to comment. Jessica Hockett has been trying to answer the question of NYC deaths for a while now and has struggled to find datasets.
It was perhaps used in later months. Remdesivir was still undergoing trials in the early months and did not appear to have been approved until October 2020:
Just going by what I have been told but one gets told so much and hard to know if fact etc!? If you write material I send essays to The White Rose and they publish them! Shall ask for more information on REMDESIVER!?
In terms of The Daily Beagle's Copyright policy, it is outlined here what can/can't be used (this isn't legal advice, however, as it may vary by country basis):
The Daily Beagle will usually forgive infringements (assuming it isn't too egregious or malicious), and has an open source type licence. That said, articles will often reference other people's copyrighted works, and their copyrights might *not* be open source or copyable (depending on which country you publish the work in; copyright law varies by country and we cannot offer legal advice).
In short, if you infringe any of The Daily Beagle's work, we're likely not going to come after you (so feel free to copy and credit), but we cannot extend that protection to other people's copyright we don't own or hold, nor can we advise on their copyright or applicable laws.
The images we use for thumbnails are nearly always original works, or sourced from either commercial public domain or open source materials, so they're likely safe to use freely.
I have been brutalized beyond the point where I "refuse to accept". Realization of the horrid truth about 9/11 got me here. It wasn't a fun journey. I can have some sympathy for those just now having to make the transition. I lost family to this genocide too.
Can financial and legal incompetence cause deaths?
Hell, yeah.
In UK, US, and Australia (probably all western countries), politicians raided welfare funds for decades until there was no money left. Oops, what to do? Cooly logical, these psychopaths decided to kill off the age pensioners.
How did we get to this point?
I can't answer for other nations but I definitely know the story for Australia. Mandated by referendum, the Chifley government established the Social Services Act in 1946, in which funds were provided by workers out of gross income into what was titled the Welfare Fund. This was owned by the workers, and government was expressly forbidden to interfere. The then Prime Minister Robert Menzies stole the money by stealth and used it to build the Snowy River hydoelectric scheme. The money was never repaid and Menzies got happily re-elected. A later crooked PM, Paul Keating, resented the vast sums needed for age pensions so he illegally introduced'means testing', which prevented age pensioners from getting jobs and accessing better nutrition, so a high attrition rate ensued, significantly reducing pension payouts. But politicians continued to resent pensions and so the covid scam enabled a regime of forced euthanasia using depressants and remdesivir, with mRNA jabs to reduce those who survived.
Frankly, I am impatient to kill these psychopaths.
I would not even extend these psychopaths the benefit of the word 'incompetence' because what they did was clearly planned.
They stole from the pensions, they stole from the pensioners, they stole from the public, and now they seek to kill off those around them, both to cover-up their prior crimes and to further their own selfish, power consolidating agendas.
This evidence has to become widely known public knowledge. The veil must be ripped from people's eyes, and they must see before them the massacre of the elderly that has occurred. No longer can it be denied or explained away or excused or justified or gaslit.
They gave the order, their lackeys executed that order, people were killed. Plain as day, black and white.
You are right, of course. We must let the world know of their crimes so that they will understand why we applied the psychopath's solutions to the psychopaths. Here's a cute path to justice and public protection: invite your local bike gang to earn a few quick bucks. Advertise for public subsubscriptions to finance the payments. The more creative entrepreneurs will explain the rest to you, or you can just donate and look the other way. "How to save the world and still do a Pontius Pilate." Hymmm... I am sure there's a song in there somewhere.
Unfortunately The Daily Beagle isn't financially viable enough yet for any Bruce Wayne types of justice (or even MacGyver levels), but I understand your meaning.
I fear it may be up to the public to ensure justice is done. I hope sufficient swathes find this evidence so undeniable and so blatant they recognise the depths of the horrors before them and acknowledge the truth. If this does not do it - even peer-reviewed papers - I am not sure what will.
Thank you for being on the right side of history. We may get our Benjamin Franklin moment yet!
Never mind, I have a couple of ideas of my own. I am seeking old military acquaintances who can help me form a secret militia. There are lots of nice folks out there who have lots of experience in fundamentalist societal control. I have already sent them messages. I see a BF moment glowing on the horizon.
My recommendation is to keep any plans off the internet and off-radar. Don't even tell me what they are (for all you know I could be a Fed... or Substack!).
Internet is swarming with datamining agents and bots.
