Kudos if you were willing to click through to the article to have your view challenged, as there is evidence no-one seems to have seen.
In the current era, people who gain the ire of the trial court of public opinion on social media find themselves much maligned, and in most cases, unable to defend themselves, unable to navigate such an easily distorted world.
As people repeat and parrot the same talking points to each other, the original hard evidence is lost — even maliciously ignored. They have no compulsion to check the evidence or verify the image painted by second and third hand sources.
And none is more true than in the curious case of Kanye West.
Yes, The Daily Beagle, defender of underdogs, is here once again, this time to do what people would think as unthinkable — to defend Kanye West. Shocking, right? But, we have the evidence, the images, and the manually typed transcripts, so sit back, and let this public defender show you what truly happened.
How could you possibly defend the words “I like Hitler”?
Interesting that, out of over 2 and a half hours of video involving Kanye West, three words, stripped of all context, which happen after the 2 hours, 42 minute and 42 second mark, are all that remain of the interview in the minds of people and media.
How quickly repetition and Asch conformity took over.
You’re made to think, by omission, that all Kanye West ever did — non-stop for over two hours — is just say to Alex Jones ‘I like Hitler’. Does that not strike you as odd? Wouldn’t he have said other things? Is that the only offensive thing they could find?
Does that not seem like an absurd statement? Why would Alex Jones sit for over 2 and a half hours with a man who only says just those three words? It made no sense to The Daily Beagle, so we went digging for the context. And then we went one better, because The Daily Beagle will get the real reporting.
We manually wrote a video transcript of the exact exchange, including as many stutters, errors and interrupts as possible. You’ll find it will change the entire context of Kanye West’s words with Alex Jones.
Context Of The Video Transcript
We’d like to preface this transcript by highlighting that earlier during the interview, Kanye expresses that he does not wish to show ‘hate’ or ‘dislike’ to anybody, and in-fact, regularly quotes biblical scripture through-out the interview. He even brought his own bible for use during the interview.
He even asks Alex Jones to invite known Jewish woman Laura Loomer to call the show to comment on a topic they’re discussing, which she does. Kanye is not critical and is actually supportive of her — mentioning how she’s been censored like Alex Jones and how it’s wrong. Kanye actually gets protective of people. This is not what you’d expect of a “Nazi” as portrayed by the media. What kind of “Nazi” gets protective of Jewish people’s speech?
By about 2 hours, 42 minutes, and 42 seconds onwards — the time of the transcript below (it not realistic to transcribe the entire video manually) — Alex Jones seems to have figured out how to exploit Kanye’s beliefs to get him to look bad. Every time Alex Jones criticises someone, Kanye feels obliged to say he ‘likes’ or ‘loves’ that person.
Notice in the transcript, Alex Jones comments on Kanye’s mask (which he has been wearing for 2 hours and a half by now), implanting the impression Kanye “looks evil” for wearing it, despite the fact Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes are both seen wearing masks themselves as part of the interview.
We were also reliably informed by an InfoWars fan that Alex Jones has worn lizard masks before, so the hypocrisy is pretty high here.
Then, just after he mentions the mask, Alex Jones himself, and by himself alone, brings up the topic of Hitler, with clearly the intention to criticise, knowing full well that Kanye will feel obliged to protect them from criticism. You might be going ‘But it is Hitler’ — yes, but Kanye was also protective of Laura Loomer, and she’s Jewish. Remember, Kanye is a rapper, not a towering academic intellect.
Before Kanye can express how he loves everybody, InfoWars intentionally play an EAS noise to interrupt him (after Alex Jones fails to do so), and then InfoWars themselves display a Quora article of “Hitler’s redeeming qualities”. Kanye didn’t ask them to display anything. And yet, no-one in the media mentioned this part of the interview which is creepy and weird.
As the transcript goes on, it turns out Kanye will profess love for anybody, which Alex Jones exploits even further by criticising Mao, Stalin, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jim Jones and any other [insert terrible person here] he could think of. Why didn’t Alex Jones name any nice or pleasant people?
Alex Jones’ ploy is so transparent that Ali Alexander actually rushes onto the scene to call him out on it, by comparing what he’s doing to Kanye, the same thing that happened to Alex regarding Sandy Hook.
Alex actually quietens for a bit, and Kanye goes on to espouse his Christian views for loving everybody, then talks about things like stopping killings, drugs, trauma. He then says he won’t let Jewish media censor his views — but remember the context, he defended Laura Loomer’s free speech, and Kanye views himself as related to Hebrews (which isn’t something he’d be saying if he hated Hebrew people as some sort of Nazi).
