WTF. Planet Earth is a nightmare. Actually, it's not the planet...it's the people without conscience. Thank you for the photos. They're almost impossible to look at...but NEED to be seen by e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.

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I cannot take credit for any of the photos, they were taken by others and I have compiled them together in one place, as the media, and even alternate media, have failed to paint how massive of a tragedy this is, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence available.

There's even more out there.

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Do you have the source?? May I add this to my recent post, where I got this interview?


Thank you for waking people up.

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News articles should be linked (if you click on the written articles it should take you to the source). Photos are self-evident and ergo aren't sourced, that said if you're looking to compile your own, you can search terms like 'dead Gazan children', 'injured Gazan children' and so on in search engines.

I can't give permission for photo copyrights I don't hold, nor can I give any advice on copyright law or similarly; this is done purely as an exercise in the public interest as a transformative work done for free to raise awareness of a buried topic that poses a risk to human life (I even omitted the subscribe button from the article).

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Thank you for the response. Will leave with that then, while learning quite a lot about copy rights!

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Thank you for your dedicacy. It's really a mass murders in A HELLICH WAY. What a nightmare and almost no one SEE OR SAY as it is: GENOCIDE IN PLAIN VIEW!!!! Shame on us all.

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Send the pictures of these precious souls to Donald Trump. I didn’t vote.

I’m ashamed to be an American. I have no words. Literally…

And no one gives a damn…true evil is walking the Earth.

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Hell isn’t some “far off place” when we die.

We are living in hell now.

We all have Free Will.

YOU do have a choice how you treat your fellow man-brother.

It sounds easy, but each one of us is tested daily. Be aware of that responsibility.

We can all do this here, now, today!🕊️💜🕊️ Love is the only answer.

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Apathy. The world has failed the test. And will share the fate.

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Fucking demons, nothing else! SHAME on us ALL doing nothing!!!

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The gaza crime started in the old testament.


Once license is given to one tribe to exterminate another, the killings will continue until the erroneous belief stops.

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War is hell but the gratuitous and unmitigated murder of innocent civilians is abhorrent in the least and the fact there isn’t world protest over it, the worst! Israel has every right to defend itself but it has taken that right and contorted it to the point where it is clear the efforts are not defensive but genocidal. What many people, shockingly, do not realize is that Gaza is locked in by borders that are not wide open but nearly hermetically sealed. These people have no place to go to escape the bombs…it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

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"...like shooting fish in a barrel." 😐 that's not even war. That's a massacre or intentional murder. The most vile cowardice at any rate.

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I made this video using these pics. FYI


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Oh my god this is horrific! Funny that we see none of this in the msm.

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Expect any coverage to be deflected, buried, or some other "big news" event used to distract or scapegoat. There was a lot *unsaid* in this article simply so emphasis could be made on the images and photographs.

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I made sure to look at every photo. I don't know what to say.

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Totally heart breaking. And the US wants to build resort areas on land where genocide was committed.

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The entire situation is nothing less than pure evil and obscene on every level......but this applies not only to this scenario but has been repeated over and over many times not only in the past but even in this present time....without all the publicity. If only all of these foul things were shown also ! people and their suffering are nothing to these criminal beings- are they even human ? and I, for one, am so relieved that there is a God in heaven who WILL one day return and mete out justice.....my hope is that these perpetrators are made to suffer the things they have inflicted on so many millions over the years.

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Nothing more disgusting than the world's cruel indifference to this horrendous crime being perpetrated. Are we no longer human?

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Thank you for this thorough compilation of horror. I hate looking at it but it needs to be seen.

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Thanks for having the strength to compile these photos. I have used them to add to the appeal against enlargement of a factory local to me.

The L3Harris arms factory manufactures bomb release mechanisms for the Israeli fighter jets which have been massacring Palestinians in Gaza for 14 months now. Our local council refused planning permission for the factory to extend...they are appealing. I hope these photos will help stop this.

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You're doing great work, thank you for campaigning against war enlargement.

It's for people like yourself I was hoping would spur the kind of action I myself don't have the health for.

A voice for the voiceless!

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Reposting all around.

Nothing like viz ev.

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Thank you. More people need to do this so we can have a meaningful discussion.

My family fell silent when I showed them what I had put together.

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God Bless the children

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and the mothers, and the fathers.

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