Only things discussed in private - away from *any* electronic devices - have any chance of privacy. No smartphones - not even ones switched off. Isolated grass field, no walkie-talkies, nothing. Zero electronics policy.
Seriously, I tested backdoored datamining. The only things that stayed safe was a secret whispered in a field with zero electronics, and shorthand obfuscation notes I wrote using pen in a physical book. Everything else is horribly compromised.
I confirm misuse of midazolam in Combination with Morphine for so called end of Life Care.
Thank you, I recently purchased canisters that say they are from The Red Cross. I am hoping they help. It will hopefully help when he feels he can’t breathe, of course it isn’t a frequent occurrence, but a terrible feeling and I am sure worse at his age.
We have also agreed to have a nurse visit once a week and that may also help. He uses VA medical care and I have to say they have been very kind and respectful, they have explained it is completely out of their hands, it is all “regulated” by Medicare.
He is fortunate that my 89 year old mother is healthy and takes care of him. She has a very difficult time understanding how illegal immigrants are given everything for nothing and she and he have to battle for everything.
They have lived long enough to see the terrible changes happening. Having lived through the depression where people would knock on their door begging for food, to now, where Americans live homeless in the streets while illegals are practically brought into America and “given” free room and board, medical care and more.
Having generations arriving here in the 1600’s, fighting in the Revolutionary War, seeing statues of Americans who fought for this country torn down, while disrupter’s are allowed to destroy property, threaten others and nothing happens!
It sounds like I digress but to us it is related, the disruption of the American way of life. Americans mean less and less to those in power. Eventually, if things do not change, it will no longer be the American dream but instead it will be the American nightmare! But, thank you for your thoughtfulness!
Looking back to the Obama administration there was plenty of discussion about ending life for the elderly sooner, it was trumpeted by Ron Emmanuel’s brother who worked under Obama, I believe. Much continues to change under Biden to make it more difficult for older Americans to get certain treatments or medications, it just isn’t talked about. My 93 year old father who was on oxygen in the hospital has begged for oxygen at home but unless he is willing to go on “palliative” care, i.e., hospice , he cannot get it . This country continues to go to hell and if the democrats stay in power, God help us! But, so many Americans still seem to prefer a nice smile and empty promises. Change just keeps on coming and most Americans don’t even realize everything has been implemented as planned! They aren’t finished, just wait!
I'm sorry to hear that about your father.
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, speak with a medical professional.
Oxygen you may be able to obtain outside the context of a hospital, given oxygen cannisters don't always need a prescription to obtain. For example, in the UK, one can order directly from gas companies (I imagine America has their own version):
You will want 'medical grade' oxygen, as it requires a specific intermix of oxygen and nitrogen to prevent hyperoxia. Do not get 'industrial grade oxygen', even out of desperation, as it is *too strong* an oxygen concentration for humans, and lacks a nitrogen intermix.
You may also wish to trial an oxygen concentrator. These do not produce oxygen to the same concentrations as a 'medical grade' oxygen cannister, but if your father is able to get on with it, you will find long-term it is cheaper than oxygen cannisters and more convenient as you don't have to haul heavy cannisters to and from places.
Hopefully this helps.
Thank you I appreciate your kind sentiments.
I would absolutely share our story and do whatever I can to help get accountability and Justice for Jeff and
others. Also to stop them from doing this to anyone else. I will reach out to Jessica!!
Absolutely they did this!
My husband was murdered in a Florida hospital from the deadly Covid protocol and yes midazolam was used in his last days. Along with many other deadly drugs. Including propofol, fentanyl and preceded. 60 pages of drugs in a 5 1/2 week period. He went in healthy and taking no medications. They euthanized 1.2 million people.
Jesus please bring Justice and accountability soon! 🙏🏻
Sharon, I am absolutely sorry to hear of your loss.
If you're willing to share details, it may be possible to help move exposure of this forwards.
I recommend leaving a comment with Jessica Hockett at Woodhouse 76:
I know the article is for NYC, which is what she's focused on, but she's effectively my American counterpart and is very interested in uncovering what happened in the hospitals regarding the so-called "COVID-19 deaths" which clearly have something suspicious going on.
You're also welcome to share additional details with myself, however I am processing a lot of backlog of research in various topics so my turnaround time is much, much slower (Jessica is mainly focused on US hospital deaths so she'll be likely faster). She's in dire need of leads on causes of deaths.
Do you have another way for me to contact her? It wouldn’t let me post my post ???
Can you contact her via email at:
It'll make sharing docs/images easier. Let me know how it goes!