Exhibit A, The Video Transcript
We have bolded the parts that contradict the media’s attack narrative on Kanye.
AJ - Alex Jones
KW - Kanye West
NF - Nick Fuentes
AA - Ali Alexander
[] - Context adding comments as well as noting actions
AJ: You are something else. You look really and friendly and nice, but in that mask you look evil as hell. [Pause]
AJ: Let me just say this in closing. I've done a lot of study. I think Hitler was a really bad guy and I repudiate what Hitler did. I understand the British intelligence set him up and used him.
KW: I... I... I like Hitler
AJ: I... I don't like Hitler. [pause] I know you're trying to be shocking. But that.
KW: I'm not trying to be shocking. I like Hitler! I do not... I... the... the... Holocaust... is... not what happened. Lets look at the facts of that! [Kanye really mangles his words in a rush to avoid being interrupted by Alex]. And Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities. So... [drowned out] we love...
AJ [interrupting]: But tell us, you think... you think Hitler was the good guy in World War 2?
KW: ...I think God says, man should not kill. We should not have wars, period. None of us should be killing anybody - Ukraine, in the streets of Chicago, all violence should stop! And we should all serve Christ. That's what I feel! And I feel, like I, love, everyone, accordingly, from... all the way from the Balenciagas, to the Hitlers, all to t...
AJ [interrupting]: Let me tell you a story.
KW: H-hold on sir!
AJ: Okay
KW: ...to Ariel Emanuel [Ari cancelled Kanye], to Jamie Dimon, to the people who...
[EAS noises plays interrupting KW as an article from Quora talking about "Hitler's redeeming qualities" is shown by InfoWars]
KW: ...what's that?
AJ: It's an amber alert. Here's what I'm saying...
KW: Wow.
AJ: ...My grandfather would never tell World War 2 stories... and, after he died, we run over his stuff. He never even told of that, all the stuff he did, an' everything, it was all in the letters, commendations,
KW: I... I..
AJ: ...he told me, h-he said, 'kid!', I was like, 8 years old...
KW [still confused from earlier]: ...I always thought Amber alerts is when my ex-girlfriend Amber was doing something in the streets, I got an Amber alert... [What’s interesting is Kanye doesn’t know what an Amber alert is, and it shows how little of society he knows]
AJ: ...Before I died... I was like 5 years old, point was: and I was like 'Tell me a World War 2 story! Tell me a World War 2 story!'... he said okay: 'We came in, outta Africa, we came into Italy, he was there three years, he said by the time they got to Germany they when into this death camp, and there were piles of dead bodies - 100 feet tall - with blackbirds eating peoples eyeballs out.' All I'm telling you is, is that... just because you hate the globalists, what they're doing - I get it - Klaus Schwab's grandfather was...
KW [being interrupted]: ...I d- ...I don't ha-... I don't hate anybody... I don-
AJ: ...was a Nazi. There are Nazis above the ADL...
KW: ...Yeah but Nazis are like, kinda cool [in black culture ‘cool’ means ‘chill’ which in turn means ‘okay’, so he’s saying they’re kinda okay, not ‘radical cool’. Imagine if you described a music band as ‘kinda okay’ - it’s not a good endorsement]...
AJ: ...Because you'd liked their uniforms?
KW: NO! There are just... These are people! Everybody is a p- I love all people!
AJ: So you love the Zionists?
KW: I love the Zion- I said that earlier in the show!
AJ: Alright. [turning to Nick Fuentes to distract] Yo' have any comments on Hitler?
NF: I... I have to agree with Ye!
AA [rushes in, passionately defending KW from AJ]: Who did Ye say he hated?! Ye didn't say he hated anybody. Why isn't anybody listening to him? He said 'I love this person, I love the people who are trying to take away my children, I love this person.' He never sai...
AJ [interrupting]: But I don't think we- Listen, I'm just getting it totally clear. But I think Stali-
AA: I did the same thing, you did the same thing, on i-...
AJ [interrupting]: ...Stalin is horrible... Hitler is horrible... Mao is horrible...
KW: No, no... I love all of those people!
AJ [interrupting]: You love Mao same time? [Nazis hated the Communists with a vehemence, and Communists hated the Nazis likewise; it’d be like saying you love both the Democrat and the Republican parties]
KW: Absolutely! Mao brought s...
