Feb 15Liked by The Underdog

https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/gcmaf-and-persecution-david-noakes-lyn-thyer-immuno-biotech cautionary tale. What was done to them has parallels to Reiner Fuelmich. Illegal rendition to France for incarceration.

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Feb 15Liked by The Underdog

Why would France be any different from any other country involved in Globalization? (It isn't.) As the tidal wave of Awareness builds to a tipping point, the Nasties become more and more brazen, which means they are frightened, because they all know what happens to tyrants... think of Mussolini. Meanwhile, they are attempting to FORCE the cull now, not just in France, either. I think we'll see a VAST number of elderly leaving this plane over the next years... Unless we stop it.

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Feb 15Liked by The Underdog

¡vive le Guillotine! Le mort au Macron!

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