Perfect! TY
You might have to subscribe (for free) to Jessica's Substack first before you can post in the comment section. Jessica does also have a Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Wood_House76
However Twitter often suppresses and hides messages, so it's best to try to subscribe to her Substack and then comment. I'll see if I can get their attention.
I did subscribe but maybe it takes a bit to process but I have her contact email now so I’ll go that route. TY
It would be interesting to know all countries that this happened in etc. Also would be good if people could get together and work as one/sharing information etc!? In UK there is a couple of inquiries on-going! covidfamiliesforjusticeuk@gmail.com-------contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk
Unfortunately I don't have native access to other countries datasets, and I don't speak any language besides English, so I'd struggle. I've heard rumours it occurred in Germany and Australia, and that different drugs were used in America, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.
The only other coverage close to this is the antibiotics article (covering several countries) and the 'Kanada's Aktion T4' article, covering Canada's MAID.
I shall write to various places to see if they can confirm all the countries that did same with elderly etc!
Let me know what your findings are.
Just be aware they might not have used Midazolam, and may have used alternative drugs (either alternative chemical compositions or alternative brand names). You will want to check what their "end of life" pathway uses for drugs, and then check it against prescription databases (if you have access to that data) to see if there is a corresponding spike about the same period as a sharp jump in so-called 'COVID-19 deaths' in 2020.
From the viewpoint of the Entitled Elites these folks were mere useless eaters. Eliminating them also helped to “solve” the imbalance of Social Security payouts to worker contributions. All consistent with utilitarian and Malthusian “ethics.”
I remember how back in 2012, social care crisis was non-stop, the financing issues etc. Even in 2015, behind the scenes, the NHS were screaming about not enough carehome beds to discharge elderly patients to. It sort of was a continuous complaint people just accepted by 2019.
Suddenly, come 2020... it all went eerily quiet. I know for a fact no additional financing plans were put in place, and private carehomes had not increased. No complaints about pension payouts or 'triple lock', no mentions of bed shortages or lack of "social care".
I think we all know what just happened. I'm still trying to process it.
As I’ve commented on other substacks, SkyNews had reporters embedded in carehomes in Spring 2020. This report is quite hard to find now, but it is still buried on the SkyNews website.
Muriel’s story from Sky News in June 2020.
Reporting: Nick Martin, people and politics correspondent
Producer: Fiona Mackie
They essentially had the story then but did not mention Midazolam. If I was following this up, I’d contact Nick and Fiona. I’m sure they were told to STFU.
In my efforts to broach the EMA leaks with numerous mainstream outlets, I learnt the depth and extent of their corruption. None wanted to cover it. BMJ touched it, and Daily Mail reported on the BMJ but then deleted their story. Even many alternate news outlets did not pick it up. Even now, the spearleading website is 'Trial Site News' who are on the admittedly more obscure end of the media spectrum.
I'm not sure I would get anything out of Sky News or their media pundits. Getting anyone to talk is like trying to create ice in a desert with bare hands.
Was this spike in intentional Midazolam abuse limited to the UK?
BTW I myself and a couple other relatives I know have used benzodiazepines before, but not Midazolam, mostly the weaker, long-acting ones, and will again should the need really arise as they do have their uses. But we're also aware of the risks so it's definitely for special cases. Have you heard or read about the flip side -- about the conspiracy to make benzos much harder to get because benzos are one of the primary drugs to treat drug addiction? From narcotics to plain alcohol addiction (though I have no experience; I also don't drink) even works as a quick antidote to being hyped up on too much caffeine or other stimulants. Although ironically, you can get addicted to benzos themselves if used continuously long enough.
I can definitely attest to the much greater difficulty in obtaining them, so this abuse in intentional liberal use, esp. with opioids (a big no-no) in any medical setting is all the more suspicious. My previous long term GP who was more patient-oriented and completely forthright about issues with the hospital management (his bosses)), Pharma dept. regulations, etc told me about the crackdown, which also applies to other drugs where they want to push one over another. Even getting it across the border in Mexico which used to be available OTC like other prescription only drugs in the US, although whether this was a grey market thing in Mexico at the time I don't know, became strictly banned.
"Was this spike in intentional Midazolam abuse limited to the UK?"
I do believe (I could be very wrong though) Midazolam is not used outside of the UK/Europe; even the usage within the UK is abnormal and off-label (not authorised). I strongly suspect alternative, similar acting drugs were used in the Americas, such as the Canadian example given, although I do not have the overwhelming damning evidence in other countries that the UK does.
