Oct 31, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Fauci using the wrong “there” doesn’t instill any confidence in him.

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Fauci will have made such evidence of his crimes against humanity even more inaccessible by using Sanscrit or Mayan language, to avoid legal action and inevitably facing prison (or hopefully a Death sentence) for crimes against humanity.

World Health Organisation = 'Bought and Paid For' by Bill Gates who states, "Vaccines are the most lucrative investment I ever made". Gates is the largest Invester (Influencer) in the now corrupt, WHO. Gates also believes the planet is vastly overpopulated. JOIN THE DOTS!

I remember reading the 'CoronaVirus' was patented as a 'Living Organism' many years ago, and the patentees were unknown individuals (Possibly 'stooges' for big pharma or Gates or Fauci or possibly the whole cabal?). Historically, it was not an ethically approved practice to try and Patent a Living Organism, but money talks so disciplines can be lowered, manipulated or financially compromised. The only reason such a Patent was invested in was financial = Big Pharma and other saw the profitability in modifying a virus (Gain of Function) in order to pretend they have a cure. Especially when they'd already bought a 'concession' to TEMPORARILLY avoid LIABILITY (Swine Flu = 1976) for which they had developed an equally devastatingly useless, deadly vaccine. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY in order to stop Big Pharma assuming they have an incontestable 'LICENCE to KILL'.

Also; 'F**k PayPal' for trying to fine their customers $2500 for questioning the DEADLY but useless Depopulation Program called Covid Vax! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.

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