AJ [interrupting]: Well clear-... clarify that! You're say you're Christ-like. You love everybody. No matter... You love Jim Jones, (you love...) you love Jeffrey Dahmer?
KW: Absolutely! Everybody!
AJ: Okay well... Well le-... lets clarify! Wel- tha- err...
AA: He didn't need clarification, because he said 'I'm starting with the bible, [taps Kanye's bible] 'cause he's ending with the bible.' And... and that's what... But they did it to you Alex! Because... you had a guy who came here, 'I'll be the sane.' 'I'll be the evil guy.' 'I did Sandy Hook'. Remember? You did the same thing, he's doing right now?
AJ [embarassed]: ...alright... [pause] absolutely... Ye... we appreciate you. Anything else you want to add?
KW: Jesus is King! Start with the Bible! ...Love your children! Love your family! Think about the things that you're doing, before you throw throw stones, stop the trauma! Stop the generational abuse! The sexual abuse...
AJ [interrupting]: What next Ye, in...in...in...in Ye world? What are you gunna do next?
KW: Sir I was still in the middle of it. I still love you.
AJ: Sorry, go ahead!
KW: Stop-... Stop the abuse. Generation, they said... Th-they say abuse goes through three generations. Stop the trafficking. Instagram is sex trafficking. The-it-the-... The language: 'I-I-I-Imma screw your wife', 'Imma have all that' is trafficking. Stop it! Stop-Stop the drug usage. Stop-stop the killing, we put the guns down ourselves, we rise up! And we show God how strong we are. It's-it's our disobedience to God that got us enslaved, God, is on our side, but we have to be on God's side! We have to listen to our Father, we have to listen to God, and follow Him, and He will protect us!
AJ: I agree with that, before we can cast stones, you're saying, you love everybody, you don't judge them, it's God to judge? I agree with that statement, and we gotta change ourselves and stop pointing fingers at somebody else.
KW: Exactly!
AJ: Alright.
KW: And this is to say, hey, Imma show you how much, Jewish media, can't tell me what to say. […]
Kanye Is Socially Unaware
As you can see, Kanye West is noticeably not very adept at navigating social waters and doesn’t appear to be good at expressing himself or avoiding the obvious pitfalls of statements. To the point someone else has to defend him during the interview. Kanye was oblivious as to the social lines he was crossing.
Kanye is so oblivious, he doesn’t even know what an Amber alert is. Amber alerts are widely recognised by the average American, so Kanye must have been very sheltered to not know what one is. It is very unlikely he’s aware of the context or meaning of other issues either as a result. He’s a highly paid rapper, not an academic.
Alex Jones maneuvered to get him to say he loves dictators, serial killers, and mass murdering cultists. Only once does Alex ask him about Zionists, which even in Liberal Jewish circles, are not necessarily seen as the good guys. Notice Alex does not ask about any good people — just asks about heavily loaded ones. Viva Frei might call this “leading the witness”.
In Kanye’s eagerness to profess views on Christianity (Elon, aren’t you supposed to be Christian?), Kanye stumbled into numerous classic traps of antiquity of having his words taken out of context by those hostile to his views. He hasn’t got the sly intellect of a social commentator, nor the graces of a diplomat. He walked into several setups that any other person would have dodged, in an almost, naive, child-like fashion.
Kanye Has Mental Health And Drinking Issues
Kanye doesn’t do himself any favours in his word choices — he even admits in the interview the “death con 3” tweet was a typographical error caused by him drinking whilst composing the tweet during the interview, and claims he meant “DEFCON 3”.
It does not necessarily improve the word context, but if he was drunk when he posted it (implied by the statement), and he has been drinking since, then it explains his behaviours.
This isn’t helped by the fact Kanye West was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, long prior to this incident — and alcohol is known for making bipolar disorders worse, leading to extreme manic and depressive episodes. Highs and lows. You can see the highs and lows in Kanye’s interview as he speaks, like an oscillating wave.
Exhibit B, The Symbol
Commentators are likely to point to the symbol Kanye posted as evidence of guilt. To set the context:
Elon Musk, the man aiding the civilian-killing US military with military satellites, incited violence by saying how he wanted to punch Kanye West. Shortly after the media mob, Jewish UFC fighter Genaro Valdez even basically made insinuations of violence by inviting Kanye West to ‘visit him’. If you’re Kanye West and you’re reading this article, it isn’t a sincere invite, he just wants to beat you up.
Of course, Elon isn’t banned from his own platform for suggesting punching Kanye, but he felt inclined to declare a post by Kanye saying how he ‘loves everyone’ a form of inciting violence. What?