Perhaps plucky American sleuths can pick up the American papertrail and see where it leads. New York might be a good start - as would any State with an artificially high number of elderly deaths.
"about the conspiracy to make benzos much harder to get because benzos are one of the primary drugs to treat drug addiction?"
Interestingly, benzos are heavily used by drug addicts on the street, which is why my first port of call was to look at overdose deaths. They're part of the "downers" used in conjunction with "uppers", and are a major factor in opioid overdose cases outside of a 'care' home setting.
They are, as you're suggesting, a restricted drug (at least within the UK). Only available by prescription ordering. The 'benzos' used in drug treatment would most likely be the oral solution rather than the intramuscular/intravenous solution used with the elderly. The oral solution did not see a corresponding spike.
"I can definitely attest to the much greater difficulty in obtaining them, so this abuse in intentional liberal use, esp. with opioids (a big no-no) in any medical setting is all the more suspicious."
Normally such usage would be heavily scrunitised, especially at risk of theft by care staff. In contrast, NICE opened the floodgates despite there being no evidential call for it.
"Even getting it across the border in Mexico which used to be available OTC like other prescription only drugs in the US, although whether this was a grey market thing in Mexico at the time I don't know, became strictly banned."
Benzos did indeed become regulated as part of the US drug war, but I cannot testify to their usage in an American clinical or care home setting as the evidence is noticeably lacking.
The biggest problem is I don't know what drug substitute they used instead of Midazolam (a needle in a haystack to randomly guess at), and I wouldn't know what prescribing database to query for volume of orders, especially with so many private enterprises ongoing.
Would need a whistleblower or insider familiar with the American political landscape within care home medicine to comment/advise. I know it's there based on the circumstantial evidence, proving it is the difficult part.
Thanks for clarifying about Midazolam being used in the UK (I had not hear of it until recently, but knew about lorazepam, diazepam, oxazepam, etc for a while) and the spike in injection form. I missed the 97% part your article. I do recall reading about the "downers" to counter the "uppers" part a while back on drug forums. The risk for their own addiction is also well known, and you probably know about Jordan Peterson's addiction to it after using it to treat other conditions, so I'm very cautious about my own and to remind my relative as well
I was not aware Jordan Peterson had an addiction. Personally I stay far away from any such drugs. Life is hard enough as it is!
This comment about the death penalty aspect may be the single most crucial element to blow this thing wide open.
Thanks for sharing and that's quite disconcerting. I thought I'd read of Midazolam somewhere but only recently and not in the usual context of benzos
Let us not forget Matt Hancock's role in carrying out this agenda
A lot of people are culpable in this matter - Matt Hancock and his cohorts included - and if I tried to list all those responsible the article would never be finished.
The fact there's already backlash forming from establishment medical circles in response to this compilation of evidence tells me everything I need to know. Hasn't even been 24 hours!
I am sorry to hear of your loss of your father. I'm glad your mother was able to avoid such an ordeal.
Yes, the, depths of depravity in the medical system are something else, and the level of evil is difficult to comprehend. Fentanyl is a very powerful drug, the smallest of doses can kill, and normally used as a heavy sedative pre-surgery. I personally could not see why it would be used to treat a kidney stone.
I think people are psychologically trained to think of genocides as something that only happens in the past, and they're not used to the idea they are current, ongoing things that never quite go away.
The insidious nature of this all, is difficult to comprehend.
This comment is so upsetting. So sorry about your dad David. Made me weep. I am so so happy you were able to rescue your mom. It really sounds like a very close call. Thank god your sister was determined to break mom out of there. Hope she is doing well and surrounded by loved ones now. I am also shocked by giving her FENTANYL! We are in Arizona and sending your mom our best~
This is horrific.
Thank God you got your mother out of there.
Hi David Lamb, I've written an article which includes your story, I imagine you may have already read it, but you can find it here if not:
I wanted to ask an important favour, and you don't have to do this, but I think early evidence shows this is a thing (see: https://twitter.com/CoffeeandFudge/status/1632489634050473989), and I would like to more concretely prove this is the case.
Would it be possible for you to file a request to see what other drugs your 'vaccine'-injected father was given prior to his death, and relay those findings to me? Only the days between the 'vaccine' and the death need to be covered.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the vaccine injured are being killed off by midazolam upon their entry into healthcare, and proving it would help save lives, however I don't currently have sufficient evidence to make that case. Assuming it happened similarly with your father, it would lend weight.