Now, depending on who you are and what you know, the symbol Kanye is showing is either provoking some intrigue or some horror. The Daily Beagle at first thought it was a symbol for Zionists, but it turns out, neither Elon Musk nor the media have done their homework.
Andrew Torba of Gab did (one more reason to adopt Gab; they do their research). Torba has since yeeted the post, and archive.org have engaged in censorship so the post doesn’t load there either. The Daily Beagle kept a screenshot copy.
The symbol is from a group of weirdo UFO cultists known as “Raelians”, and they’ve had variations of it since 1974.
And before you think they’re ‘Space Nazis’, they’re actually this weird alien sex cult who think aliens put them on the earth 25,000 years ago, are hardcore technologists (they advocate all the worst possible globalist policies, such as GMO foods and cloning with reckless abandon), promote peace and reject weapons. Also they think Jesus Christ is a space alien clone who has memories imprinted by space aliens.
…and they also want to see all women topless. Not men though.
That last part is what makes The Daily Beagle think it is a sex cult. They’re not, however, Nazis, so Kanye posting the symbols doesn’t actually count as ‘incitement to violence’, contrary to Elon’s slanderous words. Failure to do basic research isn’t an excuse, Elon. If Andrew Torba can do it, so can you.
Theiving Aliens
Raelian’s stuff is rife with plagiarism, which is why The Daily Beagle does not think the UFO stuff is entirely legitimate.
For example, from one drawing [NSFW] from an archived Raelian website (ignore the eyeball bait ‘space alien’ woman), The Daily Beagle was able to spot 5 counts of plagiarism, including a painfully obvious bell, not counting the Star of David + Swastika meal deal combo:
And just before anyone thinks maybe the space alien cults are just some sort of scapegoat online fanfic community, they literally had a tent showing the symbol explicitly at one of their events:
To be fair, The Daily Beagle found the Raelians to be hilarious more than anything. For some reason they kept doodling some short guy with a giant forehead (or maybe it is a woman? Hard to say with the goatee). Now it could be The Daily Beagle editor, but he doesn’t have long hair.
There’s also another Raelian image of absurdity. One where the short guy and this tall guy are standing together and the weird Raelian symbol is being held on a piece of string next to Dalek command ships and bells (UFOs, we guess?).
So, contrary to popular belief, Kanye West has not joined the Nazis, nor is he promoting violence. Instead he happens to have posted the symbol of a UFO sex cult rife with plagiarisms.
Has Kanye Joined A Weirdo UFO Sex Cult?
No. It is more likely Kanye searched for a symbol he felt represented both Zionists and Nazis to reflect his interview where he expressed love for both. Remember, Kanye is oblivious to social context, so it is likely he picked the first suitable result he found. Don’t say you’ve never taken the very first search result you’ve been handed, either.
In-fact, The Daily Beagle even tracked down the original source for the symbol. We found it here. Now, that webpage isn’t going to load for anybody who is outside of America, so you can view the archived version here, but archive.org appears to have engaged in censorship so the image doesn’t load on the archived page, so The Daily Beagle also got a nice American to screenshot the article with the image in context:
Who says The Daily Beagle doesn’t go beyond? As The Daily Beagle blurb says: ‘Get Real Reporting’ (or should that be ‘Rael reporting’?). Anyway, you can compare it to what Kanye originally posted to confirm they are one and the same:
Kayne also appears to be engaging in plagiarism, so he’d probably fit in with the Raelians nicely. Fortunately for Kanye he picked the symbol of a peace-loving weirdo alien UFO cult and not that of some eugenics movement.
Closing Arguments
The only thing Kanye West is guilty of here, is being socially oblivious. Contrary to popular belief, media twistings, quotes out-of-context, and the angry postings of judgemental people on Twitter who didn’t stop to check, Kanye is not a Nazi. Socially inept, but not a Nazi.
The Daily Beagle anticipates that, given Kanye West’s bipolar disorder and issues with alcohol, that this article will age like fine milk and he will likely make another inept social boo-boo that will make us look like apologists. We’re not. We’re reporting the truth, even as absurd and as hilarious as the giant forehead of truth may be.
The Daily Beagle. Get Real Reporting. Space alien clones welcome.
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Thanks for your research. It seems not long ago that liberals were suggesting he run for President.
Thanks for researching this. I knew Kanye was most likely getting railroaded because when does the media report anything accurately, and now I know for sure.